Chereads / To Aru Kagaku no Imagine Breaker. / Chapter 6 - Twilight before dawn

Chapter 6 - Twilight before dawn

Park, District Seven.

A few hours later.

A couple of hours had passed since their conversation. Misaki had pretended to hesitate, but quickly gave a positive response. They had agreed to meet at the same park where their last date took place. 

There were still ten minutes to go until their rendezvous, but Touma had already been sitting there for fifteen minutes. His foresight had made him leave early, and it seemed luck was on his side this time, allowing him to arrive without delay.

— Tsk, just look at that... Arrived for a meet-up almost half an hour early, like a hero from a shoujo manga… — he snickered to himself.

In fact, he was increasingly noticing that he had come not so much to learn about her past, but due to an internal pull. It was as if he wanted to spend time with her as Kamijou Touma, not as Kihara or DRAGON...

— Alright, no need to overthink it, she's managing fine on her own… — he sighed, closing his eyes and lounging comfortably on the bench.

— Oh, and what are you filling her head with this time... or should I ask who? — a sweet, female voice chimed in next to him.

Kamijou nearly jumped in surprise. It wasn't the fact that someone was speaking, but that he instantly recognized the girl standing before him.

Before him stood a petite girl in a crimson dress with a cutout in the back and a necklace around her neck. Her long, wavy hair was pinned up, complemented by ruby eyes and a dazzling white smile. Such looks could charm nearly anyone.

However, Kamijou Toma had always been an exception to the rule, and this time was no different.

— Gokusai Kaibi... — he said in a low voice.

— That's right, I'm glad you still remember me, — she smiled at him, — It's been a while, Toma-kun...


Misaki hurried towards the meeting spot with Touma. She couldn't wait to see her prince again in a calm, normal, and informal setting. After all, they had only had one date since then, and she felt a growing sense of longing without his attention, especially considering the girls swirling around him.

That thought ignited something within her. As much as she wanted to deny it, Toma had found a place in her heart. Beside him, she could be herself rather than the Queen of Tokiwadai or Mental Out. And that feeling had been becoming more vital with each passing day.

But thoughts of other girls kept her from fully enjoying it. Of course, she knew she surpassed any of them, but the very idea of competition unsettled her. She was glad he was fitting into his new role, and she wanted him to have good relationships with everyone. She wanted him to be happier...

But... her other, selfish side wanted him to be happy with her, and only with her...

We girls are quite selfish, aren't we? — she smiled at her thoughts.

That was why she was rushing to the meeting now; the joke about mishaps had a kernel of truth. First, she had been delayed at a meetup with her clique, having received some extremely troubling information she wanted to share with the girls. Then, she got stuck in traffic because some electrician was tinkering with the traffic lights...

Approaching the meeting spot, she stopped, seeing a scene that made her heart lurch treacherously.

Her prince was standing there, sweetly conversing with some other girl...

By her looks, she seemed to be Misaki's age, dressed in a summer dress with an open back. Like Misaki, she had light-colored hair.

— Another blonde? Who would have thought my prince had such inclinations... — she chuckled to herself.

Back in school, she had noticed that he paid more attention to girls with lighter hair colors. Initially, she hadn't thought much of it, but over time, it started to take on qualities of a fetish.

Misaki shook her head; it wasn't the time to think about that. Just seeing this blonde irritated her, not just because she was standing next to him. There was something more, at some intuitive level.

She could have walked up and caused a small scene... had she not wanted to be a jealous witch. She certainly disliked what was happening, but she needed to act discreetly. And it seemed luck was on her side.

Next to them sat a girl who, oblivious to their presence, was engrossed in her phone. Misaki aimed her remote at her and clicked it. She felt the girl's consciousness being taken over, allowing her to hear the same thing Misaki did.

— ...and he said we had nothing more to discuss, — she heard a fragment of Touma's words.

— Are you still mad at me? — she asked, letting out a heavy sigh.

— Bravo, how did you guess? — he replied sarcastically, countering with a question.

— It's been several months; I hoped everything would have blown over by now.

— Hope is the firrt step on the path to disappointment, — he said, averting his gaze.

— Indeed, if someone saw me like this, they would think I was sick, — she smirked.

— Given the nature of our conversation, that's not such an impossible option.

— Touma... — she sighed heavily, wrapping her arms around his neck, — We had such good times together; I can't believe you could just step over all that due to what she said.

— She didn't give me reasons to doubt myself, unlike you, — he replied coldly.

