— Here we are, come in, — said Touma, closing the door behind him. — It's not safe for you to stay home right now, so you can spend the night here. I hope the accommodations are to your liking.
— Yes, thank you, — the girl nodded.
— If you want to take a shower, the third door on the right down the hall. I'll leave some clothes for you outside the door.
— Do you have clothes for a girl my age? — Patricia asked suspiciously.
— I can guess what you might be thinking, but no. My sister likes to spend the night here, so there are some of her things, — Touma smirked.
— I wasn't thinking anything, but thanks for the explanation, — she smiled and went to the bathroom.
After quickly changing, Toma took his phone out of his pocket and dialed an unlisted number.
— Good to hear from you again, I take it everything went as planned? — came a syrupy voice from the other end.
— Yes, the VIP has been successfully located and evacuated. She's in a safe place now. When will you pick her up?
— Great, we need to iron out some details, but young Miss Birdway will be able to return home safely by morning. As always, excellent work... By the way, were the attackers from Spark Signal?
— Yes, two squads entered the lab and took out everyone there, but they didn't last long themselves. You can find out the details from the cleanup team; that's all from me.
— Understood, the reward will be transferred to you from Tsuchimikado within the hour.
— Transfer my share to the girls' accounts.
— Oh, how interesting... Do you think that will smooth things over since you went on the mission without them? — the voice chuckled at the other end.
— I don't recall your opinion mattering; you're just a corporate rat with a phone, so don't pretend you care about the nature of our relationships. That's all, talk to you later, — Touma abruptly hung up.
— Tch, they really don't know when to stop... — he cursed, staring at the blank phone screen before sighing and sinking into a chair.
His apartment was on the 25th floor, giving him a pretty nice view of the night city from the windows. It was a five-room place, rather spacious considering he lived alone most of the time. However, the emptiness didn't bother him too much; after ten years in Academy City, he had grown accustomed to it.
Sitting and gazing at the city lights, he mentally reviewed the year's progress, and unfortunately, there wasn't much to celebrate. Unlike previous years, this one had been rather unremarkable, as if Fortune had run out of ideas to turn his life upside down after 16 years. However, whenever it came to him, events always unfolded dramatically, with no shades of gray—only extremes.
Still, the recent incident did lead him to some interesting thoughts, especially the image of a blonde girl with starry eyes kept flashing through his mind. He'd seen many girls, but this one managed to touch his soul in a way he couldn't quite pinpoint. It wasn't about her being Level 5 or her connection to Kouzaku Mitori; no, it was something else, something he couldn't explain...and that thought troubled him.
— That's all, thanks for letting me use your bathroom. Honestly, after everything that happened, it's just what I needed... — Patricia said.
She was wearing one of Nayuuta's pajamas, which, for some reason, fit her perfectly.
— Just don't tell Nayuuta; otherwise, she'll develop a Napoleon complex... — Touma thought with a smirk.
— No problem, you're my guest after all, — he shrugged.
— For someone who saved me for money, you're quite hospitable, — she said with a hint of irony.
— Well, since we're stuck together for a while, why not make it more pleasant?
— For a killer, you're surprisingly considerate...
— Sounds like you've seen a lot of killers.
— Whether I've seen a lot or not, I've come across a couple, — she sighed, hugging her knees.
— Tough childhood? Well, welcome to the club.
— I doubt such membership is anything to be proud of, but thanks, — Birdway said with a sour smile.
— Still... What did you do that sent two squads of thugs after you?
— I honestly don't know, but it's probably because I discussed my research results with my sister. Apparently, the confidentiality policy here is much stricter than in America or Europe.
— Quite reckless of you; you're a scientist, you should know what constitutes scientific and corporate secrecy, — he reprimanded her.
— My sister isn't connected to science at all; it's just that I'm the type who loves to talk too much, and aside from her, I don't have many people to converse with, except for a couple of former colleagues, — she replied with a hint of sadness in her voice.
