Chereads / Crimes of transmigration (BL) / Chapter 7 - To protect someone

Chapter 7 - To protect someone

Mana is infinite and as an infinite existence it has infinite attributes. Each and every single mana user has their set of attributes. Mana attributed to nature was somewhat rare, but weak because of its huge expansion of influence; earth, fire, water, wind and wood.

Nature mana could command them all even if relatively weakly compared to more specialised mana and it seemed I only had affinity for this type of mana.

"Even if you might think that is bad to have a single affinity, don't be fooled my dear disciple! For your affinity is as high as mine, maybe higher since you were able to touch Avalon while being a mortal!"

I was honestly speechless, this newfound master of mine was way to shameless.

First you demand to be addressed as Master, then proceeded to diss me for having only 1 affinity and after all this shit you say I might have talent superior to yours.

"Can we get straight to the point? You said it yourself we don't have much time"

Yes, we truly were on a tight schedule. A few minutes after Merlin appeared in my room boisterously announcing to change my mana, the system gently advised us to prepare for the last raid in 24 hours.

[the battle for the fragment of the king of titans will soon begin! Get ready! Time remaining 23:59 hrs]

Just like that, as it was something obvious that we'd have to fight for a fragment of a long lost titant.

"Yes let's get into it, but first!"

Taking out a book, a real book, Merlin offered it to me and then took out a scroll.

"This book is your grimoire. It will automatically bind itself to your soul and you will be able to take it out of your inner space just thinking of it! It will record all the spells you'll learn and you'll be able to do research with runes later on, of course I'll help you in the beginning! This on the other hand is your first 2nd circle spell! Since you loved the flowers from Avalon I thought you'd like this spell!"

Inner space? Research with the runes? 2nd circle spell?

"Merlin slow down! Also I'm only at the 1st circle I won't be able to use that spell as of now."

"Ungrateful bastard I already told you to address me as Master! I'll explain the other stuff later, now just understand this spell, you'll be able to use it once we change your mana circle since you have a decent pool of mana anyway."

[Spell: Garden of the illusory flowers

Spell from the nature path of magic, creates a weaker replica of the garden of Avalon rapidly healing every one inside the AOE and filling with mana the targets.

Restriction: 2nd circle of the nature path or special conditions.]

[spell fully understood. Garden of illusory flowers is being added to your grimoire]

[detected new grimoire, combining in process. Time remaining: 2:23:59]

"You really understood the spell just like that… who are you?"

Ignoring Merlin's remarks I focused on my system message, it seemed I already had a grimoire… actually the notification for spells registered in my grimoire did already appear before…

I'll think about this later.

"What now? Master"

"I thought you'd never ask!"

"This is an elixir with the spirt formula of a Dryad, this is also the first and last time I'll give you something like this, you'll need to provide for your own once we officially start your training."

I was suspicious. I read enough novels to know what this little vial implied.

"Unbearable pain."

"Oh so you know? This saves the explanation, don't worry though! I'll be by your side!"

"This doesn't reassure me one bit."

Scoffing at my reaction, Merlin explained the details of the elixir.

This small vial was supposed to drastically enhance my mana circuits from being restricted to my blood vessels to entirely covering my bones and organs, then change my mana circle to the circle of nature (Dryad). Only after all these things my body would enter an "evolution" phase to match my new circle. It seemed Dyards were notorious for their physical strength.

This doesn't make sense. How can a small elixir produce such rewards?

"You don't trust me? Just drink then. You'll see yourself."

And drink I did, only to be scared shitless by what Merlin said as soon as I finished.

"If you survive that is."


I was about to continue the cursing spree, but soon I was rendered unable to speak.

My mana circuits, which were basically sleeping before aggressively started to circulate my mana.

I was burning from the inside.

I was used to pain in my previous body, it was created to endure it, but this was something else. Forget blood transfusions, this felt like magma was coursing inside me, my circuits expanding until finally I lost consciousness.

"He's better than I thought! I might have just found my perfect successor… or predecessor? Well it doesn't really matter."

I opened the garden of Avalon to help the young man with the process, but the flowers never bloomed.

[The Father to whom all go says he might change his moniker to Underworld daddy]

[The Father to whom all go says to not interfere, if the life energy is too strong, real nature will never be achieved]

"Oh didn't know you wanted to be his Sugar daddy Hades! You might be right, but he's still my disciple. If you claim him I'll unleash Avalon in the underworld."

