He was off! Running down the hallway! Bullets whizzed by him! Knives were pulled! Nunchucks, Staves, Chains! All Manners of Weapons were used as instruments to try and take the young man's life!
But it was nothing for Leroy. He Bobbed and weaved through gun fire. Ducking and Maneuvering through Blade Swings! All While Delivering devastating blows!
He grabbed one of the men by the shoulders before slamming him with such strength that the vibration from the impact could be felt by the partying street above! Before then slamming them into the stone corridor, cratering it! Rubble falling from the caved material that sent a shock through the men!
As he reeled upwards, he dodged a bullet that exited the barrel of a Dragoon Pattern Revolver, inches from his face, and gripping the mans face, and slamming him into the wall! He moved with such swiftness that he was able to finish his movements before the lead ball round cracked into the far wall!
Punch, kick, counter! Slam! The crunching of bones, and tumbling of bodies as Leroys war path went from room to room, breaking everything in his path! Shattering tables, slamming people through stone walls, only to end up back in the hallway again! Only for more to keep piling out of more rooms, file into the Corridor!
Seeping of legs with his own, grabbing a club, he slammed it back into their original wielders before throwing it through the air and slamming into another! A meteor hammer chain shot through the air! Only to be gripped, and shatter in the palm of the Rubber Man! And then in the same movement, he wound his hand around the chain, and with a powerful yank, he pulled the man through the crowd like a fish out of the water, gripping him by the neck, and throwing him behind himself! Knocking back down men that attempted to regain their footing!
He then used the chain as a whip, and slung it over head! Metal scratching a trench into the ceiling, sparks shooting out, and slamming into another as he let go of the links of steel!
Running forward and taking a leap off one of the walls he delivered a flying super man punch to a man wielding a bo staff! Fist cracking through the wood, fist smashing into his nose hard enough to turn it to dust! Blood shooting out! Sending the man reeling through the air, literally spinning like a gymnast doing summersaults as the man collided with the same group! Who got back up!
As they ran toward him he redirected a blade, clasping both of his hands on the blade, twisting, and releasing the swords from it's wielder, before being kicked away and using it to cut one of the other men across the chest before tossing it to the ground hard enough for the metal to shatter on impact!
He ran through the men like a one man army! Not a single one were able to even land a hit on him!
Utterly Dismantling, Demolishing, Annihilating Every man that came through his wake!
Taking on Multiple men at once, two men would punch at him, and he would cross the punches and slam them into each other! Kicking with strength that caused one to down a group of another like another set bowling pins! Another group coming up, only for him to uppercut one and bring his hand back down, and slam the back of his hands into two at his side!
Again and Again he did this One after another.
By the Time He Reached the End of the Hallway! And Had Cleared through the troves of men!
He'd taken out a hundred at least!
Piles of men sat around Leroy, moans and groans echoing around them. Some of them had already gotten up and made their way out of the building.
As he approached the last door, he couldn't hear what came from the other side of the steel. Slowly out reaching his hand, he clasped the door handle, and slowly opened the door open.
What he saw next… Was something that would horrify most people...
The Room was Brightly lit.
Inside Cages were Women, with their hands chained above them and to each side, stripped naked, lacerations covering their bodies from beatings. They All had IV's Connected to their arms, pumping them full of drugs to keep them suggestive. Keep them Malleable.
"What the fuck…" His eyes wandered around the room….Slowly, Methodically.
There had to be dozens of women in here. And they were all. A certain type.
For lack of a better phrase. They were each a standard of beauty. Some curvy, other busty. Short hair, long hair.
They were Sex Slaves…Meant to be sold like cattle to bidders and used however the buyer felt like. While also being sent out to work the streets.
One of the women Caught his eye. It Was the Blue Haired Woman. The one from the casino!
She too was chained and sedated. No wonder she was like that. But her body was free of any scars or marks. She must've only just been put into this hellhole very recently...
Unbeknownst to leroy. It was because of a Deal that had been betrayed. A deal that had not been honored. For another's servitude and torture. She would be let free. And It seems that she almost made it out of the betrayal, just before the drugs took full effect. But in her attempt to flee. She was dragged back.
Leroy then noticed something else. In the Cage next to the woman. Was a man. He had not been stripped like the rest. The only thing he did hold was trousers. Ones that were tore and ragged. But his arms were chained heavily. Far heavier than any of the women. His Wounds ran all over his body. All small. Like that of Swords. They were jagged, and etched into his skin before the scars filled up the negative space of flesh.