— Yeah, I understand; sometimes you really want to spill your soul to someone. But still, try not to be so careless; it could cost you your life one day, and you're still too young to take that risk.
— Hey, I'm not little! I'll be 11 in two months, and I already have a doctorate and 18 scientific papers! So take back your words! — she exclaimed, puffing her cheeks.
— Sorry, but unfortunately, no matter how advanced you are, reality has its own opinions, — Touma chuckled. — But don't worry, you're still growing.
— Stop making me mad! — she threw a pillow at him.
— Alright, alright, or else I'll lose track of my pillows! — he raised his hands above his head.
— By the way, this isn't fair; you saved my life and know my name, but I don't know yours, — she suddenly said.
— Kihara, Kihara Arima.
— Kihara? I've heard that name somewhere... — Patricia pondered.
— The Kihara family are all scientists; maybe you've met someone, — he shrugged.
— Maybe, but I can't recall anything right now, — she yawned.
— Well, yes, it's not exactly a time for kids...
— Hey!
— Sorry, couldn't resist, — Touma smiled, dodging another pillow, — Alright, they'll take you home in the morning, so go rest.
— Yes, that would be best, — she nodded, — Thanks again for your hospitality; it's a shame the circumstances are so unfortunate.
— Well, as long as the outcome is good, that's what matters... ***
The next morning.
Kimijou apartment.
As promised, the organization's people arrived to pick up Patricia the next morning. Before leaving, she gave Toma her contact number and suggested they meet up sometime.
— What a strange girl; she saw me in the middle of a pile of corpses and acts like we met at an amusement park, — Touma chuckled as he returned home.
Now he had to decide how to spend the day. After yesterday, his need for rest had grown exponentially. While he hadn't been paid, money had long ceased to be a problem. Maybe he should stroll around the city, spend some time in a couple of favorite spots, or go to the movies. Such peaceful days were rare, so he should make the most of them.
However, Touma had clearly forgotten how fate reacts to his optimism...
A minute later, there was an insistent ringing at the door, which sounded both aggressive and persistent. Clearly, the people outside knew he was home and weren't planning to leave anytime soon.
— Who the hell is so eager this early in the morning?!? — he shouted, swinging the door open.
At his reaction, the ones ringing immediately recoiled. There were three girls: one was a brunette in an orange hoodie and shorts; the second was a not-too-tall blonde with long hair, blue eyes, and a substantial bust; the third was a girl with raven-black hair and amber eyes. Both were dressed in dark-blue uniforms from the Kirigaoka Girls School. Accompanying them was Tsuchimikado Motoharu.
— Oh, it's just you... — Touma scoffed.
— I'll be super upset when I find out what you mean by "just you", — said the brunette.
— Yes, Touma-kun, aren't we one big happy family, one for all and all for one? — asked the blonde with a smile.
— Sometimes I envy your lightheartedness, sister, — the brunette sighed.
— Yo, Kami-yan, looks like you're already bright-eyed?
— Hey, Tsuchimikado, can you walk?
— Um, well, yes?
— Then walk the hell out of here!
— Can you at least let us in?
— Tch, bad luck... — Touma cursed, stepping aside to let them in.
With their arrival, it became clear that he wouldn't be able to fully enjoy his day off...
Kinuhata Saiya, survivor of the "Dark May" project, Level 4.
Inori Yuzuriha, pseudonym "Supernova", Level 4.
Mei Yuzuriha, pseudonym "Hax", Level 4.
Tsuchimikado Motoharu, Fallere285, hybrid esper and magician.
Kimijou Touma, known by the pseudonyms "DRAGON", "Imagine Breaker", and "Devourer of Sins", holder of the right hand...
All five of them were known as ORDER.
One of the organizations on the Dark Side is the Academy-City, which directly reports to the General Superintendent, Aliester Crowley.
However, it's clear they weren't brought here for business...