[The Father to whom all go says not to worry, that child will surpass this challenge on his own]

"Yeah sure. Sir Damocles sure is interesting to many."

[The Father to whom all go says to not utter that disgusting name]

[remembER hIS trAIT, BabEL towER]

"Of course, let's just watch over the kid for now? Also… how old is this body I forgot there's a limit for the evolution."

[yoU aRE gooD, thaT boDY is 23]

Hours passed, almost a full day, and my body was continuously secreting blood and tar like wastes.

Once my body stabilised, Merlin cleaned me and dressed me with a green tunic.

"Let's find someone to protect you in that hell hole, that psychopath was at the 5th circle in that body… it should suffice until you wake up, AND I WANNA SEE HIS FACE WHEN HE SEES YOU WITH ME"

I truly am a sorry excuse of an incubus.


Only a few minutes were left before the attack, but my mind was somewhere else.

Will Dimitris be fine?

I wanted to go and find him as soon as the attack begun, but at the same time I was terrified at the idea of rejection.

"Oh don't worry, he won't be able to reject you for now! Here! Catch!"

Like that a man was thrown my way, but as soon as I saw who he was my body moved on its own.


Catching my man I looked around only to find the white aired mage, who was supposed to be dead, barely holding his laughter.

"How is this possible? I saw him snap your neck with my own eyes! AND WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM? WHY IS DIM UNCONSCIOUS?"

Tha air crackled around me, I was ready to strike this bastard at any moment until suddenly, terrifying flowers started to bloom around the mage.

[The mage of flowers is looking at you]

A constellation?!

"It's good your quick witted Athena's puppy, but don't you dare think I won't destroy you. Protect my disciple. But don't you dare touch him. Or else."

Then he disappeared.

Since when is Dimitris the disciple of a constellation that can talk like that to my patron?

"What's going on here my Goddess?"

[The Eternal owl advises you to just protect the child, it's not worth getting on the wrong side of that being]

Confusion was hazing my mind and only a few minutes remained before the battle begun, but then again, Dimitris was with me and even before the king of titans fragments, my mission was clear.

To protect Dimitris.

Looking at his serene sleeping face I passed my hand through his black air.

How can a man be so beautiful that even the gods fight over him. I'm happy he broke the contract with the Boar, but becoming the disciple of that mage…

I didn't have time to think things over.

Dim and I got transported to the arena, this time o was no judge and a war was about to begin.

Looking around I found some of my comrades coming my way.

From the 601 men in this expedition only 228 remained.

Chronos. We'll destroy all your fragments so that even being forgotten would be favourable in comparison to the suffering you'll go through. I'll pay you back for my men.

"Friends! It's time to destroy the king's fragment! Prepare for battle! FOR ITACA!"

Loud cheer exploded from my men and monsters poured in the arena.

Let's start with setting a place for Dim then I'll start attacking.

"Reflecting waters"

A 4th circle of water spell that shields the target and reflects all attacks.

A little mana heavy, but Dim comes before all.

Then the strange creatures started to attack.

They may have been weak, but their numbers were terrifying.

While my men were clashing weapons with those grey creatures that resembled both a wolf and a human I joined the fray from the back line sanding wind blades at my enemy.

But for every enemy I killed 2 more would appear.

This is going to be a long battle.

After sometimes, the battle started to tick in the wrong scale, there were simply to many enemies and there was no place to hide.

We are all going to die this way.

The terrain was too unfavourable for these numbers,change was needed.




Remembering how Dimitris destroyed my notion of magic while being an aura user I could help but scoff a little.

Yes, the way of the mage suits you better after all. Fuck that Boar.

After that discussion with Dim, I was finally able to learn magic from alternative use of my circles. Ice from water and lightning from air. We still had ways to win.

"Gather together every one! Let's freeze this place and change the pace! Hand in hand my comrades! Let's dance!"

Forming the alternate magic circle I started casting the mass scale spell.


My mana almost hit rock bottom. Enough just to protect Dim, but now we had a chance.

Bright blue lights engulfed the entire arena.

Huge icicles started growing from the ground and the enemy was finally rendering unable to attack.


You saved me yet again Dimitris, this time I'll be the one saving you.