Chapter 21 - Night Invitation - 3

Asthia Betelgizer Von Anima is from the ruling royal family of the continent with the heaviest prestige in the world. Her ancestor, the Great Abyssal Demon King, left a heavy burden on her family. The name of that former dictator was erased from all historical records in the world and no one knows about him or his past. As if he was erased from life.

But I know there must be someone who is still alive and knows about what happened.

Demons have very long life spans depending on the species. There is one in particular that lives for over two thousand years, just like purebred elves and dwarves. But there are not many genuine records of such demons as they are not easy to find and pinpoint.

As for the elves and dwarves, many are no longer pure-blooded, and their life spans were greatly reduced by mixing with other species in different cities.

The Betelgizer Von Anima family managed to maintain peace and rise again from the pit where they were. And like the entire world, they do not recognize the reign of the Great Abyssal Demon King as legitimate, but rather as an act of tyranny and tragedy that brought misfortune upon his descendants.

Over time, each kingdom recognized the noble efforts of the Demons after five hundred years and they were finally accepted, causing the entire Demon Continent to prosper again to this day.

That explains the individual named Asthia, who genuinely strives to fit in and has managed to become friends with every princess on the seven continents. She is treated without discrimination and as a member of their inner circle. Even Zaphyris looks after her personally.

Asthia is an example to follow.

I'm glad she's enjoying herself with her friends. She doesn't deserve to carry someone else's bitter past.


Round 2

The second drink was much easier to digest since I had tried it before. The other princesses didn't seem as affected, but their expressions were more relaxed and docile. The effect of the alcohol should already be slowly starting to take effect at this point.

I don't feel much different, but my energy is unusually high. That means I'm not exempt from the effects of the beer and within a few rounds I should already start to feel the main symptoms of drunkenness.

As I said, I know my body, I'm not a veteran drinker and I'm fragile when it comes to these things.

"Now it's your turn, Hilyana," Ruby urged the next contestant.

"Hmm… my kingdom isn't very welcoming to foreigners and sometimes they tend to have trouble socializing properly with others, but they don't have any bad intentions and they try hard to try to get along with foreigners. Our place covered by the endless enchanted forest is very beautiful and there are all kinds of fascinating things: be it the different species or vegetation, cities or paradises. Everything is very magical in the Great Enchanted Forest."

Since elves live in the high mountains of their continent and are not frequent travelers, they are mostly isolated in the Great Enchanted Forest of the Kingdom of the Armored Hydra. Their community is very strict in certain ways and they are not usually very warm to outsiders who invade their mountains, but they are not aggressive and pedantic either. Their defensive and distant personalities are due to always living isolated from the outside and fearing the unknown. But once they get to know you well enough, elves often give, albeit in their own peculiar way, a warm and respectful welcome.

That's what the books say about the different main species that inhabit each kingdom of the world.

There are also books that are collections of the diaries of great travelers who have visited many places around the world and with very diverse stories about their adventures.

It is worth mentioning that I was analyzing a world map of planet Earth and discovered something peculiar: many of the continents and countries of today are different from those of my time. And there are also others that are similar but with some variations.

Were there continental separations eight thousand years into the future? That is a high probability, but the locations remain almost the same.

"They say the Great Enchanted Forest is a very special place full of thousands of wonders, is that so Hilyana?" Ruby said with a bright look of obvious excitement.

"Huh? Ah... yes. Since I grew up in that place I don't see it as all that wonderful, but there are many things that can only be found in the Great Enchanted Forest. If you ever visit it, I'll make sure you see all its splendor." As she said that, her long ears moved as she smiled.

The other girls were very excited to see the place that is mentioned in so many books.

The Great Enchanted Forest is known as The World of a Thousand Fantasies: almost everything seems to have life and will of its own.

I won't deny that I also want to visit that place at least once in my life...

"It's your turn, Aphril," Ruby continued.

After some thought, she finally spoke. "What I can say is based on my perspective… maybe you will see it differently."

"It doesn't matter, we also think the same about our kingdoms." Ruby said as the other princesses nodded in response.

"My kingdom is a place with a certain balance of customs and discoveries. The culture is one of pioneering spirit and they like to take ownership of the unknown, they are kind to foreigners but strict once they make you part of their lands. When they want something they are very protective and strength is of vital importance in their lives, so it is not easy to describe them at first until you meet them."

What he says is very true, in the diaries of many travelers there are no concrete descriptions about the complex society of the people of the water, but there is good reference to their kindness and curiosity about the unknown.

They are good people and have a great sense of individual difference: strength is something that the people of the water value above all things. They live by demonstrating their strength by enforcing their principles.

"I admit that they are very interesting people," Ruby said and everyone nodded in agreement.

I also share Ruby's opinion on this subject, the Kingdom of Atlas is a nice place and its inhabitants are peculiar; although also kind and good-hearted.


Round 3

So far there were no problems, but something had changed in the third round: the effects were starting to become visible, and a slight dizziness was gradually increasing. Some princesses even seemed affected as well.

Their beautiful and delicate faces have become a little more flushed and were a little out of place.

The ones who don't seem too affected at all are Ryujinzhu and Ruby. I'm starting to feel a little dizzy but I can keep going.

"Now it's your turn, Ryujinzhu"

"Dragon people, though they may not seem so from their appearance, are very good: they are tough when they need to be and kind when required. They do not dislike foreigners entering their lands and each city or village on the continent has its own values."

There are books that describe the Dragon Continent as a mystical place: villages with unique styles and large figures with monuments to the Ancient Ancestral Dragon Gods. They have great wealth but are modest, they are very independent beings and do not usually leave their lands; that is why it is strange and almost exotic to see a dragon person in another part of the world. Their community is very wise and educated, but their appearance is threatening, with a look that makes any being on earth tremble.

Ryujinzhu is the definition of that: she proves that what the history books say is very true. It would be interesting to go to the Dragon God Realm sometime to see all kinds of subtly striking things; and discover for myself something that caught my attention: it seems that the women of the Dragon God Realm are the dominant ones and the men are submissive to them.

Is it because female dragons are stronger than male dragons? That's what I thought when I read about it. I was honestly surprised when I met all the princesses for the first time with Zaphyris: the figure of power within that meeting was supposed to have been the Ice Empress Zaphyris Quaramis, but there was one person whose true figure of power and authority subconsciously contrasted: it was Ryujinzhu Dragonroad. Her power as a dragon descendant was imposing over everyone present at that time.

She is as close to Zaphyris as all the other princesses and seems to hold Zaphyris in high regard. Even Ryujinzhu participates in Zaphyris's training and they both learn together. But her aura of power is very obvious even to me... Ryujinzhu overshadows Zaphyris when the two of them are together.

"I've heard that the dragon community is one of the best and they are a great example to follow. Their lifestyles are very beautiful and modest," Ruby said.

"That's true, I won't deny that it has its charm"

Farys couldn't contain her curiosity and asked excitedly while wagging her tails. "Is it true that the men there are the strongest?"

"We don't make ostentatious use of force and we don't brag about it either… but I suppose dragonmen can be considered that way."

"Oh, interesting!" Are you that attracted to them? That must be the nature of beast people.

They all seem as intrigued as Farys about it...

"Now then Galystia, it's your turn"