A party member dying in a dungeon raid was common, in fact I probably died like a million times in the past year while trying to climb the dungeon, but this was different. Different in the sense that, this was like the end of the marathon, we could already see the finish line, we were one step away, and all of sudden we tripped and fell and broke our legs. The line was so close, so so close, but we just couldn't move a single inch...My fingers curled up into a fist at my side.Our DPS is dead, there is no way we can do enough damage to the boss...It's over, it's all over..."Riga?" I could hear Sioux small voice from the side, but I paid her no heed."Riga!" Sioux voice was much clearer this time, and slowly I turned half of my cheek towards her."What do we do now?" Sioux held tight to her staff her expression mild."Give us an order, my lord." Sull1van yelled between slashes, as she continued to fend off the mobs from the front.Oh well, looks like we are gonna go down...SLAP!A stingy hot sensation was met my cheek from the side, causing my cheek to turn the other way as well as leaving a throbbing red mark. And a brief second after that, I turned my head straight again, and standing before me was none other than a grumpy Alice, with her hand still red from the fresh slap."Pull yourself together. You are our leader." Alice said sternly.I paused, then blinked at her once, then twice, and by the time I blinked thrice, the look in Alice's eyes remained the same; a determination as cold and hard as ice.My lips twitched."Just tell us the plan. And no matter what it is, we are all listening." Alice said again, while her expression betrayed no emotion. Feeling uneasy, I looked around and I saw Sioux give a thumbs up, and a small nod from Sull1van."Fine." I uncurled my fist, as I realized I been clenching them so hard for so long, I was starting to lose sense of them."I got an idea, but it's most likely not going to work." I straightened up."But it's our best chance. So if we fail..." I took in a deep breath. "It's all on me.""It's ok. I am glad we made it so far already!" Sioux said with a positive tone."I am sorry for slapping you. But it seems I have done the right thing." Alice said with a monotone voice with a matching poker face expression."I am with you my lord!" Sull1van yelled from the front."Alright." I cleared my throat, then turned to address each of them "So this is how it's going to go. Sull1van, Alice, you two continue to hold down the mobs. Sioux, create as many holy seals on the boss with the rest of your mana, and while you consume your mana pots, have Sull1van and Alice cover for you. But don't heal, just use holy seals on the boss as much as you can.""An insane plan." Alice said as she closed her eyes for a moment, "but I did indeed agree to follow your plans." Alice reopened her eyes again."I don't know what you are planning on, but I will trust it will work!" Sioux said with an energetic voice."I will follow my lord to the death!" came Sull1van response from the front.That's right...We have come too far, too far to quit now...I closed my eyes and took in a deep breathe.That's right...I have failed so many times before, countless times...What more would one more failing mean to me?I can't believe I need to say this to myself...I clenched both fist at my sides.Failing doesn't make one a failure...ONLY QUITTING DOES!!!"BLOOD SURGE!!!"Q: Have you ever gone super Saiyan IRL?