Back at Rayne and Julian's apartment, Julian pulled Rayne into his embrace.
"I promised Noah a small gift earlier. You wouldn't happen to have a pack of condoms in that magical system of yours, would you?", he asked with a smile.
Rayne giggled, "I sure do. What size?".
Julian thought for a moment, "Hmm, let's do a size smaller than mine!". He couldn't have Rayne thinking that Noah was bigger than he was!
Rayne burst out into laughter, "Okay, okay. One size smaller than XXXL, got it!", she teased.
"You forgot one X on that", Julian said, pretending to be offended.
The two of them laughed until they heard a knock on the door.
"Here, give him this", said Rayne, handing him an unopened box of condoms. Julian walked over and opened the door.
Before Noah had a chance to say anything, Julian tossed the box over at him, "Good night! Oh..and don't bother me too early tomorrow morning", he said, giving him a certain look.