Chereads / My Arranged Marriage with Haoyu / Chapter 5 - THE DUBIOUS SCHEME OF THE LI'S.


"Why will I stalk you?" asked Haoyu, still caressing his red cheeks.

'He is stalking me? Is he trying to blackmail me? Wouldn't he go back to the USA? Did he lie to me? Who is he? But nice scent though, he smells nice.' Meilin mumbled under her breath.

"Has it gotten to the slapping stage? Why slap me?" He asked with a depressed tone.

"What are hmm I am sorry about that, I don't like men touching me. It's just my reflex, I tend to react quickly..." He cuts her off.

"I also don't like women that I don't know touch me," says Haoyu.

"But you were just in a lady's arm right now," Mei murmured.

"Okay, I see. But what are you doing here?"

"I should also ask you the same," he replied shortly.

"Were you also invited to their birthday party?" she asked, scanning him from head to toe.

"No, I had to come. If I don't, there will be trouble," he said with a smile.

"You don't know the family right?" she asked.

He cuts her off, "Your hair is ruined, won't you work on it,"

"I will,"

Meilin opens her purse and brought out a wad of cash.

"I don't want to see you again. Take this money and treat yourself," she said throwing the cash on him.

"Is that your way of apologizing?" Haoyu asked with widened eyes.

"It's my way of ending any relationship with you, so you don't go around telling people you kissed Meilin," says Mei with a serious face.

"(He chucked) That wasn't really a kiss, just a peck on the lips. Do you want to know how real kisses are made? I will show you now if you want," Haoyu said.

He pulled her closer to him, looking down to her small face.

"You are very small Meilin," he chuckled.

Her legs were wobbling, his lips were so close to hers. She recalled the steamy experience in his car, her cheeks turned tomato red.

She suddenly pushed him away.

"Any way!! I am done here, I don't want to ever see you again In this life. I will sue you any day you come close to me or touch me!!" Pointing to his face, she turned her back on him and suddenly ran out of the garden.

"Cute and Fiesty!! But I can't grant your wish,"

"I am sorry Baby Meilin, you are stuck with me forever," He mumbled those words as she walked away to meet Andrew.


"What is it? why the long face? Are you angry because I called you on a weekend? Drew, I want to leave this party right now. " Mei said.

"I am sorry Mei, I failed you," says Andrew, looking sad.

"What is it?"

"Miu Miu just made a new list, and they removed your name to put Qian's. I was just informed about this," Said Andrew.

"What do you mean? Wasn't it given to me because I am more qualified than any other person? Why should Qian have it? You know I am a better model." Said Mei perplexed.

"So I heard from an insider that a big shot requested your name change," Andrew said, as they walked into the party.

Mei stopped abruptly, "Who is that? I will tell my brother to deal with them,"

"Mei, it's your brother. He requested your name change. He put Qian in that position," said Andrew her manager with a sad face, he knew how hard Mei worked for that position. She got it fairly without taking the back door.

"What do you mean? My brother won't do such a thing! He cares about me more than anybody in this world. I guess that was why I had been feeling uneasy all day. I feel like something bad will happen." says Mei with a sad tone.

"I am sorry Mei, you can....." Andrew was short cut by Mrs Li's presence.

Mrs Li held Mei's hand, she was all smiles.

"Where went you? I was searching for you," Mrs Li asked.

They walked hand in hand, she took her to Mr Li. Mei wasn't smiling a bit, she was already hurt by her brother. She kept wondering if he was now siding with Qian.

Mr Li took a glass cup and used his car keys to hit it lightly, just to get everyone's attention.

"Attention everyone, Firstly my wife and I thank you all for coming to my Birthday party. I really appreciate your presence, but today I have some good news to share." Mr Li said and everywhere became quiet.

For some reason Mei was uneasy, she kept looking at the crowd but she couldn't find her Elder brother. Her stepmum was just there smiling like a witch. Mrs Li held her hands so tightly, that everyone stared at her wondering what was about to happen.

"I believe everyone here knows Meilin, she is the daughter of my late friend Mr Chen. But right now she is engaged to my Eldest son and this party is also their engagement party. I am officially welcoming her to the Li family."

Mei was in shock, she just found out she was well-played by the Li's. No wonder the Li's have been on top of the influential families list, they have a lot up their sleeve. She was planning how to explain to them about her refusal to marry their son but now the whole world knows. How can she reject this marriage now? It will pose a threat to her career and her brother's business.

