Chereads / ONE PIECE: Dawn of a New Era / Chapter 19 - Blood

Chapter 19 - Blood

The Captain continued walking next to the mayor. Talking and murmuring to each other.

"Yeah! That's our ship! It's a galleon! I'm actually in charge of a plantation just off the coast of Shimotsuki out north!" Frock explained.

"Really? A plantation owner? You must be a wealthy man!" The mayor seemed to have a slight bit of disdain for the notion of slavery. The captain immediately laughed it off

"HARHARHAR! Not a slave plantation! A wage plantation! Kinda like that uh....what was that fish's name...Gratis! Yeah, Gratis from the South Blue!"

"Ah! I see! I remember reading about those escapades back in the day. What a rambunctious fellow. He was."

"Yeah. All that commotion in the south was before my time! That was all happening when I was a kid."

The mayor then looked up at the man as he stopped at a food stall. A woman next to him was waiting and looking over the wares. His hands behind his back as he leaned down to look over the fruit.

The woman then came walking back out from behind a building. Carrying a bushel of apples. Before setting them down and beginning to set them out, Mayor Tangy then asked "So What is your name anyway?"

*The Mayor, in his old age seemed to be senile and forgetful*

The Captain then tilted his head back and slowly looked down at his brow raised in intrigue at the question "Mmm...Well. My name Is Rojo Frock. As I said" He then swept an apple from the woman's hand and took a bite.

"HEY! You have to pay for that first!" The Woman cried out.

The mayor cleared his throat at the strange activity. "Uhh...Rojo Frock huh...Hm...well uh. Alright then" He seemed to be sweating at this point.

At this point. Kirk and Leroy passed by. Leroy rolled his eyes slightly as he watched it unfold before looking back. "Sir! Sir! You must pay for tha-"

In the Blink of an Eye. The woman was thrust backward! Smoke filled the air as Rojo pulled out his cannon of a pistol and shot the woman in the head! Fragments of Brains and Skull splattered against the far wall! Blood painting against the brick in a splash!

The Woman next to him dropped everything and slammed her hands on her face a s a look of sheer terror came over her face before letting out a scream

"AHHHH!" Tears welled up in her eyes as the Mayor looked up in horror. "Oh god...It really is you! Red Coat!"

Rojo Frock

'Red Coat'

Bounty: ฿25,500,000


This was Rojo Frock. Known as 'Red Coat' He had gained this moniker from the notorious visage he would gain after battle. His coat was covered in red.

Leroy Shot his head around, and watched as the womans corpse slumped against the wall. Smearing blood as he head fell limp. A look of anger coming over him "KIRK! Get this to the Ship Now!" He was commanding.

It was a terrible sight, indeed. It left Kirk with his jaw hanging and eyes wide.

It took him a moment to relax a little bit about his captains safety. The things he saw from Shells flashed in his mind and soon enough… he looked a little bit more determined.

"Go get 'em, tiger. Don't get hurt, we don't have enough berries for a medic!" They certainly did, but Kirk was already too serious with not going over budget… plus he wasn't sure how much it would cost to try and stitch someone up that was made out of rubber.

He took off towards their ship, hopping on roughly before dropping off the supplies and hiding away their money. Kirk was already heading back onto the dock and towards the town after he just dropped off everything.

If Leroy was going to fight, that meant the town might be in danger of the crossfire. His eyes first went to the lady they had seen at the stall they kept passing by… it was empty. Where had she gone?

Hopefully she had ran off in a safe spot, last thing he wanted was for any more civilians to get hurt just because the pirates wanted to cause some trouble. The Fishman sped off towards the village, already shouting and calling out that there were pirates raiding. Just like back in Shells, he was working on keeping the people safe, herding them into their houses and trying to get others to help spread the news.

As for Jeanne, she had stood up slowly, trembling in a combination of rage and fear. Why attack such a small town with nothing to gain?! Was Red Coat really that deranged?! Her mind raced before she looked down to her cart, a brass instrument sitting there glistening in the sunlight.

She could feel her stomach churning in disgust, but she didn't know what to do. She grabbed the instrument and looked up. Seeing that boy from before with a look on his face. A dreadful look of determination.

It's decided then... She took a deep breath and hefted the brass instrument to her hip before looking to the rooftops. Not here... The wind wasn't right and there were too many people in the way. She steeled her nerves and bolted down an alley. She had to find a better point, and quick. So by the Time Kirk looked to her stall, she was gone.

A Shout Reverberated, coming from behind frock. All of the commotion had happened so quick, that when Rojo heard it. The Gun was still smoking.

A dark smile had come over Leroys face as he stared down the man "HEY!"

"Well...Who might you be, pipsqueak! You've got quite the mouth on you! And that look!" He waved his hand and suddenly at least 50 men stormed the streets. Their cutlasses at the ready before sprinting towards people in the streets.

While Frock was commanding the men, Leroy had spotted Jeanne at the top one of the Buildings. He didn't know how, he didn't know when. But he gave a nod to her. Knowing she'd be able to handle the men invading.