Tuesday 5th of June.
"Good morning, princess; how was your night?" Grandma Jane asked as she walked into my room with a warm smile.
I sat up and stretched my body, trying to shake off the lingering feeling of sadness and fear that I felt, "fine, thanks" my voice was still heavy with the weight of my decision to leave Fred, but it wasn't the decision that hurt me, it was the way i was being treated by my own mother.
"Here is some tea," Grandma Jane said as she handed me a cup of tea; even in her old age, she was very agile and helpful. Who would have known that she was once the Queen?
"Gran gran, you don't have to stress yourself too much, you know you can ask the help to do it for you." Grandma Jane always insisted on doing everything herself; she has a handful of help around the house, but she never takes advantage of them.
"This is good." I gave a review of Gran Gran's tea after taking a sip, and a burst of flavor filled my mouth; after all these years, she seemed to still have her magical touch.
"I made it specifically for you princess, how you always like it," she said as she nodged my nose.
Although she was already past her prime and her hair consisted more of grey hair than brown hair, she was very agile for a woman her age.
"Well, I have to stretch these old bones of mine," Grandma Jane said.
"Gran gran," a familiar voice called for Grandma Jane; it could only be...
"Idar, my baby," Grandma Jane stood up to embrace her in a hug.
"Someone looks happy" Idar complimented me after exchanging pleasantries with gran gran.
"She is with me, what do you expect" gran gran said in a cheerful tone.
"I just knew you were here," Idar said; it was true. After all, Gran is the only one I feel safe with in Ofuland; she lives a very quiet and private life in the out sketch of Ofuland.
"Aren't you supposed to be ready to go back to the palace? For your welcome back party?" I had totally forgotten about it.
"Too bad, I won't be attending." No wonder I haven't heard anything from Mom. Usually, she would have been blowing up my phone with texts and calls about how I am an excuse for a daughter and a disappointment to her.
"Their loss," granny muttered.
"Yeah, but Princess Layla of Okene would be attending the event," Idar said; I was looking forward to seeing her, but the time was just not favorable.
"It has been a while since I saw her," I remarked; Princess Layla was the only friend I had in Royal Woods School for royalty; I did miss her.
"Rumours have it that Fred is going to be there" Idar gave a disgusting look when mentioning his name.
"Talking about Fred, I heard you left his dusty ass," Granny said.
"Hahaha," the whole room was filled with laughter.
"Yes, ma, he was of no use to me, and I came to the realization that I didn't love him," I said; deep down, I knew it was never about that, I knew I couldn't live a lie forever, and his mistreatment towards me would only increase. He was already a chronic chest, a liar, and an opportunist.
"Well, that's great news; it was about time," granny added.
"Not to mention how terrible he treated you," Idar said.
"Darling, I am at the palace; where are you?" A message from Fred popped up again; he never seems to catch a break; what is wrong with him? And why is he still texting me?
"What's that" Idar asked as she saw the instant mood change I just had.
"Talking about the devil," I said with an eye roll; come to think of it, did he ever love me for who I am and not my title?
"Well, I am glad you did not allow your mother to have her way with you this time around," Granny said, it was true I always let her do whatever she wanted but not anymore.
"I let her have her way when she married my son; that was the biggest mistake I ever made," Granny began to stare into the distance as she continued talking, "not to talk about every other thing I allowed her to get away with" granny sounded like she had a lot of regrets when it comes to the Queen.
"Well, at least you have me," I said as I stretched my body to give her a warm hug.
"And I thank God every day for that because I almost didn't"
"You almost didn't?" I was a bit taken aback by what she said; what did Gran Gran mean by that?
"Don't worry, dear, you won't understand," granny said as she stood up to leave my room.
I think Gran Gran still felt bad after all these years for allowing mom mistreat me and how she had every staff member who worked under Gran Gran dismissed to accommodate a lot of her family members, both distant and close ones; maybe that's why Gran Gran resented her? Maybe? Gran gran never spoke low of my mom even after all she does, she still tries to see the good in her.
"That was weird, she almost didn't what?" Idar was as confused as I was, and rightfully so, what was Gran Gran talking about?
"Tell me about it, I thought I was tweaking and the way she left immediately after saying that" I handed the empty cup over to idar as I adjusted myself to go back to sleep again, I was still tired from all the things I had done these past few days.
"Spooky" Idar remarked.
"Babe, talk to me. I know you have missed me, missed us, I have too, so talk to me," another message from Fred popped up.
"Mttew," I hissed; what was wrong with him? I think it's high time I take things into my own hands.
"Blocked," I said in a low tone as I blocked his number; I think finally I can have some peace.
"Let me guess, it's Prince Charming again?" Idar asked.
"More like prince nothing," I said with a silly smirk on my face.
"Hahaha," we both laughed.
Well, I was glad I did not allow this to affect me in any way; after everything I have been through with that monster, I am glad I finally had enough strength to call it off and walk away.
"Not to talk about how it was only five more months to your wedding" Idar reminded me.
Yeah, November 24th was the exact date. Invitations had already begun to circulate, and the event was being planned on the low; our engagement was all over the news some months back, and we were tagged 'couple of the year' Little did they know it wasn't all Rosey as it seemed.
Maybe that was why Fred and Mom were a bit taken aback by my decision; I am not one to cancel on something or someone.