She couldn't say a word, suddenly cameras were flashing at her.

"I thought my brother said that there were no Paparazzi today. What is happening here?" Mei was lost in thought, her head was spinning. The flashes from the camera and people murmuring weakened her. She felt dizzy.

The wall projector that displayed a Happy Birthday sign suddenly turned to Happy Engagement to Chen Meilin and Li Haoyu.

"Chen Meilin!!" Mrs Li called her, but no response from her, she was still lost in thoughts.

"Where is Haoyu? He should come here now," Mrs Li said to the maid standing close to them.

Mei almost lost her balance, when a hand grabbed her waist.

The familiar sweet scent passed through her nose again, she gently looked up to the person. Her eyes met a smiling face, she got weak in the knees. Her tongue got tied to her mouth, she couldn't say a word.

Her thoughts were running wide. "Is he here to tell everyone that I sexually harassed him? Or that I kissed him?"

He grabbed her waist tightly pulled her closer to him and whispered to her ears.

"Smile Meilin, Everyone is watching you!"

His voice sent multiple electric shocks to Mei's body.

The crowd clapped, and everything piped down.

"Mum," Mei heard him clearly calling Mrs Li mum.

"Mum??" She screamed inwardly, she had already lost her voice.

Mei wanted to know what was happening here but her mind was ignorant of the truth. "He can't be the Li Haoyu"

"Nice to meet you Meilin, I guess it's the first time we are meeting. We have a lot to discuss. My Fiancee," Li Haoyu asked and winked at her.

Mei faked a wide smile, that she looked like Joker.

"Mei, I am sorry for announcing your marriage now. But we have to sort out your marriage quickly," Mr Li said, concerned.

Mr Li was sad and sorry, he noticed Mei's sudden change of expression, he only wanted to fulfill his late friend's wish. Even though it hurts the children.

Mei smiled in return and bowed slightly.

"What happened to your cheeks? Why is it red? When did you have such a mark? I didn't see it today?" Said Mrs Li as she spotted the handprint on Haoyu's cheek.

"It's a Cat, a cat scratched me," Haoyu said while looking at Mei with a smile. Mei averted her eyes immediately. Mei grabbed the wine from the server. She was still looking for her brother, so he could get her out of here. She couldn't wait to go home; if she had super powers, she would have disappeared from the face of the earth without a trace.

"Do you know you are a man now? When did you start having injuries? The other day you were walking funny. Today you have an injury. I hope you know you are now a husband and will soon be a father. This is public!! What will people think when they see it? I know you are always careful and conscious. What happened? How did you get such a mark?" Mrs Li asked as her countenance changed.

Mei choked on the wine, she took to calm her rapid breathing

"Mei are you okay? Haoyu please take Meilin home, I think she is tired," Mrs Li requested.

"What!!! Take me home? Why?" Mei blurted out surprising Haoyu's parents by her sudden outburst..

Hairs in Mei's body stood erect, she had goosebumps thinking about the idea of being alone with him in a car, after what happened between them in his car.

Haoran walked up to them, he was holding hands with a Lady.

Mei noticed Mrs. Li and Mr Li's countenance changed, she wasn't smiling. She felt their discomfort by the lady's presence.

"Hello Ma,( she bowed in greetings) Mr Haoyu has an urgent business to take care of. Miss Mei, I can drive you home," Beiye offered.

Mei stared at her from her feet to the face. She was a beautiful woman. Her Aura was different, she exhibited power and sweetness that could take down any man. Her silver gown was almost like Mei's gown, it was definitely made by the same designer. Her features were amazing, she looked quite angelic. She had a sweet, low voice that showed her beauty and also her feminine power. Mei kept admiring the woman's beauty, while the lady smiled her way through everyone's heart.

"I don't know you!! Why will I ride with you? I am sorry, my manager is here. He can take me home."

"Mum, she is so rude. Sister Beiye is just being kind," says Haoran.

"And who are you?" Meilin asked.

"Seriously? You..."

Hoaran was cut short by Andrew who rushed to Meilin.

"Meilin, you need to leave here now. Let's go. The reporters will soon start approaching you" says Andrew with a sad face. Mei turned and all the reporters were on their phones, some were staring at her weirdly.

"What is it?"

"It's Lily!! She committed suicide and your name appeared in her suicide note," says Andrew, Mei felt very weak on her knees, and Haoyu grabbed her waist tightly.