— Yes, I admit I'm partly to blame too, but I explained everything to you. Do those words from that bitch mean more to you than the words of the girl you love?

— I don't love you, Kaibi. Maybe I did in the past, but that's too late now. So, I'm just asking you to leave me alone. I have a meeting, and I don't want to explain who you are and why you're hanging around me.

— A meeting? Here... Is it with a girl? — she asked.

— Even if it is, so what? — Kamidze retorted defiantly.

— I want to say hello, to see the face of the one I'll take you back from.

— Stop talking nonsense; forget everything that was between us. You can now forget what I promised you. You have your life, and I have mine, and that's how it will stay. No words of yours or attempts to rekindle past feelings will change that, — Touma cut her off, starting to lose patience.

— You think that will stop me? Once I've already taken you from another, do you think now that I know you better, anything can hold me back? — she smiled devilishly.

— Don't be ridiculous; you just hastened the inevitable. I was going to break up with her regardless. You just showed up at the right time in the wrong place. And enough about this, go away; I'm done with this conversation.

The girl sighed, removing her hands and stepping back.

— I told you, I will get my way, one way or another. After all, I had someone to learn from. I'm not saying goodbye; we will definitely meet again. For now... See you later, darling... — she smiled one last time before leisurely walking away.

Throughout the entire conversation, Misaki experienced a whirlwind of emotions: curiosity, anger, and... jealousy. Yes, she understood that she felt jealous of him for her, and the fact that she was his ex-girlfriend, and not even the first one, didn't ease her thoughts. And when she wrapped her arms around his neck, she barely held herself back from breaking her cover. But at the same time... she felt a bizarre blend of satisfaction and fear hearing the tone her prince used with her, along with his cold gaze that sent shivers down her spine. It seemed that whatever had bound them was all in the past, but learning more about her wouldn't hurt. Especially considering her bold statement.

But all of that could wait; her prince was waiting for her, and she was needed now more than ever. And Misaki was not the type to miss this chance...

— Touma! Sorry, have you been waiting long? — she called out to him.

— Huh? Oh, hi Misaki, no, I just got here, — he lied.

His lie slightly disappointed her, but she brushed it off; it clearly wasn't something to share.

— You seem a bit gloomy; is something wrong? — she asked with concern.

— No... No, it's just some nonsense in my head, nothing more, — Toma sighed.

— Well then, I arrived just in time! Let's air that nonsense out of your head, whatever it is! — Shokuhou said brightly, taking his hand.

— Heh, technically, I should be leading you somewhere, not the other way around, — he smirked.

— Consider it a reward for your good behavior, — she giggled.

— Well, I can't refuse such gifts... — his phone interrupted him, ringing in his pocket, — Ugh, who the hell is it… Huh, strange, from Tokiwadai... Sorry, can I answer this?

— Of course, you could have just answered without asking, — Misaki nodded.

While Toma was on the phone, Misaki felt someone's gaze boring into her from behind. Casually turning around, she saw the girl in the crimson dress. After a second, she turned away and walked off, but Sekuho managed to catch a glimpse of the emotion that filled her gaze...



- By the way, I never asked you, what did they want from you at school? - Misaki asked, sitting on the bench next to Touma.

- Nothing special, - he waved his hand, - They just asked me to conduct a class for the first years.

- For first years? Which class?

- 1-B, I think. Why do you ask?

- Oh, just curious, - she smiled, though inside she felt like everything was boiling over.

After all, her rival... Railgun was in that class.

- By the way, have you heard what people are talking about right now?

- People are always saying something and rarely about anything important, - he shrugged, - And what could possibly attract the attention of the Queen of Tokiwadai?

- Usually, I don't pay much attention to it either, but this seems more serious than just gossip. They say a thing called 'Level-Upper' has appeared in Academy City.

- A Level-Upper? What nonsense? - he raised an eyebrow in surprise.

- Nonsense or not, it's clearly not just a silly rumor. They say there's some special program that can at least double an esper's level, but several people who used it fell into a comatose state.

- Fell into a comatose state? Did they fry their brains or what...?

- I can't say for sure, that's just what I've heard. This morning, I gathered the girls and warned them about it, hoping none of them would give in to temptation... - she sighed.

- Who knows, hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

- I didn't know you were such a pessimist, - Misaki smirked.

- I prefer to call myself a realist, - he smiled at her provocation.

- Hey Touma... Can I ask you a question? If you don't want to answer, that's fine, I'm just curious, - she asked hesitantly.

- What kind of question is it... Is it something shameful that you can't even say out loud? - he smirked crookedly.

