Chereads / Crimes of transmigration (BL) / Chapter 20 - Mediterranean

Chapter 20 - Mediterranean

It's been a week since I showed Odysseus the letter Dimitris wrote for me and he started avoiding me on all occasions. I was a little saddened about it, but at the end of the day, this was the right turn of events.

Beyond all theories we could have, all the delusion we could indulge in, I was still a transmigrated soul. Mana, aura, gods… all those things didn't exist in my world, so it was impossible for me to even try and accept the fact that Odysseus might have been right. There was also no reason I could think of for his theory to be correct, Dimitris was a candidate champion for Ares after all and if that wasn't the least possible thing I could do, I didn't know myself anymore.

Merlin had begun teaching me elemental manipulation. It turns out spells aren't the only way to influence the world with mana.

I could now lit small fires with enough ease, but the wood element was still tricky, I couldn't figure a mental image for wood manipulation so I just put it aside.

Tend to the garden, study with Merlin, eat, workout, sparring with the crew, sleep and repeat.

I started to appreciate this routine. It gave me solace, something to look forward to, knowing it wouldn't change until we reached another island, but at the same time I missed the sky and the fresh air, it seemed like I was back during my family training, but now nothing really bound me so I just headed out.

Upon stepping on the deck, I was greeted by a dark sky full of stars. The brilliance of the stars and the moon were enough to dispel any sense of oppression given by the darkness of the sea surrounding us.

Eëä was supposed to be somewhere around the south of Italy, I really have no clue about where we are going.

This sky was so different from the sky I knew that I couldn't understand the general direction we were going towards. But although the Mediterranean Sea was vast, it was also filled with land.

Of course my knowledge on geography means shit now. If Eëä really was near the south coast of Italy we should have been able to see land from the island.

I was so focused on the sky that the world around me seemed to become blurry.

This unfamiliar world, with opportunities above anything I've ever imagined.

I robbed these opportunities from the real Dimitris.

I was the reason Odysseus lost his loved one and, even if my companions didn't say anything, the morale on the ship was disgusting.

Only Merlin and I weren't affected, that incubus because he didn't really care, and I because I just filled myself with things to do.

But on this night, alone in the Mediterranean Sea, brought back my sense of loneliness.

I was right, once the information I'm not really Dimitris was confirmed, he'd change his feelings towards me.


A small little spark, a flebile flame the size of a grape ignited before me.

Funny how fire is looked upon as the element of destruction. In my world fire was so much more.

Fire was the end of all thing, but it was also the beginning.

Carbon was the end result of fire, yet it was its own starting point.

Fire brought destruction, yet gave the world innovation.

To say fire was the representative of destruction in nature was so diminishing.

Looking at the little flame in front of my eyes I felt understood.

We both existed, yet we held no influence on this world. We were just present, no fate whatsoever. There really wasn't a point in us being here except for the fact that I created that flame and somehow I got pushed into this situation, yet the causality of everything brought us here.

"You my little friend are not just a mean to destruction, don't let anybody tell you that. Always remember that if it wasn't for you, humanity would even exist at this point."

I gently swirled the fire through my fingers and then feeding it more mana I grew its size and threw it in the night sky.

Show the world you are not to be revered in fear alone, but by the beauty of life you create.

[Deep resonance with the Will of Nature is influencing your flames.]

Suddenly, the fire I threw in the sky exploded releasing a swarm of little birds that lit up the night. The little birds flew in all directions, but then organised themselves and started flying towards me.

I wasn't scared, even if I had fire resistance, I knew this fire could not harm.

I could feel their intentions.

The little birdies started circling around me for a few seconds and then one after the other started using me as a perch. Some on my head some on my shoulder, some even gripping my clothes as foothold. And I laughed.

For the first time in a week, I was feeling a little happier.

These little creatures understood me, as much as I understood them.

They started singing.

A tune evocing melancholy and hopefulness.

A sense of longing grasped me.


Those were the last words I heard from my father. Not a particle of sympathy in his words, even when abandoning me, his son, no love was present on his person.

Tears started to flow, the song increased his tempo, trying to evoke a sense of new beginning, the hope for a better future. I understood the message, but I didn't want to address any of that.

Rage fuelled my already unstable heart.

With a snap of my finger the birds were sent flying away.


I crumbled to the floor. I didn't ask to possess this body, to be brought in this magical world, to break the heart of people by just existing.

"How is this any fair to me? What have I done to deserve this? I never asked for power. Always lived by the rules, and yet here I am."

The sobbing was intensifying, at this point I was having difficulties breathing.

"It's not your fault."


"It's not your fault, Dim… should I start calling you Damocles as well?"


Rising to my feet I wiped away my tears and attempted to speak.

"I'm sorry you had to see such a scene, I'll go back to the greenhouse immediately."

"No, stay."

I stood still, I didn't want this man to get hurt, but I didn't want to be hurt anymore.

Silence descended between us. He did ask me to stay, but…

"So? Should I start calling you Damocles as well?".

"I'd rather you not… it's not… but do as you please."

"Do you know how you used to call me before?"


"You called me Dys, always blabbering about our nicknames together sounded like the end of the world, and we'd survive all. Dim, Dys; is there a word in one of the languages you now that have that meaning?"

