Garvin reached out, gently taking Scarlett's hand in his. His grip was warm but hesitant, as if he feared she might slip away. His voice was thick with emotion as he pleaded, "Will you just give me a chance? A chance to make up for my mistakes? A chance to prove that I'm not like him?"
Scarlett sighed heavily, her shoulders sagging under the weight of emotions she wasn't ready to confront. "Nobody said you're like him," she murmured, her gaze drifting away. Her voice was soft, but there was an unmistakable finality to it.
"It's not about you, Garvin. It's about me. To be honest, I do love you, but I just don't believe it can work between us. I don't want a relationship, don't want to be tied down by love or expectations. I just want to make my own money, travel the world, and live my life to the fullest, on my own terms."