- W-what are you talking about?? Nothing like that, it's just... I'm not sure if it's ethical to ask this question, - replied a blushing Shokuhou.

- Well, just ask and we'll see, don't worry, I'm not sensitive, - he encouraged her.

- Touma... Have you ever had a girlfriend?

For a moment, Kamijou flinched, then looked at the blonde girl thoughtfully, as if trying to find the answer to some question only he knew in her eyes. Misaki found it quite difficult to hold his gaze, but to her credit, she managed.

- Well... Maybe not the best question, but... I don't see the point in keeping it a secret. Yes, there were... two girls, but I broke up with both, - he replied after a brief pause.

- Two? - Misaki couldn't hold back.

- Did you think that just because I'm a scientist, the beautiful is foreign to me? - Kamijou smirked, - Although... under different circumstances, it could have been so…

- And... why did you break up?

- Well... with the first, we just didn't get along, we had different principles and views on life, even though at first it was the opposite... And with the second... it's an unpleasant story, I wouldn't want to remember.

- It's okay, sorry for bringing it up... - she lowered her head.

- Don't dwell on it, you have nothing to do with it. Whether I remember or not doesn't change anything, it already happened, it's part of me, and that's how it will stay. I just drew my conclusion and moved on, that's all... - he gave her a weak smile, covering her hand with his.

- Thank you... You always say what I want to hear... - she smiled back, - Tell me, can I ask for something else?

- Sorry, the limit for heart-to-heart talks has been reached, please insert 1,000,000¥ to continue...

- Stop joking already! - she poked him in the side, - I just wanted to ask for some tea from the vending machine!

- A-ah... Well, that's always fine, - Touma smirked as he got up and headed to the drink vending machine.


Misaki heard a sound beneath her. She looked down and saw a kitten right in front of her.

- Huh? What are you doing here?


- Are you lost?

*Meow* *Meow*

The kitten approached her leg and placed its paw on her foot, as if trying to pull her. It seemed like it was trying to tell her something.

- What do you want?

The kitten turned and walked in front of her. Then its head turned back to her.

- You want me to follow you?

She stood up from the bench. The kitten soon began to walk, and she followed it. It led her to a part of the park with a clearing full of trees. She continued to follow it until it stopped at the base of one of the tree trunks.


The kitten nodded its head upward.

Looking up, Misaki saw what it was pointing at.


Another meow reached her ears, and her eyes confirmed its source. There was a cat, similar to the one at her feet, up in the tree.

- You want me to get it?


She frowned and looked at the tree. She didn't feel suited for such things, but she couldn't refuse after following the kitten.

She saw that the tree had a couple of branches she could climb to reach the branch the cat was on. So she attempted to climb...

After ascending a couple of branches, she looked down and saw she was at a reasonable height. She turned around and saw that the cat wasn't too far away.

But after she climbed onto the last branch just below the cat, it cracked.

- Oh no... - she gasped.

The branch began to bend under her and snap. She grabbed the last branch above her just as it broke, and the branch under her fell. Now she was in a panic.

- Well, this is definitely not what I thought about...

Misaki was stuck in the tree, and she had no way to come down. She could jump down, but there was a risk of injury from jumping at this height. How on earth was she going to get down...

- Wait...

Misaki looked at her chest and noticed she had a silver whistle. Maybe she could use it to attract Touma's attention...

She grabbed it and brought it to her mouth. Misaki blew into it, and the air produced a sharp whistle.


— Huh? What's that familiar sound...? Is that the whistle? — Touma mumbled upon hearing the whistle. — Heh, funny, I gave it for... Oh, for the fuck's sake!

Throwing the cans aside, he ran towards the source of the noise.


— I hope he heard that, — Misaki said, leaning back against a tree.

The cat on the branch crawled closer to her.


— It's your fault I'm stuck here.


— Absolutely it is! You were the only one who got stuck, and now we're both here!


— So you'd have preferred if no one came to help us?


— Ha... Just think, I'm arguing with a cat...

— Misaki, are you there? — she heard a familiar voice.

— Touma! Touma, I'm here! — she shouted to grab his attention.

— Uh... What are you doing in the tree? — he raised an eyebrow in surprise.

— What does it look like? I'm saving this damn cat! Here, catch! — she said, grabbing the cat.

— Wait, what are you doing?

— I'm throwing it to you!

— Why?!

— Because I only climbed up here because of it!

— What the heck, why are you throwing it down?!

— Cats always land on their feet!

— Isn't that a myth?

