Chereads / Crimes of transmigration (BL) / Chapter 13 - The lady of Eëä

Chapter 13 - The lady of Eëä

The way to reach the palace was long and the woods unforgiving. Daylight was ending and I couldn't even get a glance of it.

"Don't any of you have some kind of large scale teleportation spell?"

Odysseus was the first to answer.

"I have one, but it's restricted to me and there are some restrictions…"

"The one I can use with this body is a 1st circle and can only move us a few meters… I also don't have the mana to use it repeatedly…"

Useless and more useless.

"Don't you want my spell? I even used it so frequently to bait you…"

Seriously looking at Merlin's shameless face I was really tempted to get my hands on that spell, it could have been extremely beneficial, but my pettiness was greater then my greed.

"Mum taught me not to get candy from strangers."

"Wow, you know you cannot find a better master than me yet you're so stubborn just because… never mind."

Trying to hold back my rage was continuously getting harder and harder.

"Merlin. My patience has a limit. You know very well you are not the best mage in the history of humanity."

With his pride wounded, Merlin's face begun the get red and he slapped my face.

After all this bastard has done he dares to slap me?

My knuckles went white holding the spear and just as I was about to thrust a flood of information erupted in my mind and while I was lost in the formation of the circle and the intricacy of the spell, Odysseus took hold of my spear.

"Why does he hate you so much? Every time you talk you use that strange language and he's being way too violent for it to be something of little importance."

"Oh right, I think he doesn't even realise he's been switching languages it must be because of his trait… either way… he was about to abandon you all and go on a journey alone, so I bound his existence to your fate… although only until we reach Itaca."

"He wanted to leave us? But why?!"

"Odysseus you can't possibly be that dense, you are the main reason he wants to leave. You forced him to kill when it wasn't necessary. You know he's uncomfortable with you making advances."

"That's just because of his memories, once I give him the crystal I received from the time fissure he'll remember everything."

"He won't accept it."

"I won't accept what?"

Both of them went silent.

Secrets uhm? Very well. I can also play that game.

The spell Merlin gave me was called [flowery dispersion] and yes, it was the basic blink spell, just more scenic. It also required a lot of practice and spatial awareness so I wasn't exactly comfortable using it directly.

Ignoring the two silent puppies following me I made haste and started jumping from tree branch to tree branch.

If we could arrive before supper…

After another half an hour of travelling we finally reached the palace. It was grandiose.

Not in size, but in elegance. It was exactly what you'd expect of elves, nature seemed to blend perfectly with the artificial creation, a sense of peace was exuding from the palace and I understood perfectly both the men who entered unaware of the perils inside and Eurylochus who was suspicious.

I turned to Odysseus and Merlin.

"You both will not utter a single word. Before entering remove all the footwear. When offered food I will take the reins. Follow my every move."

Merlin then raised his hand and pointing to Odysseus said:

"We won't be able to understand a single word you'll say inside the palace, you don't seem to realise that you switch to your interlocutor favoured language when taking. It's because of your trait."

It all made sense now, that's why Odysseus didn't say anything about my conversations with Merlin. He couldn't understand. Still it didn't matter.

"Doesn't matter, you are to stay silent anyway, just remember to behave as exemplary guests."

With the guidelines explained we finally approached the palace.

As soon as we were a few meters away from the main entrance, the doors to the palace opened and Circe in all her splendour made her appearance followed by an elf I was already familiar with.

Please ignore me.

Ignoring the Azure aired Elf I knelt and bowed my head.

Glancing rapidly backwards I saw my dogs imitating me.

Good boys.

"We greet the lady of Eëä."

"My my, such a well mannered human! You even speak elvish! Raise your head children, welcome to my palace!"

Raising my head I didn't move to get inside. That was not an invitation to enter. Every single detail must be perfectly accounted for to be able to exert Hestia's authority. If we were bad guests everything might as well backfire to us.

Circe was also amused by my clear intention and decided to play along, after all she still needed us inside to finish us.

"Please, come inside travelers."

Only then did I move to stop again right in front of the door.

"Is there a problem?"

"Of course not, lady of Eëä, we just cannot possibly dirty your palace with our footwear. We are just removing them."

Circe was clearly even more intrigued now.

"Asmodea bring our guests the footwear we use inside the house."

The azure aired elf moved and it was clear she was holding back laughter.

Wait a second? Asmodea? Asmodeus? The demon of lust? This can't be a coincidence.

Receiving the "slippers" from Asmodea we bowed once again. And finally entered the palace. Being guided through a palace by Circe could distress most people, but the architecture of that place was simply to brilliant. Columns and naves were so beautifully integrated with the elements of nature I couldn't help but absorb every detail.

"It seems the walls interest you more than my daughters." Once again Circe was giggling amused. I must have been a really strange human in her eyes.

"Is it because of the circle of the Dryad?"

