Emma's POV
I was so freaking pissed and ready to be in bed. It didn't help that I was emotionally spent and had been crying almost non-stop for about two hours.
Funny shit, and something I won't ever admit to anyone but myself, I wanted to spend more time with Chase.
The disrespect was getting over the roof, and I think I had scores to settle with my mom.
I admit to never telling her the full details because of Mark. I felt she was gonna do something silly out of annoyance.
It was more than just salting up my wounds when Chase confirmed that she did.
Why could she have acted like she didn't know anything about it? Why didn't she say anything?
I kept mulling over those thoughts in the car with someone I was highly attracted to, and also very repulsed from.
I stole glances at Chase, who looked so sinfully sexy. I felt so much desire for him. I knew it had to be the drink. There was no way he was really that goddamn handsome. He looked like perfection. I was almost beginning to feel insecure cause more than half the time he looked like he was way outta my league.
"Something up with Lily." Was when he fully had my attention.
It couldn't be possible. Lily had just left us less than an hour ago.
I made Chase hand over the handmade "get well soon" card I put together in the morning.
"What could be wrong with her?" I kept muttering to myself. The thoughts coming to my head were consuming all the air in my lungs and ripping the skin off my bones.
I prayed to a God I never believed in. I begged for mercy on Lily. She didn't deserve any more shit at that point. She was going through enough already.
I hated feeling that way. A cloud of uncertainty hung over us, making it hard, even to breath.
I could not imagine my life without Lily, I didn't want to.
How could she be so reckless with herself?
She didn't have the right to check in and out of life like a hotel! She couldn't.
"Did he say anything else?" I brought myself to ask Chase. I'd have rather died, than talk to him, but the thoughts in my head were driving me rather reckless.
"No." He replied softly.
It felt like the beginning of a story I'd hate to tell.
We were soon at Lily's, Gray's car was parked haphazardly, and the door was thrown open.
I started to tremble and my voice started to quake. "Please stop." I screamed at Chase as soon as we entered their lot.
I jumped down and ran into the house.
I saw her little brother with his own version of the curls I adorned on Lily so much.
The little boy looked so shaken, but his eyes were dry, so I took it as a good sign.
I tossed his hair, and Chase who was trailing behind me lifted him in the air.
He neither squealed in delight, nor protested, he just held on, and watched all of us.
"How are you, bud?" I asked, faking a really big smile.
I ran in the direction I heard Gray's voice, up in her room.
Chase tarried a bit and looked around.
"Why are you acting like a stranger?" I asked, letting my intrusive thoughts win.
"The lights were pale yellow the last time I was here." He replied, snidely.
I couldn't even get mad at him cause I started it.
The little boy looked unamused, but definitely distracted, and that was good.
Gray looked a mess, and Lily looked like her ghost.
I launched at her and grabbed her from Gray.
Her eyes were closed shut, and her lips were so tightly zipped.
I wanted her to open her bright brown eyes and look at me like she did a couple of hours ago.
It couldn't be Lily who woke me up at 4am, lying motionless on her bright blue rug.
I screamed so hard, Chase had to multitask by putting his hand across my mouth.
I had never seen Lily so gentle, so motionless. Even at times when she seemed calm, I knew the sort of storm she could be thinking up on the spot.
It seemed as though I let my guard down and then the universe pulled the rug under my feet. I was getting kinda used to having them all around, I didn't have many friends, I couldn't lose her. It's impossible.
"Please check for a pulse." I begged Gray.
He looked just as disheveled as me.
"I don't know how to." He croaked.
Chase dropped her brother and lifted her over his shoulders.
The rest of us followed suit. Chase somehow fit her into his car and took us.
Gray lifted the rest of us and we trailed behind Chase.
He raced madly, and we were soon at the hospital.
Chase pulled her out and lifted her on himself again,
"I can do that." Gray aid, running forward.
Chase shot me a knowing look.
Gray was letting his feelings get over him. We all knew Chase was stronger, and faster. But somehow, Gray felt personally responsible for her.
"I think he's handling it quite fine." I remarked.
"No one asked your opinion. " Gray shot at me. "I, I didn't mean that." He said as an afterthought.
We both looked back to see Chase had made his way into the hospital without us.
Entering those doors was traumatic. I still hadn't gotten over the news I received only the day before.
I subconsciously put one hand on my stomach, and grabbed her little brother
The cute young lady looked worn, confused and damn tired.
"Sorry." I consoled him, "it'll be over soon." I didn't believe that myself. I didn't even know what I was talking about.
We ran at our own pace into the hospital, and I avoided the eyes of nurses I recognised. Thankfully, they didn't seem to recognise me.
We lost track of where they went, so we asked for directions.
The ride up in the elevator was so emotionally tumultuous, I felt like we were gonna come out to the most disturbing news of our lives.
The hypothetically growing baby in my womb was still sending shivers down my spine, I needed news that wouldn't make my heart stop working anymore.
We saw Chase standing by the door of what I guessed to be her ward.
"What's going on?" I asked the questions the little boy couldn't. "Is she in there?"
"They're testing her vitals." He said, and put a hand on my shoulder.
I wasn't in the mood to be comforted, cause I was too sure that I wasn't gonna need his comfort for shit, I wasn't gonna be leaving the hospital sad this time around. Plus we weren't so cool either, and I wasn't exactly cool with letting my feelings fly in the presence of a child, so I shrugged his hand off.
Little did they both know I was breaking from the thought of anything at all happening to her.
"Dead on arrival." Gray's voice broke into all our thoughts
I covered the little boy's ears like Grayson had just sworn or used a curse word.
I held his ears shut till he screeched in pain, only when his voice broke into my thoughts and the whirlpool of thoughts in my head did I realize I had been squeezing him.
I released him from my grip.
It couldn't be possible. We just spoke! We just spoke!!
"What went wrong?" I screamed.
The doctors came out of the ward, and held me tight.
We all were soon ushered in, only after we managed to maintain decorum.
The sheet that eloped the whole of Lily's body wasn't the blanket I was used to seeing her snuggle under.
The cold white walls of the hospital weren't her girly bedroom either.
Her brother was sobbing uncontrollably.
"No, Lily, no! This can't be happening! Please say it's a prank. Somebody, please." I broke out in tears.
"Emma." I heard Chase's voice, and soon felt his hands on me.
In my grief, I melted into his embrace.
"I swear I can still see her stir." I said, fighting him off. I was so convinced it wasn't my mind playing with me.
He was the only one with dry eyes still Gray was crying a puddle already.