"I heard this place was originally built to be a resort. Maybe we'll find some nice views around the mountainside," suggested Samantha.
Layla didn't have any better options, so they followed Samantha's plan. They had only taken a few steps when they heard some people mention a market.
"Have you heard? New items finally arrived at the market. I quickly bought these two packs of biscuits before they were sold out. Now we can eat for the upcoming week," said a middle-aged man by one of the barrel fires.
His wife smiled happily. "Really? You managed to get two packs this time?" She looked so happy that she could cry.
Layla looked at Samantha with a frown. She couldn't believe there were people who got excited over a pack of biscuits, but one thing did grab their attention: the market.
"Let's go check out this market. Maybe we can find a vintage designer bag," said Layla, pulling Samantha toward the main building.