"Well, who ever you came across must've been merciful. Strange they were in one of the Blue in the First place..." Livest said rubbing the light facial hair on his chin.
"They usually stay in their territory"
"I'm sure you're all plenty strong. But Marshals are Marshals for a reason. They all have Something that the World Government Finds useful to Stunting the Flow of piracy in the ocean" He Refolded his arms.
"Any form of Conflict with a Marshal is a Life or Death situation. It's not something that can be taken lightly at all. You'd have to give it everything you got. More than you may even be capable of now." He thought about it for a second. Why was he giving these pirates advice? If they died, what was it that he cared? He felt something about them, they were different than most Pirates he came across. Most either ignored the Light house, or tried to pull something on him. Or just all-around rude.
"Well! Then I guess I'll need to give it all that I got! If they stand in my way it means they're my enemy!" Leroy proudly proclaimed
"Well...Unless we become allies I suppose But I don't think I'd much care for their type..." Thirty Minutes then Passed. They talked for a while.
They'd talk about very little. Just passing time, talking about some navigation, and mentioning he'd been a doctor but fallen out of practice.
During the thirty minutes Jeanne was able to fix the whip staff. It was simply mended for the moment, but she marked the dimensions of the previous whip staff so she could possibly replicate it later.
Over the 30 minutes that passed, Kále had fallen asleep for 20, woken up, went downstairs, gotten some weights and began working out. His sleep wasn't very peaceful, they never really are to be honest. His workout today consisted of some very heavy squats. He had one very large metal bar and 4 MASSIVE weights on each side of the bar. The bar was sat on his shoulders and he was squatting up an down with the bar.
The weights were so heavy that everytime he went down the ship would actually tilt to the side he was on. Not enough to capsize it but still. "56... 57... 33..." He forgot what number he was at and went back down to 30. "34... 35..." When the log pose changed he didn't really move or anything. The island they were going to wasn't important to him, he just wanted to get moving and get to the next island.
Only for the Log Pose needle to spin
"Hey kirk! Look! The Log pose!" Spoke Leroy with a point, and a look of intrigue on his face.
"Eh? Oh, hey!" Kirk lifted his arm up towards the sky some, letting the light properly catch the log pose, letting everyone be able to see. "Wow, it's been thirty minutes already? Well, looks like that's good then!" While the chat had been nice with the man, it was time to go. The log pose was pointing a new direction, which meant there was a new direction.
"If the whip staff is at least fixed well enough until we get to the next island for a proper shipwright, then we can sail! Loverboy! Jeanne! You two good? …Kále did you even- oh, nevermind...." Kirk frowned as he looked over his shoulder at the swordsman and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Yeah, you should be able to steer. Hopefully we don't hit any strong currents that cause you to snap it again." She sighs as she scratches her cheek. Guess she'd have to brush up on her carpentry a bit until they got a shipwright. Right now the mended whip staff was mended with a piece of brass around the broken segment. Bolted with the strongest bolts that she could find in her satchel.
"We're going to need to start putting aside an allowance for ship repair if this becomes a common thing Kirk." she says scratching her cheek. She did not much like using her own stocks of metal for this, but she would do it for the sake of the crew. "We probably have some lumber, line and pitch below deck, but if I'm doing patches like this I'm afraid I don't have enough metal for regular repairs." she says with a chuckle.
Kirk turned back to the old doctor. "Hey, do you know which island this is pointing to first?"
"The first Island is known as Cactus Island. There's two Cities there. I haven't been there myself in decades." He spoke to the navigator of the crew, folding and crossing his arms
Quickly all of the crew scrambled onto the Horizons palm. Leroy dashes into the Gun Room to turn the Capstan and raise the anchor.
"You'd all best hurry! You only have another Thirty minutes to make it out to open water and over the Horizon before the log pose shifts to another route!"
The Entire crew hurried to start setting up the Ship to set sail. And within a few short minutes, they were ready and pulling away from the offshoot of red rock from reverse mountain. Leroy waved generously to the Doctor. He wondered internally just what kind of adventures he'd seen in his life.
The Doctor watched as The Horizons Palms sailed over the Horizon. The Simple thought on his mind "That man certainly seems familiar...aye Roger?"
'That entire crew is different than any other I've encountered. There are some that come close. But with that man at the Helm as their leader, I can tell that they'll truly live up to what they said...'