Close to dusk when a delivery, a News Loo, dropped a paper onto the street. A newspaper. And inside was none other then Leroy's very first bounty! He held it up for the other two to see. Laughing Maniacally as he did "HAHAHAHA! Look at that! My Very First Bounty! 56,000,000 Berries!!"
He leaned back on the bow of the ship. Kicking his feet as he did "Seems like Taking down Steady and Rojo Added to my Notoriety! A good handsome first bounty for the future king of the pirates!" he was certainly prideful. That much was clear.
"Oy oy oy! 56 million!? What kind of monster did I join! Pshihahaha!", she says trying to turn her shock into humor as she took another long puff of her hookah. "Such a huge bounty for a Rookie is unheard of! It's over double of Red Coat's own!", she said before standing up.
"In any case. Perhaps we should have a celebratory dinner? I'm no expert cook, but I think I can whip something up for the occasion! Pshihahaha!", she said with a stretch as she started walking towards the galley.
"I'm more shocked by the fact the Marines found out about Rojo so quickly! Maybe it was that Iron Boot you took down too." Despite his horror, he did seem pretty humored. "Well, if you are actually dead set on being King, then I'm sure these will be baby numbers soon enough."
"Rojo's bounty was around 25 million berry.", Jeanne replied as she walked into the Galley. She took a deep breath as she got to the sink and washed her hands. Hmmm what sort of meal to cook for the future King of the Pirates? She hardly had the skills for any grand banquet.
Kirk put his hand up above his eyes to block out the sun before looking up at Leroy, sorta squinting. "Is the picture they got good at least? How much was that Rojo's bounty anyways?" Kirk moved his eyes over to Jeanne and smiled at her.
"Well, I can try to help if you'd like. I didn't find a good journal or any proper paper at Orange Town, so I don't have much else to do. A good dinner sounds perfect right about now..."
"Ahhhh, damn it, we didn't get any liquor, did we? Are you even old enough to drink, Leroy?"
"Are you asking as if it matters after we not only; stole from the marines, committed terrorism, and i took down two pirates and one marine if my age would matter?" "Shishishi, even if i wasnt ive been drinking for plenty long! Lets get this dinner cooking!"
It was almost like a moment of intuition as he thought back to something his mother once said "You know! I think I know a Great Place to celebrate! Mirror Ball!" "I've heard its a the best place to gamble and to party! It'd be an excellent place to celebrate! And If I remember..." He dug around his pack trying to find the small chart that showed the east blue.
"Ah! Here! It's only maybe 12 hours away! We'd be there by late night tomorrow!"
"Mirror Ball eh?", Jeanne said as she began chopping vegetables. Carrots. Garlic. Onions. Potatoes. All for the celebratory chicken dinner. "Never been there myself, but I heard it's a pretty wild place.", she says with a bit of a giggle as she puts the potatoes in a pot of water and turns the oven on to let them boil.
"I'm not much of a gambler, but I don't mind the party atmosphere.", she says as she clears the cutting board and begins chopping a decent bit of bacon into chunks. "I bet they have some good tobacco there though! Perhaps even some hashish! Pshihahaha!"
"Mirror Ball?" Kirk sat up from his seat and ran a hand through his always-perfect hair, fixing any strands that happened to go haywire. He had certainly heard of the island before, but he had never gone since wherever his travels took him, it was never close enough. He did perk up at the sound of gamblers, money instantly flashing in his mind. "A gambling island you say?
I'm sure there could be some great profits from that... besides having a great time, of course!" Kirk was already daydreaming of the riches that would soon come to him. "I mean... I guess it can't hurt to have a tiny pitstop like that! We don't have anywhere else to go!"
The only reason he was so eager to go was the potential money. Imagine the berries! Typically, he would be more hesitant at the idea of going to such a place at the mention of Jeanne's 'hashish', but he still would agree.
The Fishman got up from his spot and started to head up toward the helm, brushing off of his shirt. "Alright, which way is it from where we are? I'll head that way!"
A many hours passed. They saved on drinking kowing the next night would bring that and more The Dish that was produced and made by Jeanne was Filling yet simple. Almost felt Homely. Something Leroy Very much enjoyed But now it was nearing dusk. The Entire Previous Day Leroy and Jeanne Spoke to one another.
Getting Used and acquainted with one another He told her everything he told Kirk. Nothing more and nothing less. Allowing for them all to understand and be comfortable as a Crew Something he knew would be a first priority But now. He sat on the bow of the ship yet again. Waiting and Watching as the Chill began to take the boat. The Warm air of the Day dissipating into the night Thats when it came over the horizon. The glow of Mirror Ball
It was certainly a 'Vegas' Type. The Sheer amount of lights shining illuminated the very sky. tall buildings. Long stretching path ways. Restaurants, Casinos, Shops, Hotels, Everything a tourist, rich or poor, would look for.