The gruesome scene unfolds as Akira and Mikage infiltrate the monster's lair, met with a horrific sight of organs and body parts scattered everywhere. Akira's senses are overwhelmed, and he begins to see the souls of the victims, reliving their terrifying final moments. The trauma causes him to vomit, but his determination to save his loved ones drives him forward.
As he rushes deeper into the lair, a thorny tentacle strikes Akira, tearing through his stomach. Mikage's desperate attempt to reach him is thwarted by the same tentacle, but his magma-like skin protects him from harm. However, this also limits his ability to fight back with full force, as he tries to avoid causing further harm to Akira and his family.
Akira's condition worsens, his vision fading as he lies in a pool of blood, feeling the chill of death creeping in.
Akira's regret and determination spark a remarkable turnaround! As he faces death, he hears Mikage's words, and a surge of adrenaline fuels his body's regeneration. He stands up, resolute, and rushes to save his family.
With newfound strength, Akira evades the tentacles and cuts them down, freeing his loved ones. Mikage takes care of the monster, burning it to ashes.
However, in a final, desperate attempt, the monster tries to drain Akira's power but ends up turning it to ash. This act solidifies Akira's decision to leave his old life behind, knowing that stronger enemies will target his family.
Mikage assures Akira that this is for the best, and the sorcerer community will protect his loved ones. Akira embarks on a new path, one where he'll confront the darkness head-on.
A poignant goodbye turns into a promise of reunion! Akira's father, with a mix of sadness and determination, says "see you later" instead of goodbye. Akira vows to defeat the evil and return to his former life, a promise that Mikage encourages him to keep.
Mikage's curiosity is piqued by Akira's spontaneous regeneration ability, which he couldn't explain. Mikage is surprised, as it took him years to master the skill, and even then, he wouldn't have been able to heal from such a fatal injury. He lets the matter drop, but his interest is clear.
The story moves forward with Mikage preparing Akira for a meeting with the head of the organization. This encounter will determine whether Akira is accepted as one of their own, a sorcerer among their ranks.