— So why did you all show up at such an early hour? — Touma asked once everyone settled in the living room.
— We had a ton of things to discuss, — Kinuhata said.
— Yeah, like that amount of money for work we're hearing about for the first time... — Inori said with a dangerous smile.
— Or the fact that we never really understood why we were abruptly sent on vacation, — Mei added.
— Or that Inori-chan rushed here in the first place because I showed her your picture with Mental Out, — joked Motoharu with his usual smirk.
— Don't talk nonsense! I don't care at all who he spends his free time with! — protested Inori, blushing.
— Translation: shut the hell up, and Touma, don't ask why I turned super-red, — Kinuhata said with a smirk.
— Yeah, something like that, — Mei nodded.
— Whose side are you even on?! — she directed her indignation at her sister.
— On Kamijou-senpai's side, it's safer that way, — Mei replied with a straight face.
— We learned a lot about the super-complex world of tsundere, so can we finally talk normally? — Saya interrupted their argument.
— Yes, I would also appreciate that, — Tom nodded gratefully at her.
— Anyway, as I told Kami-yan, it would be better if you explained everything in person.
— Yeah, maybe... — Touma sighed, — As Tsuchimikado already told you, a couple of weeks ago one of our assignments went pretty messy, and in their infinite wisdom, our superiors decided to give me and all of you a vacation.
— Well, I wouldn't say it was that messy... — Inori attempted to object uncertainly.
— We killed five members of the Anti-Skill, not to mention that warehouse filled with molten iron and corpses. And you call that "not too messy"? — Mei sarcastically mimicked her.
— Well... If you put it that way...
— Anyway! — Touma once again captured their attention, — It doesn't matter how we see it, the higher-ups decided things their way. Whether we like it or not.
— Well, okay, but how do you explain this money for work we have no idea about? — Kinuhata asked.
— Nah, don't get so worked up, Kinuhata-chan! Kami-yan and I just decided to take a little side gig and spend the evening like the good old days! Besides, I don't quite understand the essence of your complaints; Kami-yan even gave you his part of the reward, so why are you so upset?
— We just don't like that you're doing things behind our backs, — Mei replied.
— I don't remember being obligated to report to you, girls, — Touma shot back sharply, — We may be comrades, but don't forget that I'm the leader of this group, and I only owe answers to our employer. So keep this in mind; if we don't tell you something, it means you don't need to know. I hope that clears things up?
— Yes, yes, all super clear — they replied.
— Although there's still one thing that won't leave my mind, — Inori said, — I get the vacation part, but what the hell are you doing teaching at Tokiwadai!?
— Yeah, I'd like to know that too, — Kinuhata nodded.
— Ha... I can't answer that question, and anticipating your reaction, I'll say this... I'm obviously the leader of our cozy organization, a brilliant scientist...
— ...whose humility knows no bounds... — Motoharu interjected.
— ...but regarding why I became a teacher at a girls' academy... I have no freaking idea, — Touma concluded.
— An exhaustive explanation, — Mei said with a smirk.
— So they just told you to become a teacher... and you did? — Inori clarified, standing up and looking straight into Kamidze's eyes.
— Well, yes.
— And now you spend all day with all these schoolgirls who've never seen a boy?...
— I don't like where this conversation is going, — Tom said, feeling the temperature rising.
— ...with those damned girls who desperately crave your attention and would do anything for it?...
— Um, sister, I think you should stop... — Mei made a feeble attempt to prevent the storm.
— And on top of all that... with us around... do you have the audacity... to have flings with that bitch Mental Out?! — Inori shouted, her eyes igniting with fiery sparks.
There was a crack of breaking glass as Tom's hand landed on Inori's head, blocking her power and preventing her from igniting the furniture and himself.
— That was super close... — Kinuhata exhaled.
— Same thing every time... — Mei rolled her eyes.
