They reached the beach. Zen said to Sweyn," the real enemy is Gratius Rosseau, the captain of East division." Sweyn was not able to believe it. The ship was approaching, and Zen said," the real enemy is in the mainland". Ship came and they boarded it. The ship started moving. The were at the top and someone came from the back and said," so Zen Beschimer and Sweyn Lamberg you two know about my true form. I can't keep you two alive." Zen manifested, at the instant Sweyn disappeared. Gratius was standing in the air at the top, holding Sweyn by his neck. Sweyn used epilepsy on him. Gratius noticed it immediately and said," you indeed have and amazing ability. Diseases, its truly rare. If you were on my side, then I would have taken you to the organization and made you a member of it". He manifested the devil eyes. 'Eyes of Freya', it was only on the left side, and it was partial manifestation. The eyes of Freya can change positions. The user can change positions with anything which he has seen. Sweyn changed positions with a sharp object from the engine room. This sharp object was a part of the object which conducted electricity for power. He took the sharp object and changed positions a small particle of dust near Zen's leg. The thing pierced his legs and blood was gushing out. Zen detached it immediately and he switched places again with rode near the upper deck and the second road got into his left palm. Zen took his whole force and came for it again this time it was with the log which had many black roads attached to it. Three of those rods pierced Zen's chest and his heart. Zen was on his knees, kneeling before Gratius with blood dropping from his mouth and nose. Gratius said," you defeated the lower ones, but the upper ones are not like the lower ones. Drill that into your head". At that instant Sweyn came and attacked Gratius from above. The positions were instantly changed with the steel bars which crossed each other. Sweyn was swapped with the cement structure in between those bars. Those bars pierced his stomach and completely destroyed his ribs. Zen was observing everything, and his vision was becoming dark. A dark curtain falling down.