Chereads / Player's System / Chapter 2 - Chapter 1: Awaken

Chapter 2 - Chapter 1: Awaken


"Get to you're seats! We're gonna start the class!" The teacher says while all my classmates are going on their seat

"Hey Jin! What's up!?" Says someone


"Hey" he says

"Whoa, hey Kyle! looks like he's not scared of you anymore!" Says one of Kyle's friend

"Yeah! He doesn't even bother to answer you! Hahahahahahaha" says the other

"You mother-!!!" Kyle says


"AGHHH!!" I groan

"Whoa nice punch!" I hear someone says, maybe one of his friends again? I don't know, first time seeing him with Kyle

"Hey what's happening there in the back!?" Says our teacher

"Nothing sir! Jin just trip!" Kyle says "right?" He asked

"Yeah sir..... I..... I just trip" I says

"Okay hurry up and get to you're seats were gonna start the class" our teacher says

" Yessir!" Says Kyle and his friends, but before Kyle go to his seat he says something to me

"Go to our usual spot, don't even think about being late you're not gonna like what's gonna happen to your sister"

My eyes got wide when he says that,

There's nothing I can do about it, I'm just a weak person, a trash human being, a failure

"Yeah... I'm gonna be there" I said "good" Kyle said with a huge smile on his face

I just grin at him when he turns his back.

--1 hour later--



"AGHHH!" I groan

" Hey Jin Aneced, why didn't you answer me when we were in the classroom?" Asked Kyle " say sorry to me and lick my shoe" he says. I just wish that I could kill this guy but, I'm weak so I can't do it

I stand up, kneel and lick his shoe

"EWWWWW What the F***" says a girl besides Michael, one of Kyle's friend

"Did he just lick you're shoe!?" Says the girl Kyle was hugging

"Dude if I'm as pathetic as you I'm gonna kill myself!" Says Jared while laughing

They all laughed when he says that

"If you just answer my question this wouldn't have had happened to you" says Kyle with a big smile on his ugly face... Not really he's popular for a reason

"What should I do to you so I could get rid of this stress?" Says Kyle..... I'm so sick of that F****** name

" Kick him!"

"No! Punch him in the face!"

"Pour a water oh his clothes!"

Suggested by his friends

"Alright!" Says Kyle and then....




"AGHHH!" I groan because it f****** hurts


"You piece of s***! Why do you always wear a hoodie anyway? It's so hot as s*** let me take it off for you" he says while attempting to grab my hoodie

"Nooooo!"i shouted and then slap his hand away




" What..... The ... F***?" Kyle says with his face can't believe I just did that to him

"You motherf******!!!" He says and then punch me in the stomach


"AGHHH!" I groan in agony as I feel like I'm gonna puke but I manage to endure it and punch him too

***POW*** ***POW***

I managed to punch Kyle in the stomach and in the face two times, it made me feel happy because I think I can finally get my revenge on him for all the things he did to me

I tried to punch him again but he dodged and punch me in the stomach


"You F******" he says and then punch me in the stomach again


"You motherf*****!!!!" He attempted to punch me but I managed to dodged and punch him in the face

"Whoa! Looks like Jin can throw hands too!" Says Keith, one of his friends

"Which one are you gonna bet!? I bet 10,000 pesos on Kyle!" Rune says

"I also bet on Kyle!" Keith says

I punch Kyle again and again but non of my punch managed to hit him because I'm too dizzy to even stand and when I look at my front, I saw Kyle's fist going in my face


I got hit, I fell off the ground and I felt Kyle on top of me and keep punching me in the face with full force

***POW*** ***POW*** ***POW***

"AGH!!!!!" I groan in agony

" You s***" he shouted








"Dont you think we should stop him?"

"Stop them if you wanna get involved"

I heard some of his friend says

***POW*** ***POW*** ***POW***


Kyle let out a big sigh and look at my lying body with blood squirt all over the place

He then grab my hoodie and take it off

"Damn... You..." Kyle says

"You.... Look so F****** handsome" he says after looking at my face

" What!? Let me see!!!" Says Jared

All of them come to look at my face

"Damn he actually is! Hahahahahahaha" he says

" Hey all of you" Kyle says with a serious tone

"Help me carry him out" he says

I feel three guys including Kyle carry me out and then stop

" Hey..... Dude..... You're not thinking of..."

Says Michael

"Yes that's what I'm thinking of" Kyle says with a serious face

"Dude I think you're going too far men" Says Keith

"Just help me or I'm gonna beat the F*** outta you!!!!" Kyle shouted

Looks like all of them are hesitating but decided to help him anyway

'why the hell are they hesitating? What is Kyle planning to do to me?' is what I'm thinking

As they lift me again....

I froze...

I saw a cliff that looks like it has no end

"No Kyle! please don't! I'm begging you!" I begged Kyle as his friends lift me and ready to throw at a cliff

"I'm tired of you anyway, I can just find some new toy" he says with a smile on his face "throw him and let's get outta here" he says as he turns his back on me

"Noo please don't! Pleaseeeeee!" I begged to him but it looks like he's not gonna listen to me



I heard a guy counting and then...


I think the world slow down as I see myself in the air.... It feels like..... I'm free or... Something... Something I can't explain.... But then.... I came back to reality and realize I'm falling to my death

Damn it! Is this really it?"

I say while witnessing myself falling into a cliff.

"I don't wanna die yet...." I say " Please...." I begged "if I can just have another chance"


'damn it..... Looks like..... This is it...'










Is what appeared Infront of me

'Im really dying.... I'm even seeing things hahahaha' is what I'm thinking

'well... Since I'm already dying I just have to go along with my hallucinations right?'


