Everything played out like scenes to a movie.
That moment in time when the man in black turned to face the arriving policemen, distracted from the sudden arrival of rescue.
Yan Beiqing understood that this could be the only chance they have.
Without hesitation, that slender figure shot out from hiding to run towards the center of the chamber. Her destination is the ruined couch placed a distance away from the fallen marble table.
Jumping over the furniture with a somewhat imbalanced roll to the ground. Yan Beiqing stood up from the ground in an instant.
Ignoring the scorching pain on her left arm, the young woman locked her eyes onto a certain object lying against the couch.
Irises lighting up with the discovery that the item is still in wonderful shape.
[I can still use the mop!]
As the only object left in the room that has not been ruined by the attack, the young woman swiftly unclasped the mop head. Throwing that heavy part aside while running back towards the large hole on the wall.
Sharp eyes glimmer with a radiance on par with the flash of camera lights below as Yan Beiqing spreads her legs apart.
Right foot took a step back while the arm that held the mopstick raised high into the air seeking for the right moment.
Battering gale swept across the large opening of the hotel chamber, picking up dust and particles of glittering glass.
Creating a whirlwind of twinkling lights refracted by the sway of chandeliers above.
Tresses of dark hair fluttered along maneuvers of the wind, trying to impede the woman's sight. But alas, those gleaming irises remained firm as it locked without blinking at the target ahead.
Muscles creaked from the unfamiliar strain as Yan Beiqing focused all her energy onto every fiber of her right arm.
Cold sweat forms to slide down through the curve of the young woman's back then soaked onto the fabric of her clothes.
Bones creak and muscles scream from this abusive feat but obsidian irises glint with the somberness of a born hunter!
At this moment in time, it was as though the goddess of war had descended onto Earth.
Yan Beiqing's right foot took a firm step forward the same juncture the pole in her right hand flew out akin to an arrow that left its bow!
Jiang Zuoqing: "... …"
The scene of that incident still replays in the young man's mind over and over without pause.
Almond eyes raised from where he is seated to land on that peaceful figure resting on the hospital bed.
The machine attached beeps with a constant rhythm in record of the patient's current health.
It's been three days…
Kneading the tip of his fingers in absentmindedness, Jiang Zuoqing lowered his eyes once more in silence. It is unknown what could be the thoughts running through his mind at this current time.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
Well structured digits paused in their actions before almond eyes raised to stare at the closed doorway of the hospital chamber.
A dark flash of annoyance flitted past the young man's features before he stood up to stride forward in leisure steps.
"President Jiang, we-"
Before the people who came could finish their sentence, the entranceway to the room closed shut.
Standing in front of the door in silent guard to prevent anyone from entering. Our young president stared at the officers who came in cold dispassion.
"What can I help you with?"
The young man's voice was calm and steady akin to the flow of ice water in a winter's creek. Frigid enough to cause the two officers to shudder from a simple sentence.
"The thing is…" Despite feeling a little overwhelmed by the youth, the officers still have a job they must complete.
Therefore, one of the policemen gestures towards the closed door in a careful address.
"We are wondering if Miss Yan has awakened yet? If she is, we would like to ask her a few questions about the incident."
"... …"
Behind the two officers, is a wide television screen latched onto the side of the wall for patients to watch while waiting.
At this current moment, the screen is replaying the news that had happened three days ago.
An elegant woman in a purple suit replaced a strand of loose hair behind her ear before clearing her voice to speak.
[Good evening everyone, this is your news anchor. Today I'm here to report on the terrorist incident from three days ago.The current situation recorded by one of our staff at the scene…]
[As to what the police headquarters have to say…]
The image on the television shows an image of a ruined twenty-eight stories high building. A large gaping hole still in place with many investigators walking about.
Trying to find something relevant to this incident.
"... …"
Jiang Zuoqing's facial contours became more stern as the ambience around the area lowered to a freezing point.
Arms crossed and back leaning against the closed door, Jiang Zuoqing raised his chin while inquiring in a condescending voice.
