As I looked at the adorable little girl still standing on the ground, I could see her spiritual circuits shining in a strange pattern… it was an incomplete but simple pattern compared to what I've seen so far.
This is the first time I have seen a spiritual circuit that is incomplete.
That little girl was pointing at me with her small, fragile hand.
Is she the cause of this? It's some strange magic...
I remember reading that there are users of Telekinesis: they are beings capable of using spiritual power to control objects with their mind. They are users who were born with a peculiar condition in the roots that connect their core to their mind. It is a very rare power that is not seen very often and turns out to be a very powerful, unique and dark gift. Its capabilities are unknown, since it depends on each individual who carries that singularity.
"You did it, Ivy!" said a boy wearing clown-like clothes and a sad joker mask with two tears carved into it. He was the first to come out with a joy and curiosity very different from what his mask meant.
The second one who came out next to him was another boy with the same clown outfit and another joker mask: but his mask was one of happiness and his personality was not what it reflected. "You caught him..." He said with a neutral and cold tone.
Are your masks reversed or do they have a special meaning? If there is a background to that, it might be interesting to see them up close and personal.
After the wildcard twins emerged from the shadows, the rest followed in a row: a short, fat boy in a straw hat; a beautiful girl in Egyptian-style attire, she had dark skin and black hair, with gold necklaces and rings and a white blindfold covering her eyes. Finally, the last to emerge was a girl holding a small stuffed animal next to a hammer with nails.
It's a strange group...
There's no coordination in their appearance, but it's not like I'm in any way privy to the politics within the circus of someone like Garzhaus.
"I know you may find it funny and your way of greeting strangers is to hold them in the air… but I would appreciate it if you could put me down immediately. I am not a wild animal and I have Garzhaus's permission to look inside this place."
After saying those words, the blindfolded girl looked at me for a moment and then at Ivy. "Let him go Ivy, that boy is telling the truth." As she gave the order, Ivy slowly lowered me onto the ground.
"Excuse me..." Little Ivy said shyly.
"Don't worry, it's normal to be alarmed in front of a stranger when they are within your territory." With my reply, she smiled and ran back to hide behind the dark-skinned girl in Egyptian-style attire. "I apologize if I caused you any misunderstanding," I said as I stood in front of the Cleopatra girl.
"We are the ones who should apologize, we don't usually get many visitors at the moment." After a friendly smile, she continued. "My name is Kafka and we are like a family in this circus."
"I am Ivy," said the little girl with the extraordinary singularity. And next to her, the other girl with the stuffed animal and the nails also greeted me. "I am Zivy."
"Hello! I'm Sad Jack!"
"I am Jack of the Smile"
Both Jokers said. They have the same name as their masks, even though their personalities are the opposite of that.
"Uhm... Glotto," said the fat boy with the straw hat. Kafka later explained to me that Glotto cannot speak very well and can only express himself a little: he understands when spoken to, but can only affirm, deny, and say his own name.
Everyone here has their own personalities but they are all good people.
"My name is Lucius, nice to meet you all."
Now that I see Kafka, her dark skin is striking and she has nice curves. But she is still in the process of development... they say that brunettes have a genetic makeup for bigger breasts and a more voluptuous butt.
Her body curves are even unreal. Hehehe
"Oh, is that so?" Kafka said while touching his chest shyly as his face turned red.
"Yes, that's very true! And besides… Huh?" I paused in bewilderment.
What just happened?
"Didn't I tell you?" She said in surprise. "I apologize." After that, she proceeded to explain: Kafka was born with the power to perceive the intentions of others, it is not far from telepathy, but Kafka cannot read thoughts directly, but can perceive the emotions and intentions of the moment.
She interprets the thoughts of the people around her at any given moment, but it is not telepathy... I feel that something similar to this has happened before...
Do they no longer respect the freedom of internal thought?
You can no longer have lustful thoughts about women in peace these days!
That is unacceptable!
"Sorry... Kafka"
"Don't worry, I'll make sure to remember that in the future," he said with a kind smile.
I think you are wrong, Kafka. Instead, you should forget what I told you, because I will be branded a pervert if they find out about this...
After talking to everyone, who kindly gave me a tour of the inside of that giant circus, I finally said goodbye to them and continued on my way.
They treated me like a member of their family and taught me all kinds of things. Garzhaus soon forgot what had happened before and also taught me many things about his fantastic circus.
Before leaving that place, I told him about what I discussed with Gina and let Garzhaus know how I feel about it: I told him that he should not isolate his daughter unfairly like that since she feels very lonely; without the company of someone to play with or someone to visit her. So I swore to him that I would visit Gina again whenever I had the opportunity to do so. To my demands, Garzhaus agreed with a smile.
At least he took everything I said in good spirits...
"This place seems... normal"
Now I find myself in front of a place that is neither very ornate, nor simple.
As I was watching from outside, a person was walking towards me.
It was a woman with a long white coat similar to a scientist's: on her head she had protective glasses and her eyes were green. Not to mention her decent body... since there are better ones if I compare her to other women I have seen so far.
Well, that was an unnecessary and cruel criticism...
"Do you need anything?" she asked, carrying a wooden box with some tools inside.
Is this a laboratory?
"Sorry, I was just walking, and this place caught my attention a little bit."
"Oh? Well then, you can come in… come with me." The scientist says kindly with a smile.
When I entered, I was genuinely amazed by its interior, not because of its sacred relics and very expensive statues of great ancient meanings, but because of so many mechanical and chemical artifacts inside.
There were strangely shaped pieces of metal with shiny cores; metal tools of various sizes, but with magical power flowing within them as many nuts rotated around them like planets.
Is this the mechanical technology of the Divine Empire Realm?
There is no doubt that this fusion of technology with magical power is what is described in the books I have read. Seeing and witnessing it up close is definitely better… its appearance is imposing and robust… everything is so complex and majestic that it even gives me goosebumps. It is fascinating!
"Everyone has that same expression the first time they come in."
"How could I not be impressed? This is amazing!"
"Have you never seen mechanical technology? You are a human like me, you should already know it as well as we do..."
After explaining to her about my condition and that I am a passing visitor, she understood but was still confused at every part.
"You are in a big mess..."
"It's not that bad, I'll be leaving soon"
"Since I don't leave this lab much and I spend most of my time teaching at Qars University as well, I don't usually get informed about the surrounding things…" After saying this thoughtfully, she finally smiled after a few seconds and reached out her hand to me. "It's nice to meet you, my name is Hilda and I'm a famous mechanical technology engineer. I don't usually receive many visitors, much less from other humans in the Kingdom of Atlas."
Aside from Hilda and Princess Galystia, who are humans like me, we are probably very rare within kingdoms other than our own continent. As far as I read, not all kingdoms suffer from xenophobia, but everyone remains comfortable within their own homes and surrounded by people of their own kind.
Species that travel abroad mostly do so for work and political reasons. Such is the case of engineer Hilda, who teaches at the University of Qars as a famous inventor and attributes her experiments to the Kingdom of Atlas. And Princess Galystia Medicis, who lives here as part of her studies at the University of Qars and her general training within the Kingdom of Atlas.