"I mean… it's a big stretch, enormous actually, but there is doomsday…"

"Yes, that's the word you used."


"I stand by my beliefs, it's the only thing that makes sense Dim. I'm sorry I avoided you all this time… are you willing to forgive me?"

"What's there to forgive? But what about doomsday again? What did I say?"

"You said that even if you ever lost your way, I'd always be the light on your doomsday."

"What the romantic bullshit is that? Nothing more concrete?"

"Hahahahahaha yes, you said that if you reacted how you did, I should stop thinking of anything and keep going on."

"This is useless. I'm going back to the greenhouse."

"No, I purposely made the furniture in that room uncomfortable, I wanted to give you more reasons to stay in my cabin."

"Petty bastard. But at least that room gave you time for yourself without my stupid face on sight, so you will upgrade it right?"

"No, you'll come back to my chambers. I will not force myself on you, but this is not negotiable. The room by the greenhouse will become for Merlin to use."

"You can't force me."

"As a matter of facts I can, but even if I couldn't, have you noticed the morale of the crew? Our little quarrel is destroying our men, if not for me, do it for them."

"How the hell does this make any sense to you? Are we gonna fuck for them too? Please use your brain."

"I wouldn't say no to that…"

I turned to leave, Odysseus tried to grab me only to find petals in his hand.

"Odysseus, put yourself together. I appreciate you not holding me accountable for whatever is happening, but I have my own freedom."

"Dim, I'm serious. We are lost in this unknown sea. The morale of our men is very important, either way, once we're in Itaca your situation will be resolved and you'll be able to leave me…"

"What do you mean unknown? This is the Mediterranean Sea."

"You know this sea?"

"Of course I do, I just can't get a read on the stars to figure out direction."

The captain then grabbed my hand.

"Now you really need to stay in my cabin. During the day do whatever you want, but at night we'll regulate our travels. Follow me."

Entering the cabin, Odysseus took out a map and showed me what he thought was the map of the sea.

It was not updated. It only showed the Aegean Sea and the coast to Itaca.

"So where do you suppose we are?"

Considering the alleged location of Eëä I asked for the direction we were currently travelling and the speed at which we were going.

"Odysseus… we are going in the opposite direction from our destination."

"What how is that possible?"

"Well… considering all the information we have we should approach… I might need Merlin's help with the names, but in about 3 to 4 days we should reach what I know as Carthage, or somewhere near the Arabic coast anyway. Itaca should be North-east from here, and a long way at that."

Odysseus hugged me tightly.

"Why didn't you say anything before?!"

"How the fuck would I know you don't know where you are going!?"

"Don't you remember how we got lost before the time fissure? The tides clearly transported us somewhere he wanted."

"Fuck, why do I always assume people know shit."

Freeing myself from the clingy captain I was about to leave when he once again stopped me.

"Where are you going?"

"I need to speak with Merlin, he might be able to help me with something."

"Please stay… it's the first good news I've heard since our altercation… only if for a night… stay."

I was at a loss for words. I knew I was the cause of his pain, but to guilt trip me so shamelessly.

"Fine, he's probably sleeping anyway."

You need to pay a little for your pettiness though, and your shamelessness.

"He'll be happy to have the bed all for himself for tonight."


"What about it, he's my master, there was only one bed. Nothing different from what we've been doing really."


"Why not? You both are stronger than me, bot hold a position superior to mine, I don't see the issue. It's not like we sleep together."

"Now if you excuse me, I need to sleep. It's been a long night."

I went to bed and Odysseus followed suit.

The sound of the wind howling a lullaby to my tumultuous mind. I didn't understand why I gave in so easily even with such flimsy excuses. Soon enough the bastard Captain scooted nearer and nearer to my body, until he decided to leave all his pride out of the door and just hugged me putting his head on my chest.


My questions remained unanswered and as a slumbering spell was casted on my I fell asleep, only to wake up, albeit extremely refreshed, to a terrified Eurylochus banging on the door.



Sighing with all my might, I flicked Odysseus' forehead.

"Are you planning to fake sleeping some more or will you finally wake up?"

"5 more minutes, I know you're with me, so nothing can go wrong."

"Bastard you just jinxed it."

Flowery disperse.

Appearing in front of the door I rapidly pulled it open.

"I'm here Eurylochus, what's going on?"

"Second Commander!"

Then his eye fell down and his face became a ripe tomato. Following his gaze I noticed that I was only wearing undergarments and furiously shouted at the smirking Odysseus.


"I don't know what you're talking about…"

"Second Commander please, don't listen to the Captain, there's an emergency!"

Dressing up as fast as I could I then followed Eurylochus to the control tower.

"Polites! I brought the Second Commander! Tell him!"

Coming down from the tower hurriedly, Polites first bowed and then informed me that there was a ship nearing us, but it seemed like nobody was on that ship.

"Anchor our ship and wait for the approaching one, stop all navigation in that direction. Is there fog Polites?"

"No fog sir!"

"As soon as the ship approaches secure it for us, if fog starts to appear get undercover and inform Merlin, he'll tell you what to do."

I immediately blinked back to Odysseus, possibilities were endless, I didn't know what this world reserved for us, but the smart ass probably could tell me more.

"Odysseus, you really jinxed it you bastard."