It was monsoon season on the island. With rumbling thunders and luminous lightnings. The Incubus' begun coming form hades to execute their mission first among them Edrune. Moving in search of the village. Then came the other three unkown entities, they went of to different directions. Edrune was fastly heading towards the village , however since he was a vigilant Devil he felt the presence of person whom he knew and halted there." Its you Its really you", said Edrune. A shadow figure appeared before him and it was really him, 'Leon'. With a scar on his forehead and radiating a different presence. Without seeing itself Edrune knew that this man has become a worthy avdversary. In an instant Edrune disappeared and headed toward Leon, neverthless there was no one. He felt the presence at various places nontheless it was futile. Edrune strated to get exasperated. Leon appeared behind him a he looked back. Leon said,"Edrune its been really a while since we met, last time I was unable to give you a worthy perfomance. But this time you can experice it from me". At the moment Edrune headed to land a blow on Leon but he dodged, He tried to kick from beneath but it was blocked off. He tried to continuously hit. However it was in vain, he hoped to land a blow but he missed. Edrune said,"I admit that you have gotten extremely powerful in trems of hand to hand combat but that alone is not enough to beat". "Manifestation 10%", said Edrune. At the instant he was punched on his face by Leon and went flying due to the blow. Edrune increased the manifestation by 20%. Still Edrune was unable to dodge any blows which Leon was giving. Leon manifested to 50% and then he was able to see all of it coming. Devil ability " Inertia of the end", said by Edrune. Leon noticed that he was unable to move. "As the law of inertia says'An object will continue to be in the state of rest or in a state of motion unless an external force acts on it. Of course this includes you heart and life force".