Chereads / Kingdom Of Shadow / Chapter 24 - Dawn Of War

Chapter 24 - Dawn Of War

-Duke Tabias Anaxia, 42 Years Old-

Duke Tabias sits behind the massive oak desk in his office. His butler had just brought him a letter from the young Duke Lycan. It is a Declaration of War request against an insignificant Baronet. It is lying on the table and stamped with the unique Lycan seal. It is an authentic letter. Tabias sighs deeply, leaning back in the chair as he runs a hand through his long hair.

"Just what is he thinking...?" He mutters to himself. It is spoken too softly to be heard by most people. Though it is indeed heard by someone who is in the room with him.

"Knowing the Duke, I am certain he has a good reason, father." A voice speaks out.

Tabias turns and looks at the speaker, a small smile on his face.

"Jessica." He says simply, his face lighting up at the sight of his cherished daughter. She is lazily lounging on a nearby couch, her legs draped over the side as she reads a book. The sight would have shocked anyone who glimpsed it. Noble ladies never displayed such 'unbecoming' behavior.

"You seem to still have much faith in the Duke." Tabias continues. He glances at the family butler who is standing silently by the wall. At said look, the butler bows and swiftly exits the room.

Jessica pulls herself up, straightening on the couch. She wears a sly grin as she answers her father.

"Of course, he is a valuable trade partner and pupil."

Tabias scoffs quietly at his daughter's words. He leans forward in his chair while crossing his arms.

"Even though he is hunted by the Oracle of the Goddess Amanda?" He asks, clearly a bit confused.

Jessica has been making frequent trips to and from Neverand City as she helps the Oracle and her Knights. As soon as she saw the thoroughly wrecked cathedral, she knew who she was supposed to be hunting. The Duke of the Lycan domain, Alexis.

Jessica tilts her head to the side before answering. She comes closer to her father.

"I can hardly blame him for retaliating as he did. Followers of the Goddess Amanda are notoriously zealous. They hunt down any who possess 'strange' powers." She says while whispering, lowering her voice just in case.

Slander against an Oracle in any capacity is a capital offense after all.

Tabias stares at his daughter for a few long moments. He turns to the side and exhales deeply.

"Careful, my daughter. Careful." He says, once again locking eyes with her. He is vigilant to ensure that they are not overheard. He would go to war to protect her, but that is a last resort.

Jessica giggles and covers her mouth, smiling at her father's reaction.

"I know, father. Regardless, Alexis was acting in self-defense. They have absolutely no leads on who attacked them. They can't exactly track him down at this rate." She says, reclining once again.

Tabias thinks her words over, once again running his hands through his hair. A tick of his, one that manifested when he was stressed.

"Do you mean to continue supporting him?" He asks simply.

With no hesitation she replies, giggling again.

"Of course, father."

He nods at this and pulls the paper closer. He reaches into his desk and produces his seal. After it is stamped, he calls in his butler to have it sent back.

The declaration was ratified.


-Alexis Lycan, 18 Years Old-

Roughly two weeks after he sent the letter, Alexis receives a short and concise reply from the Warden of the North. His retaliatory war had been approved. Alexis grins widely and spins towards Ryan, who is waiting nearby.

"We have the go ahead. Let's move." He speaks loudly, glad the tense waiting is over.

"Yes, my Lord!" Ryan answers immediately, his tone excited.

They stand up quickly from their chairs and each strap on their swords and remaining armor. They glance at each other and nod as they leave the room in a hurry.


The following day, Alexis marched his troops over the border separating the two lands. He had forwarded the acceptance letter to Baronet Anstrada the day prior. This officially signaled the formal beginning of the war. Now all that is left was the fighting itself.

Alexis leads his column of soldiers from the front, beside him is the second highest ranked soldier after Ryan, Jackal.

He is part of the original six men at arms and is overall busy in his role as acting as a trainer and leader to the new recruits. His fighting ability is above average and growing steadily due to access to more food and supplies.

Alexis glances behind him and watches his soldiers, each of which marches in almost perfect unison. Their faces reflect their inner feelings, showing determination and resolve.

Alexis faces forward again, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of tactics and strategies. They are clearly outnumbered, but his troops had discipline. He is confident in their victory.


About three hours after passing the border into enemy lands, they come upon a decently sized village. Ryan pulls his horse alongside Alexis', clearly intending to act as a guard. But it is unnecessary.

As they draw nearer, Alexis sees the poor state of the villagers. Sunken eyes and threadbare clothes greet his eyes. The village folk watch the coming soldiers with clear apprehension, but also surprisingly, a glimmer of hope. It is clear that the villagers are being exploited ruthlessly by the third-rate Baronet. They desperately hope that their Lord would be overthrown and replaced with the Duke before them. They had all heard about the newfound wealth of the Lycan domain and of its benevolent ruler. They long for the ability to easily feed their children and themselves.

Alexis stops in the village square to survey his surroundings. He is filled with sorrow, and a rising anger. The actions of the current Baronet are in line with the past deeds of his own foul father. He fumes at the thought. He decides to show Baronet Anstrada no mercy, and free these poor souls from their torment.

Alexis signals for the column to keep marching past him down the road. He carefully watches his soldiers as they each pass him by. Looks of horror and anger are plastered on their faces. The urge to fight the tyrannical Lord builds up inside each and every one of them.

Alexis nods in satisfaction and follows after his soldiers, spurring his horse to take up the lead once again.


Another three hours later, Alexis and his troops climb a medium sized hill and spots the Baronet's forces waiting for them on the field below. Alexis counts roughly fifty soldiers waiting for them. Along with another hundred or so conscripted civilians, armed with only crude weapons such as pitchforks and the like.

Alexis is disgusted by that fact; the civilians are clearly there to act only as meat shields for the regular troops. More anger rises to the surface within him.

He spits on the ground and draws his sword, preparing for the coming battle.