"Sull1van go frontline and holdback the mob! Alice CC the mobs! Zera go for quick harass against the boss! Sioux rapid heal on me!" I called out."Yes my lord!" Sull1van replied as she took up position at the front."Understood." Alice replied as positioned herself to the side."On it." Zera replied as she leaped ahead of Sull1van and began to dash towards the mobs."Hai!" Sioux replied as she took position in the very back.RAWRRR!!!At the same instance of the boss's deafening roar, its minions began to surge forth from all sides as well."Holy guard!" Sull1van shouted, as her entire armor began to glow in a white light, along with a small buff icon appearing in the corner of our vision as well."Mind control!" Alice stretched her hand and casted, and although outwardly there wasn't any special effects, several of the demon in front of her stopped charging at once, and began to turn and attack it's fellow comrades."Blade waltz!" Zera shouted from the amidst of the mobs, as she was moving so fast, her entire physical form can only be seen as a trace of silver, dancing and cutting through the rank of the demons like bloodied ribbons."Blood sight" I muttered as I stood at the center of formation.Blood sight was a toggle on ability of the blood priest that allows the user to see the HP of everyone and mob within the naked eye. And the moment I see the bosses HP, my eyes couldn't help but narrow:6 million HP huh...And at the same instance, Sull1van began to take damage (shown by the HP bar above her head).[Sull1van] HP: 96%I held forth a hand and pointed to Sull1van:"Blood tie." A stream of silk like ribbon blood came shooting out from the center of my palm and connecting itself to the back surface of Sull1van's armor. And while Sull1van HP bar began to climb, my own began to drop."Rapid heal!" Sioux shouted from the back, as white sparkles began to appear on the edge of my screen. And the drop in my own HP bar came to a halt at once.The mobs are taken care by Alice, the boss's health is getting chipped down by Zera. Sull1van can hold the front line as long she is healed by me, and me being healed by Sioux. The only problem is when Sioux runs out of mana, and someone needs to protect her while she uses her mana potion...I narrowed my eyes as I continued to heal at the same time.I guess I will have to pull back Zera from the boss and have her to cover Sioux when the time comes..."Sioux! How much more mana do you have?" I called out."80%! No worries!" Sioux yelled back."Alright, just keep up healing! When you are at 30% just tell me!""Okay!" Sioux shouted back cheerfully.Ok...The boss is down to 70% HP, we got this...Zera who was performing her duty, dashed around the ankles of the boss and threw out a couple of jabs, each earning a bellowing of rage from the boss. Though she was undeniably good, a gut feeling told me something bad ought to happen...BAM!One of the demon flew into the air and tackled her in mid-air, locking her tight with those impossibly thick sewage pipe like arms."Zera!" Sull1van yelled in distress as she took a step forward."No don't!" I yelled after."But!" Sull1van shouted without turning around."No! If we break formation right now, it will all be over." I replied with my most steady voice possible, though right beneath my skin I could already feel the panic growing and it was spreading to the rest of my body like a disease."Riga is right. We can't abandon our positions. She got caught out and there is nothing else we can do about it." Alice spoke from the side.Sull1van looked down for a moment then muttered a silent curse, as we all looked up in silence as Zera struggled trying to pull free, but it was fruitless effort. And in the next second, the boss's hand came striking down upon her like a great black hammer against a tiny ant.BOOM!!!The fist went all the way into the ground, sending earth and debris flying in all directions. Just like that Zera's health bar disappeared, with not the slightest trace of red pixels left behind.We were down to 4.Q: How does it feel to get one shotted by the boss?