Chereads / The Dark Dragon's Vessel. / Chapter 11 - Life as a Forsythe

Chapter 11 - Life as a Forsythe

It had already been some days since Max moved in with the Forsythe Family. Max was unaware that this family was aristocracy, did this imply that he was now nobility? No, he couldn't; he didn't look like a noble at all. 

This family's mother is Reina Forsythe. She was a really compassionate woman. Despite her nobility, she believed in equality, and while Max stayed there, she treated him as if he were her own son, which she never had. She was also quite good looking for her age.

A woman in her mid-forties with blonde hair that used to match light but is now going white like the snow that everyone cherishes and awaits. She had the same eye color as Max, although hers was somewhat bluer.

Her clothing screams expensive, and the wrinkles on her face have unfortunately taken away a lot of her once beautiful appearance, but they aren't too bad for now. Some people disliked her crimson lipstick because it reminded them of blood.

She wore a lot of jewelry, which was to be expected given her status. She was also extremely tall, and she teased Max about how she was taller than him despite the fact that she was a woman and he was a male.

Her husband's name was Arthur Forsythe. Max's respect for the father rose immensely during his time here, despite being older than his wife, he continued to train in order to care for his family. He was a serious man who was also incredibly kind, he was so nice that Max doubted he could kill a fly, despite the fact that he had the capacity to do so.

His hair was gray, a hue that few people enjoy, and his eyes were blue enough to transport you to the depths of the ocean. Much like with his wife, old age has taken away much of his attractiveness, old age is truly merciless.

He constantly dressed for training and work ate healthily, and woke up early. Max guessed that he would easily reach his sixties easily. He did all of this to protect his family.

He was very buff, he would put Max on his shoulder to let him see how it is to be tall.

'What's with this family and making fun of my height?'

There was one more person in this family.

"Max your awake!"

Airis Forsyth. She was a very lively person, just like any nine-year-old. Given her age and her parents' age, you would assume she was adopted, but you would be mistaken.

She had her mother's hair, but it was much more lovely since it was golden, and her father had blue eyes, but they sent you to the shore instead of the depths. She dressed beautifully, like she should.

She was incredibly polite, possibly because she had taken training for it. Her greatest strength was her smile, which was as stunning as the sun. Like her mother, she wore a lot of jewelry. However, one stood out from the rest.

Why would she wear a black earring that didn't match the rest of her jewelry or even her facial features? Max will have to question her some time.

She and Max were extremely different when it came to personality, she was very outgoing and extroverted and constantly not caring if the person she was attempting to make friends with was harmful or not. Instead, Max may be described as a rude person, always on guard, and not particularly communicative.

But what do you expect from children with very distinct backgrounds?

Airis, on the other hand, was unconcerned, she had been attempting to gain Max's friendship since his arrival.

'Yeah, I am...'

"Come on Mom said breakfast is ready!"

Max watched the girl run to the kitchen and sighed.

'Why didn't I have this energy at that age.'

But Max had to say, her personality was quite nice when he first met her he was expecting a spoiled child, this stereotype came from his time with Elizabeth.

Walking through the halls to the kitchen Max couldn't help but admire the design and complexity that went into making them, it felt like he was walking through the hall of a castle.

It didn't compare to any from the Rose residence.

The kitchen was also beautiful, full of chandeliers, and candles to smell good, different forks and spoons on the table.

Max wasn't used to this life, he used to eat with his hands, I mean why would you need anything else?

Another thing it was hard for him to get over was the maids and butlers being nice. It felt weird and also reminded him of his childhood. 

"Max, honey take a seat."

Hearing Reina's words Max sat down and started eating, trying his best to choose the right utensils.

After they finished eating they started talking and laughing, Max learning in his days here that this was normal for families to do.

"Oh Max I forgot to ask, where did you get that bracelet, it looks expensive and it doesn't look old, who bought it for you if your parents died four years ago?"

Reina's words surprised Max, was this bracelet he sto- borrowed from Netami really that expensive?

'Oh a friend gave me it, nice of him isn't it?'

"Sure is, it doesn't look cheap at all. Maybe you should sell it an-"


Nothing further was said after that. Was he too rude? He wasn't trying to be, he simply didn't want to think about selling it, the bracelet meant a lot to him.

"Never mind that. Oh, Airis, you mentioned you were going shopping tomorrow for your tenth birthday party, can you bring Max with you?"

Airis hearing this exactly got out of her chair.

"Yes! Most definitely dear mother."

Her mother smiled.

Max raised his hand.

'May I object?'

"Hm? Why, it's a good thing to go outside once in a while, you need your vitamin D. Plus you need new clothes."

'I've already spent a lot of time outside before this, and my clothes are good enough.'

"That's enough, my decision is final, got that Max Forsythe?"

Max's eyes widened as he heard that.