"Is interrogating Yan Beiqing really that important even when I have already given every single piece of information I knew?"
The curve on the man's lips grew wide as he proceeded, "of course that's not the main reason is it?"
"The real reason you keep coming back trying to get an unconscious person's record is because the police force has no idea where to look!"
"Three days. It's been three days since the incident and you can't even find the pilot who escaped?"
"Don't you think you should be somewhere else instead of coming here every single day? Trying to get clues from someone whom I clearly mentioned, had experienced the same thing and saw the same thing as me?"
The two policemen do not know how to refute.
It is true that they were unable to find anything useful in their search for the missing pilot.
Although Jiang Zuoqing had already told them everything he knew, the people in charge above are anxious to close this incident.
For a criminal to be able to carry around deadly firepower while shooting from the sky without fear. This action itself is a declaration towards their police force, a blatant slap to their faces.
So how can those above them not be restless?
Hundreds of citizens are watching for the conclusion of this case.
But this is something they cannot control either…
"Then… we will come back at another time. Please inform us right away when Miss Yan awakes."
Saying so, the two policemen left.
"... …"
Sending the two off with the same look of cold scorn, Jiang Zuoqing waited until those officers disappeared before turning away.
Slender fingers open the door in preparation to enter when sights collide with a pair of limpid irises. Blinking back at the man with clarity as well as curiosity.
Jiang Zuoqing: "... …"
Almond eyes widen in disbelief as thin lips open agape as if wishing to speak but no sounds were able to be released.
The young man just stood at the doorway frozen as if a statue. Only the slight tremble in his fingers reveal the current storm in his mind.
Jiang Zuoqing: "Do, doctor!! Doctor!"
The young man ran out of the chamber in an anxious holler while grasping onto a passing nurse in quivering speech.
"The patient is recovering well. Since she pulled a few muscles in the leg and arm, it's better for her to stay a few more days to rest up. We also want to make sure if there will be any changes to her condition during the stay."
A doctor and a few nurses surround the bed while checking on the condition of the pale young woman.
Poking at her here and there with devices she has never seen nor heard of before.
"The wound on her left arm is showing a better recovery than first expected. But it's still better not to move around too much and to avoid having it touch water.
Yan Beiqing remained silent throughout the process of these peculiar medical staff. Dark irises remained locked onto the young man standing on the outlier with crossed arms.
Secretary Zhang: "Is there anything in particular that Miss Yan can or cannot eat?"
Secretary Zhang inquires while taking notes.
"I don't recommend eating anything too heavy in case the patient gets a stomach problem. Maybe something light like rice porridge or soup for the first two or three days."
"After that, she can eat anything that's not spicy. Oh, and no alcohol either."
Taking the last of the notes, our trusty assistant sent the doctor and nurses to the door before departing as well. Leaving with the intention to buy food for the two.
The chamber was left with only Jiang Zuoqing and Yan Beiqing.
Jiang Zuoqing: "... …"
Yan Beiqing: "... …"
A strange and heavy silence blanketed the atmosphere as the young president turned his gaze away. Refusing to make eye contact with the young woman who never strayed her gaze away once since awakening.
Yan Beiqing leaned backwards onto the pillow behind as obsidian pupils reflected the image of the quiet man.
Dried lips twitched for a second before they opened to whisper a raspy, "Jiang Zuoqing."
Her voice was hoarse and scratchy from days of unconsciousness but it rang loud in the quiet room nonetheless.
Jiang Zuoqing: "... …"
The young president refuses to answer as his figure turns to face the doorway instead. Arms still crossed together in blatant denial to speak nor listen to the young woman.
But Yan Beiqing was not mad at this behavior as she merely released a fatigued chuckle.
"Jiang Zuoqing, did you get hurt?"
This was the first thing that the young woman asked since opening her mouth, since awakening to find herself in yet another unfamiliar place.
"Jiang Zuoqing." The young woman murmured in a tired voice, "are you o-?"
The young president finally turned to face the young woman with a furious shout.
Eyes reddened with a glisten of moisture around the edges, the youth chews on the top of his quivering lips.