— Ooooh, the tsundere is slowly evolving into a yandere! Kami-yan, be careful on the turns! Otherwise, one day you'll wake up and find yourself in a crazy illusion that even you can't untangle... — Tsuchimikado barely stifled a laugh.
— Have you calmed down? — Touma asked her.
— Y-y-yeah... — Inori replied, struggling, her face as red as a tomato.
— Listen, I appreciate your involvement, but my personal life has nothing to do with you, — Touma said, sitting back down.
— ... — but she seemed to have already drifted off into another world.
— Looks like you blew her mind... — Kinuhata chuckled.
— Sorry, senpai, you know how she feels about you, how we all feel about you, — Mei apologized on her behalf.
— Ah, are you referring to the part where you said you wouldn't share Kami-yan with anyone but each other? — Motoharu asked with a smirk.
— One more word and I'll shove that sneaker so far up your ass you'll be shitting laces for a month! — Kinuhata threatened him.
— No, let's just ask a telepath to make Maika-chan call every passing boy her brother! — Mei grinned.
— Congratulations, Tsuchimikado, you opened up a box, — Touma smirked.
— Pandora's?
— Of Hell, but your version works too.
— Wait, wait, wait, threats about sneakers are one thing, but this... this is sacrilege! — Motoharu wailed.
— That's why it's called punishment, — Mei grinned.
After that, an argument broke out that Tom stopped paying attention to...
After the debates and discussions about future plans and other mundane matters, the girls left, leaving the guys alone.
— Ugh, they can be so annoying sometimes... They seem smart, but act like fools... — Touma grumbled.
— Maybe, but they're your fools, Kami-yan, — Tsuchimikado smirked.
— Heh, yeah, — Touma grinned in response.
— By the way, about our conversation yesterday... — he shifted to a serious tone.
— Did you find out anything?
— A little less than nothing. My sources and I dug around but only found crumbs.
— And what did you find?
— A few years ago, there was a project that closely tied our little doll with Shokuhou Misaki. I couldn't find out much about the essence or even its name; someone covered their tracks really well, and when I say "really," I mean on all levels.
— Aleister?
— Typically, I would say "Yes," but...
— But what?
— I don't know, Kami-yan, something doesn't feel right. If Crowley had taken this matter on, neither Mi-chan nor Shokuhou Misaki would still be walking this earth... You and I know how he handles those problems; there would be no people left, nor any memories... — Motoharu said ominously.
— Still, you wouldn't bring it up if you didn't learn something more, — said Touma.
— Well, I did manage to learn one thing, a name that frequently appeared in the project...
— And?
— Dolly.
— Dolly? As in... "doll"? — Kamijou asked in astonishment.
— Yes, all three of my informants frequently encountered this name. But sadly, I couldn't find out more... Who is she? A test subject or one of the researchers? Or maybe that was even the name of the project? — Motoharu pondered.
— The further in you go... — Touma frowned.
— So that's about it... I don't know how, but Mental Out clearly knows much more about this than we do, so if it piqued your interest, ask her. But be careful, Kami-yan; there's blood and... something much worse lingering around this deal. So keep your nose to the wind, and call if anything comes up, — Tsuchimikado said finally before leaving.
The spy's words led to dark thoughts. Tsuchimikado had been in this business almost since birth; he and Kamidze started working for the dark side of this city together. Tsuchimikado might love to act like an idiot, but he had a keen instinct for danger, and if he advised Kamidze Tom to be careful, it clearly meant things were dirty and dark. But that only intensified the desire to dig for the truth.
Of course, one could break Mitori's mind to extract the whole truth, but then he would lose it, and that was something to be avoided. So, it turned out that if he needed an answer, he had to find it from Shōkuhou Misaki...
Taking his phone out of his pocket, he quickly found the right number.
— Hello, hi Misaki... Yes, I'm glad to hear from you too, sorry I haven't called in a while... I know, but still... How about I smooth things over and invite you out on a date today?....