Chapter 2 - CHAPTER 2

A council of elders were gathered at the throne room. They were there to discuss a proposal made by another pack, an alliance proposal.

"I think it is suspicious, why our pack of all packs?" An elder brought up. "What's suspicious about it, after all, Alpha Garret and the late princess used to be mates" countered another.

"That's exactly why it's suspicious, don't you think it's weird how he had agreed to marry his mate's supposed murderer?" Asked the first. "No I think it's perfectly normal, plus he can't know for sure if Princess Ellen really did murder his mate" the second retorted. None of the could mention the name of the late princess as they didn't want to upset the Alpha, she was his favorite daughter after all.

The Alpha stayed silent as the two elders argued on the matter. He was a little skeptical about marrying Ellen off to get late sister's mate as everyone thought that that was the reason she killed her sister.

"Alpha, I suggest we think about this carefully before making a decision" the first elder advised and ended his argument.

"There's really nothing to think about....." The second elder began, "this alliance is good for the pack plus it is an opportunity to get rid of the murderer" he added, making his hatred for Ellen quite clear.

The Alpha thought for a while and couldn't help but agree with the second elder, it was a win-win situation. 

"What do you think about this Nathan?" The Alpha asked hours beta before he would make his decision. "I have to agree with Elder Evans, this Alliance will favour is greatly" replied Beta Nathan who also happened to hate Ellen.

Everyone in the pack hated Ellen, they loved her sister while she was alive as she seemed so kinda and perfect. To them, Ellen was the monster that smarter away their happiness.

Elder Ali, the second elder shook his head in disappointment. Though he didn't really like Ellen, he also didn't think she was capable of murdering her sister. He had been studying her for many years and she didn't seem like she could hurt a fly, so how could have killed someone? Not just anyone at that, her own good sister with whom she shared a womb.

The Alpha pondered about the matter for a while and after what seemed like an hour, he cleared his throat and announced his decision.

Ellen returned to the palace drenched from head to toe. The maids stared at her from afar, since secretly snickering while those who were bold enough shot her open glares.

She didn't have the strength to yell at them so she just dragged herself to her room. She slammed the door shut once she got in and peeled off her we clothes.

She was about to go and gave a shower when a knock came on her door. Ellen immediately knew who it was, only one person had the guts to knock on her door or even come close to her room.

She put on her robe and went to open the door, a little girl by the name of Anna was standing outside with a basket of fruits.

Anna was a maid at the palace, she was fine as a baby abandoned by her mother at the palace gate and ever since then she had been working as a palace maid.

She was ten years old, old enough to understand what was going on the palace and why everyone was treating Ellen like a plague but she still came to Ellen's room everyday with a basket of fruit.

"I picked this from the garden and walked them for you" she said just like always. Ellen forever her lips to form a small smile so as not to upset the girl and collected the basket from her.

Ellen could already ordering what the little girl was going to say next, "can I come in?" She asked, usually Ellen would tell her that she was busy and slam the door at her face but she really needed someone to keep her company.

She slid the door open some more, just enough for little Anna to come in. She didn't open it too wide though as she didn't want to give the maids passing by an opportunity to peek in her room.

Anna's little mouth curved in surprise. She was going to be the first person in 12 months to go into Ellen's room.

She took slow steps in savoring every moment she got to spend on the room. She had been to every single room in the palace except Ellen's as Ellen's room was off limit to everyone, not like anyone really wanted to go in.

Everyone was scared that she would do to them what she did to her sister. Not Anna though, Anna had a feeling that Ellen was not what people her since she had been coming to her room. She barely ever even yelled at her.

Ellen sat on her bed and signaled Anna to do the same, Anna was a little reluctant at first but after seeing how hurt Ellen looked because of her, she sat very close to her.

"Thank you for letting me in your room, I heard some maids saying you had cried and came to check up on you" Anna said making Ellen wonder why everyone couldn't be like Anna.

"Thanks, I really needed to company" Ellen said with all sincerity.

Anna just stared at her as she was at loss for words, not only did Ellen let her into her room, she also thanked her.

Ellen had never thanked her before, even when she brought fruits for her, she would just collect it and slam the door at her face.

"Today is my sister's remembrance" Ellen said and bit her lower lips, she wasn't sure why she was saying that to a kid but she was still grateful to have someone to talk to even if it was just a kid.

She took a deep breath and continued "Everyone thinks I killed her, even though I didn't". Anna stared at her with curious eyes, she had heard of the cliff incident but had never heard Ellen's side of the story.

"Can you tell me what happened that night?" Anna asked with all the boldness she could gather. "What's the point?" Ellen asked with a about, "irrespective of what I tell you, you will just believe what you want to like everyone else" she added.

Anna couldn't help but feel sorry for her, Ellen had been called a lier by her while pack and this must have made her lose her hope in everyone.

"I don't believe that you did it though" Anna said, Ellen turned to look at her with a date smile. That was the first time she was hearing those words. Too bad it was from their mouth of a ten year old maid who had no say in the pack.

"That doesn't change anything" Ellen muttered, "the fact that you believe me won't change the fact that everyone else in the pack thinks that I'm nothing but a good for nothing child who murdered her own twin sister" .

Anna placed her small hands on Ellen's and gave it a little squeeze, "take it one at a time, one trust at a time" she said.

Ellen was so sure that Anna's mother must had either been a fool or an unlucky woman. After all who would be so dumb to abandon such a blessed and wise child.

Anna was the first child she had ever met who seemed to be more mature and wiser than most adults. She spoke like she was a century years old and acted like one too.

"Has anyone ever told you that you act too mature for your and?" Ellen asked, this question caused Anna's cheek to turn Rosy pink and she began to fiddle with the hem of her dress.

"Thanks for having this conversation with me, it really helped" Ellen said and have her a sure hug. Anna took a glance at the wall clock and happened on seeing that she had spent and hour talking with Ellen.

She quickly jumped off the bed and bade Ellen goodbye. She ran out the door followed by the stares of some maids who had saw her go in and had waited to see if she would come out safely.

"Look how fast she's runni

ng, only the moon goddess knows what Ellen has done to the poor child" one said