Zen and Ouranos are standing before each other, the wind is blowing, and it seems like a thunderstorm is approaching the island. Ouranos said that this will be the last fight of one of them because one of them will die for sure. Ouranos is not aware of Zen's powers and neither Zen have any idea about Ouranos. Ouranos declared that he is no longer a normal incubus, he is now equal to them. He also said that he was in his last form in which every piece of information in the DNA is extracted and constituted in his body at a very high level, and he reduced his life span. He said that now I am equal to 'them'. Zen manifested to 20% in an instant and appeared to run towards him to land a blow. When Zen's punch was about to hit him, it was stopped right there and then by something invisible. Ouranos said that now he has the power of Heaven and there is no one capable to destroy him. Zen was suddenly repelled away due to the intensity of the aura. When Zen closely looked at him, he was surrounded by Hael's aura, The concentration of Zael was less. Zen was only able to manifest and fight, he was not able to access his special ability like Sweyn. Zen was unable to find a clue about anything and stood there still. Ouranos said that the cutthroat corps are pieces of trash who are unable to fight properly, and they can't hope for peace like this. Zen headed towards him again and landed another blow. However, he was repelled again. Ouranos said," Are you deaf". He said he declared that he can't beat him. Zen understood one thing, and that was his change of aura plays a significant role in this power-up. Zen is puzzled and Ouranos is heading toward Zen at ultimate speed.