However, his argument didn't matter as the cat was already in mid-air.

The cat screamed as it flew through the air. Tomo stretched out his hands to try to catch it. But as it got closer, he noticed something. The cat's claws were now extended from its paws. And then, it struck him right in the face with them. The cat landed on his face, clinging to him and scratching with its claws.

— Aah! What the hell is with this rotten luck?!?

He tried to push it off his face, but the cat's claws dug deeply into his skin.

After a couple more seconds, he managed to get the cat off his face. Now holding it in front of him, the cat continued to swipe its paw at him.


Touma turned his head and saw another cat, the one that had brought Misaki here. He understood the hint and tossed the cat aside.

The two cats purred happily as they finally reunited and left.

— Now that it's all over, can you get me down? — Misaki asked from above.

— And how do you want me to do that? Should I say, "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair?"

— Just do something already!

— Ha... Well, fine, jump down!

— What?!

— Got a better idea?

— It's high up here!

— I'll catch you, just trust me.

— Okay...

In their minds, both assumed this would be something like in a movie where the guy catches the girl perfectly. Unfortunately, that didn't happen...

Misaki's body hit Touma's face like the cat had. But this time it was a person, and he fell onto the grass, with Misaki landing on top of him.

And now, not seeing anything but darkness.

Am I dead? Just like this? — ran through his mind.

He wasn't dead, but could be soon. From an outside perspective, one could see Kamijou Tomo lying on the ground, his head hidden beneath Misaki's skirt.

Touma didn't understand the position he was in, but Misaki did. She turned red but didn't move, her expression one of embarrassment.

Then she heard a groan from beneath her, as if he was trying to lift his head because she was now pressing down on him...

— Kya! — Misaki jumped off his face and landed on the ground next to him.

Raising his head, he saw a flushed Sekuhou and a skirt slightly askew. It didn't take a genius to put two and two together...

— I'd say this is a disaster, but... what would I say about everything else? — he muttered.

Misaki tried to stand but a sharp pain pierced through her, and with a groan, she fell back down.

— Misaki?!

— Ah, it's my ankle. It seems my leg hit the ground when I landed on you...

— I'm sorry, it's all my fault for not catching you.

— It's okay, I'm also at fault... But it seems I can't walk...

— Well, I'll figure something out...


— I'm sorry about this, Touma-kun...

— It's really no problem, so calm down...

Since Misaki had sprained her ankle, she couldn't walk on her own. So he came up with the craziest idea he could think of to help fix the situation. He would carry her.

He lifted her into his arms and onto his back.

Misaki wrapped her arms around Tomo's neck and laid her head on his shoulder. Her cheek almost brushed against his.

Despite the situation, she struggled to suppress a smile...

— Should I take you to the infirmary?

— Yeah... I suppose so... — she nodded weakly.

— I hope it won't be a problem; I don't have access to the dorm, as you can imagine.

— Don't worry, I can explain everything if needed, — she reassured him.

— Touma-kun...

— Yes?

— I... I want to try something...

— And what would that be?

— Can you carry me in your arms?

— W-what the hell?

Misaki felt like a complete selfish person, but she really wanted to know what it felt like...

— Come on, we're almost there, and soon you'll have to lay me on the bed, right?

— Ha...

Touma hugged her and lowered Misaki just before scooping her back up in his arms.

Misaki wrapped her arms around Tomo's neck as he carried her.

— This is so much better, — she smiled contentedly.

— Glad to see you're enjoying yourself... — he rolled his eyes.

And she was enjoying it...

Through all this, neither of them noticed the other girls watching them from some of the dormitory windows...


After he got her to the infirmary, he hurried to leave the premises to avoid any incidents.

Misaki sighed and leaned back on the bed. Although getting stuck in the tree and spraining her ankle was not exactly pleasant, it was still a very nice and warm feeling when he carried her.

But still... The memory of the girl in the dress clouded her thoughts. Her words, her tone, and her gaze all indicated she was serious. Misaki wouldn't be who she was if she couldn't read people. And her experience along with her intuition told her that this girl would bring her trouble.

So it was necessary to find out more about her... Everything possible, good and bad, dirt and merits, tastes and social circle... And she wouldn't care what it would cost...

— After all, what kind of Queen... is without a King? — she smiled, — She can think whatever she wants, knowing more about him than I do, but I will make her understand that she is only the past. And I... I am his present and future. And I will never give anyone what belongs only to me, — she said, gazing at the silver whistle in her hand.

Girls... really are a selfish bunch, huh?