"I'm not sure myself lady of-"

"Please call me Circe."

"Of course lady Circe, as I was saying I'm not sure myself, but the way nature and unnatural creation blend with such ease and beauty is indeed captivating."

Soon we reached the banquet hall, with a huge table already filled with fruits and vine, throne like seats everywhere and an unlit fireplace.

Thank goodness, no meat yet.

"I welcome you once again travelers, why don't we share a meal and stories all together?"

Taking a step back and putting my hands forward to show them I readily delayed her offer.

"I know our existence on its own is unworthy of such an offer Lady Circe, but even still we can't possibly offend such a beautifully prepared supper with these dirty bodies."

"Mhhh you are right… although both you and that white aired mage smell like flowers, your bodies are indeed dirty. Asmodea?"

"Yes mother. Please follow me travelers."

Following the possibly demoness we left the banquet hall on our way for the bathroom, or something similar I guessed, but I should have expected the indoor bathhouse. Asmodea and the three of us were finally alone and when she was sure of it she acknowledged me.

"I thought I told you not to come here! Are you completely crazy?!"

I couldn't let go of the feeling that this elf in front of me, was in fact a demon, I needed to find out and figure her intention. So I made a gamble. Focusing on Asmodea in front of me I tried with all my mental capacities to imagine her like a member of the demonic race, even if I didn't now anything about their appearance, once my brain recognises her as one, my trait would do the rest of the work.

"Enlighten me, what is the demon king of lust even doing in a place like this?"

Merlin immediately sprung in action and teleported us a few meters away from Asmodea.


Oh it worked.

"You needn't be wary mage, although I'm curious. When did you realise? What gave me away?"

"You're name of course? Who the fuck would be brave enough to name themselves after you? So, does she know?"

"Nah I implanted fake memories on her, my mission is to make a certain Odysseus lust over her and then sent him away to make her heartbreak, someone asked me a favour and you know? It's always good to have someone be in your debt."

"So she just need to suffer?"


"Let's sign a contract then."

Let's just hope that the fact that demons love contracts isn't made up.


"So I just need to lit up the fireplace before you begin to eat?"

"Yes. If I fail to bring judgment I will sign a contract with the demonic Nebula and my soul will be yours after death, but if I succeed you need to help me obtaining the blessing of a naiad and a runic formation."

"Sure, now go wash yourselves, we can't have you as bad guests."

Entering the bath Odysseus and Merlin immediately stripped and entered the water, but I was busy with something else.

Passing in front of I mirror I got a glance at my appearance for the first time since obtaining this body. And in front of me I saw the reflection of a man as beautiful as Odysseus. Black wavy air and hazel eyes, a sculpted jaw and a well muscular body.

This is me?! What the fuck?!

Merlin noticing my absence turned around and poked Odysseus to look at me.

"See he doesn't even know how he looks like, what makes you think he'll want to know of his past memories. He doesn't care, he just wants a new life."

Odysseus on the other hand was mesmerised.

"How can a man be so beautiful that Helen looked like an average human in front of him?"

Merlin decided to bring me to the bath tub.

"I guess you didn't know what you looked like Dimitris uh?"

"I'm sorry it's just… my appearance is so unfamiliar."

I was about to cry once again falling into an identity crisis when Odysseus approached my naked body and brought me to his arms.

"What are you sad about? You are clearly beautiful."

"Not now Odysseus, we have friends to save."

Getting away from the two I washed as fast as I could and got out of the bath to wear a new tunic Asmodeus had prepared for us.

Waiting for the other guys as far away from the mirror as possible, Asmodeus approached with the newly dressed men.

"Let's go punish a bitch."

I didn't even answer and just got moving. The banquet hall was a little far but in a couple of minutes we arrived to a Circe waiting at the table with her elves.

"Thank you for your hospitality lady Circe."

"Please sit yourselves, let's feast!"

Signaling to Asmodeus to get to work and seating myself with the guys, I was ready to set everything in motion.

Circe opened the feast.

"Raise your glasses, to our guests that will never live the same way after experiencing our food! Hahahaha!"

The fire lit. It was my turn.

I rose from my seat with the glass in one hand to open the act.

"I wish to propose a toast! To lady Circe, the sorceresse that to protect her elves unconditionally decided to commit one of the greatest sins betraying and feeding on her guests!"

"I don't know what you think you're doing, but if you think you can escape me with that weak magic of yours you are truly wrong."

Circe was ready to attack me, but I was one step ahead. Picking up a fruit from the table I jestured for Merlin to teleport me to the fire place and threw it inside.


"Hahahahaha you think that poor goddess can hear your prayer? I isolated this palace long ago to not incur in her fury."

But her word were fast to get back to her. Suddenly the fire engulfed the whole room and while it was comforting to me, so comforting I didn't want to ever leave it, Circe's screams exploded in the entire room.