They quietly walked down the long driveway, pushing the handcart and enjoying each other's presence.
It was already evening, and the crystal-clear skies allowed the stars to twinkle like small diamonds.
As Rayne walked, she pointed out various constellations to Julian as they happily chatted. Before long, they arrived back at the farmhouse just in time for Fred to make his way back from the second house that had just been set up for the newcomers.
"Hey, what's all this?" he asked, noticing the handcart covered with a small blanket.
Rayne smiled. "This is a little thank-you gift from us for your hospitality. We're planning on heading back tomorrow."
"Oh, did you find the person you were looking for?" Fred asked.
"Yes, we've had a chat with him. He's still thinking things over, but hopefully, he agrees to come back with us," Rayne smiled.