Chereads / The Destined Mann-er / Chapter 15 - Chapter 14: Roma has some fun

Chapter 15 - Chapter 14: Roma has some fun

Saka stared outside the window. Tobi made a lot of sense. Why did he feel he didn't deserve to graduate? When Vira had brought up the topic last evening, he had automatically deflected it. He should try to hear Vira out. He will apologise to him.

Vira tried sorting out the student feedback forms according to common points.

Roma walked it. Vira was so focused, that her did not notice Roma. A sudden hand on his shoulder made him jump out of his skin.

Roma smiled. "What are you upto?"

Roma handled KG classes, so he was invariably free after three in the evening. Based on his load, he was assigned to middle schoolers, but that was during some teacher's absence. He was well suited for the job, considering his sweet temperament.

He was as calm as Laika was excited.More than that, he was always smiling, which made people around him be at peace.

Vira gave a sheepish smile. "I'm trying to prepare focussed study groups based on the career feedback. I don't know how many will take me seriously. Atleast I won't regret for not trying."

Roma sat next to him. "It's a brilliant idea. Why don't we have a development plan from nineth grade? We can focus teaching on relevant subjects, like these cramp school in cities."

Vira nodded his head. "I get what you mean. I have prepared something similar."

He pointed to a pile of papers. "It's got from nineth to eleventh."

Roma looked through the detailed questions. It had been set thoughtfully. Vira was indeed as dedicated as Maw Lava made him out to be.

"Laika and I can give you a hand with teaching your focused group. We don't handle high school, but we have done our graduation after all."

It suddenly struck Vira, both Laika and Roma had more teaching experience than him.

"Roma, I would need your guidance through and through. I may be older than you by a year, but I did my master's degree, so teaching experience wise, I am lacking."

Roma smiled nicely. "Vira, while we will support you, don't sell yourself short. You are way better than any of us here, as a teacher and as a human."

Vira knew Roma was only cheering him up. His eyes showed his gratitude.

"I'm going this weekend to the Mainland, will drop Rin and purchase some books for the book club. Do you and Laika want to check out the books? We can go through the student interests by then!"

"I can check it out with Laika. We have some friends there, so we may use this chance to socialize. You are okay if we ditch you for a couple of hours right?"

Vira laughed. "No problem! We can come back by the first boat on Monday. Rin won't have a problem hosting us."

"I don't think she will. Let's ask her, just to be sure."

Vira nodded. "Soon they'll have education fairs that promote colleges. I think taking our twelfth graders to a couple of such fairs will expose them to what the world can offer them."

"That is actually a great idea. Let's do one thing. We'll try to go through the data you have this Saturday, and come up with a road map, that we can show Maw Lava. If it is beneficial, I am sure we can get an approval."

Vira's eyes shone with excitement. "Yes, let's do it!"

Mina waltzed into the room. She chose to ignore Vira. Her eyes fell on Roma. "You there." She started. ""Why are you seated on the table. What an example to set to the children that pass by."

Roma looked up. He knew of the sizzling chemistry between Vira and Mina. He looked at Vira and gave him a wicked smile.

Vira whispered fiercely. "Whatever it is that you are thinking, don't."

" Ah, Maw Mina. It was unruly of me, I apologise."

Her glare softened. Atleast this one had manners. Her glance fell on Vira, who didn't even look up. "Such a rude creature!" She thought to herself. She did not realize that he was doing everything he could to not laugh.

Roma continued,  "Say Maw Mina, you do look fresh, even as the day ends! Your face is still glowing and so full of life! It's quite the opposite with Maw Vira, who looks like he's been through hell."

He said it in a pleasant manner.The sarcasm did not escape Vira, but he could not laugh. He could almost predict the response.

Maw Mina looked up. She was surprised at receiving a compliment.

"I am sorry Maw.."

"Roma. I am afraid we didn't get the chance to introduce ourselves. I handle primary classes."

"Maw Roma." What a gentleman. A person who could recognise standards. She did catch a glimpse of him now and then, but he was seldom in the staffroom.

" Are you from around here?"

"I do not have the stellar credentials to match yours, so to say. Most of us don't, I'm afraid."

She smiled smugly. "I am not one to flaunt my credit, but since you asked, let me tell you. I did my graduation in Phupha."

"Isn't that the best college in the whole of Marina for arts and allied studies?"

"Indeed. It has many unique courses, I did biomathematics."

"Wow, sounds complicated. You must have a lot of brains."

Vira snorted, quickly disguising it as cough. He got an evil glare from Mina.

Roman went on, in the same pleasant tone. "So where do you work? I heard you came here through the deputation scheme for promotion."

She nodded her head and smiled. "Have you heard of Bhum's school? I work there."

"Ooh.. Bhum is a great school I have heard, with 100% college placement results."

She smiled. Indeed.

"How about you Maw Roma?"

"I feel embarrassed, Maw Mina, just to even say the name. I can't believe this school is lucky to have one as gifted as you."

"Yeah, right," Vira mumbled. "And I'm God."

Roma heard it and flashed an smile.

Maw Mina's tone was icy cold. "Well Maw Vira, have you even been outside of this island?"

He asked back sarcastically, "Well Maw Mina, do you spot universities on this island?"

She wasn't going to back down this time. "Are you so embarrassed that you can't name your university."

"I guess in your case, your university would be embarrassed to consider you theirs."

"For your information, I got it in through the merit system."

"No test ranks character."

"I have been told that I have impeccable character."

"Unbearable you mean?" Vira asked lightly.

"Now now," interrupted Roma, who was enjoying the show, but realised that it was time to go home, "Let's all try to be friends, afterall we need to lead by example to the kids."

Roma was pointing to the door, where Saka was standing. He was silently laughing.

Maw Mina took her ire at Saka. "Why do you keep coming to the staffroom? Do you think teachers are your best friends or what?"

Vira replied coolly. "He wouldn't have had to come if he didn't have detention. Did you forget that you were the one who insisted on it Maw Mina? Now if you'd excuse me.."

Before she could open her mouth, he got his bag and walked out, with Saka walking beside him.

Min stood fuming. Roma quietly gathered his bag and Laika's, and said, "See you tomorrow Maw!" He dashed out, before she could corner him.