Chereads / Kingdom Of Shadow / Chapter 20 - The Girl Named Claire

Chapter 20 - The Girl Named Claire

-Alexis Lycan, 18 Years Old-

Alexis awakes just a few minutes after passing out. He stares up at the blank ceiling, confused. As he lies there, he quickly feels a pair of eyes boring into him. He slowly turns his head and spots the beggar girl sitting motionlessly in the corner, staring at him with blank eyes. He stands up quickly in confusion, wondering why and how she is in his room. Then, like an arrow loosed by a bow, all the memories of the cathedral shoot into his mind at once. Alexis bends over and clutches his head in his hands. After a few moments of ragged breathing, he pears through his fingers and sees the girl still watching him.

She's dead. Or at least she was, he isn't sure which. Alexis pushes all thoughts out of his mind and clambers to his feet. He slowly walks toward the girl, cautiously. As he is about halfway to her, he feels that something is wrong with the situation. He belatedly looks down and sees his bare, naked body. He then remembers that his clothes had fallen off when he had transformed into that... thing.

Alexis shoots straight up and rushes to the worn wardrobe in the corner of the room. He flings the door open with great force and grabs a random tattered robe held inside. He quickly pulls it on and faces the beggar girl once more. He isn't normally self-conscious about his body, but his mind is fried right now. He walks over to her and stands before her. He reaches out his hand, subconsciously, and brushes his hand across her face.

Her eyes flicker and she shudders slightly at the touch. He pulls his hand back and sits down so they are at eye level. She just stares back into his eyes, but there is a faint light in them once again. Even if it's only a smidgen.

The girl stares blankly at him and he opens his mouth to speak.

"Do you understand me?" He asks.

She slowly nods her head in the affirmative.

Alexis only vaguely remembers the spell he used to bring her back from death. It came to him while he was in that form, so he doesn't know the true meaning or the ramifications of using it.

"Are you... alive?" He asks shakily, almost dreading the answer she might give.

The girl looks confused for a second and shakes her head no, then immediately nods afterwards. Like she was saying yes and no at the same time.

"Hmm... both?" He mumbles to himself. But she hears his words and nods again.

Alexis lets out a long breath and slumps to the floor. He is at a loss at what to do with the girl.

This was going to be a pain to explain to Sabrina.


Alexis sits outside of his house and enjoys the warm sunlight. His thoughts keep going back to the cathedral, and the Oracle. When he thinks of her, he gets angry. She had toyed with the poor girl and had tried to do the same to him.

He is also immensely shaken at the experience of seemingly dying. Worst of all, he is afraid of the monster he became towards the end, and the almost uncontrollable state he was in. He heard Arabella's voice, so it probably had something to do with her. He is going to demand answers from her, consequences be damned.

As he basks in the sun, lost in his head, Sabrina approaches him. He hears her footsteps and is pulled out of his swirling thoughts.

"My Lord." She says gently to get his attention.

"Hmm?" Alexis murmurs, his eyes fluttering open.

"I have just received a message from Ms. Anaxia. She has called off your regular lessons for the day." She says.

"Oh? This is most surprising. Did she give a reason?" He casually asks with slight interest. Jessica Anaxia is a fanatic when it came to magic, so it must have been something serious indeed to divert her attention.

"Yes, my Lord. Apparently, an Oracle was attacked in Neverand City. They have asked for her assistance in locating the perpetrator."

Alexis winces ever so slightly when he hears her words. He reaches up and absentmindedly scratches his head. He turns all the way and fully faces her.

"About that..." He begins.


"I see." Sabrina eventually says after a long pause. She leans back and closes her eyes. Her face is expressionless.

"They attacked you for no reason?" She asks slowly.

"Yes. After I saved a young beggar girl from being violated, they targeted me." Alexis explains.

Sabrina frowns, breaking the stoic mask that she wore.

"My Lord... If the Oracle finds you..." She whispers, concern etched in her voice.

"I know, Sabrina." He says and runs his hand through her hair. She leans into his touch. "But no one knows Duke Lycan's face, my face. And Jessica won't lead them here... I hope." He continues.

Sabrina lets out a long breath and leans closer into Alexis. He smiles and holds her gently.


Alexis leads Sabrina towards his bedroom. He looks at her and nods before opening the door. There, the beggar girl is perched upon his bed exactly where he had left her. Alexis puts a smile on his face and approaches the girl. He stops in front of her and reaches towards her.

"Hello again. Can you speak?" Alexis asks.

The girl looks up at Alexis with near blank eyes and suddenly grabs Alexis' outstretched hand. Sabrina cries out softly and tries to run forward to protect her Lord, but Alexis holds a hand out to stop her. He doesn't feel any malice from her and doubts she wants to hurt him. He even vaguely feels like that it is impossible for her to do.

As she holds his hand, he feels himself weaken slightly. When he looks closely, he sees black smoke twirling from Alexis' body to the girls. After a few moments of this she lets him go and sits back.

Her eyes are more alert, and she looks a bit refreshed.

"...Yes." The girl whispers softly.

Alexis stumbles back a step or two, feeling quite drained. Sabrina is standing behind him and helps prop him up. He turns and smiles at her.

"Thank you, as always."

Alexis then asks the beggar girl a question.

"What is your name?"

"...Claire..." She whispers.

Sabrina eyes the girl, Claire, and smiles faintly.

"My Lord, must you always return with women in need?" She mumbles to herself.