Chapter 11 - Chapter 11

[Ding! Ding! Ding!]

[Ladies and gentlemen!]

[Welcome to the showdown between my very handsome, extremely wealthy, who pays me triple the salary. Has a temper that's higher than his height but still full of male charisma boss-]

[Jiang Zuoqing!]

[On the left side of the hospital room, still injured but full of burning vitality. Who's height is taller than my boss even without heels on (is the only thing I can comment on since I don't know her well)-]

[Yan Beiqing!]

[And I am the judge of this brawl, please call me secretary Zhang!]

So what could be the reason for this current scenario? 

The reason is-

Yan Beiqing: "I want to return to work tomorrow."

[Oh! Miss Yan made the first strike as she threw a straight punch at our president!]

[As expected of our president's wife and the treasure of grandparent Jiang's! There are not many people courageous enough to press on with their wants after being rejected once!]

Jiang Zuoqing: "Absolutely not. An injured patient should stay in the hospital."

[But our president is not someone who would listen to others so easily either as he fed Miss Yan another spoonful of porridge!]

[President Jiang dodged and gave Miss Yan a side kick instead!]

Yan Beiqing: "... There are only bruises left and the wound on my arm won't hinder my daily activities too much.

[Ooff! Miss Yan received the kick and is struggling to get up from the strong attack! What can she do?! Our president does not seem to have ended his attack just yet as he is approaching with a menacing aura!]

Jiang Zuoqing: "I saw how bad the shot wound is, it was still bleeding yesterday when the nurses were changing the bandages. Plus, we have plenty of janitors at our company. Having one or two on a sick leave will not affect anything."

[Wham! Our handsome president delivered a heavy blow onto Miss Yan's rolling body as she was struggling to stand up. Causing her tethering figure to fall back down again with a loud collision!]

[Hm? What is this? Our president seemed to be planning something as he climbed onto the side of the ring. What is this? Could IT BE? YES! President Jiang is prepared to deal the last blow as his body jumps down!]

[Oh! There is a change in the outcome! At the very last minute as Miss Yan was about to take the blow. Her slender bloody rolled to the side just barely in time to avoid that devastating strike!]

[The show must go on!]

Yan Beiqing: "It's not about the job itself. Of course, I told you before that the reason I became a janitor is to understand the workings of the world."

"But this time, there is another more important reason."

[Miss Yan has regained her bearings and is dashing towards our president with- what is this? Another straight punch?!] 

"After this incident, I have a reason to believe that we are being targeted. I'm afraid that you would get hurt when I'm not around."

Jiang Zuoqing: "What?"

[Amazing! That straight punch was actually a feint! The real strike was what followed after!]

Yan Beiqing: "I want to be able to protect you."

Jiang Zuoqing: "I…"

[It wasn't a kick, it wasn't a punch either! It was a strong headbutt that president Jiang took straight on! Causing a massive nosebleed to the point that he cannot think straight!]

[The tides have changed! Could this be the finale to this battle?!]

Jiang Zuoqing: "...No. If you are worried about me, I can hire more bodyguards for the both of us. What can an injured person do at this time? 

"The doctors already said that you need rest."

[Exciting!! It seems the battle is not over after all! Our president has unleashed a counterattack! A doctor's words are something that patients have to listen to after all!]

[Is Miss Yan prepared to surrender under president Jiang's absolute defense?]

???: "Who says that Her Majesty cannot go?!" (2x)

[What is this?! New opponents are entering the stage?! WHO COULD IT BE?]


The door to the hospital chamber flew open in reveal of grandma and grandpa Jiang's sweaty appearance.

Three figures enter the room as the elderly couple rushed straight at the young woman in bed.

"Your Majesty!"

"Oh my! Look how thin you have gotten!"

"Your skin is rough and dry!"

"My poor Majesty! How much you must have suffered! Is your arm okay?!"

"Wasn't Jiang Zuoqing supposed to be taking care of you?! How did you end up like this?!"

The couple fussed over the young woman with reddened eyes moist to the brink of crying. Treating the young woman as if a piece of jade that would break at the slightest of collisions despite her countless words of comfort.

In the end, recalling that their grandson is also in the room as well. Two pairs of furious sights locked onto Jiang Zuoqing as grandpa Jiang hollered with a slam of the hand onto the table beside him.

"Jiang Zuoqing! How dare you raise your voice towards her Majesty and what is it about rejecting her request!?"

[Ding! Ding! Ding!]

[Ladies and gentlemen! Round two of the battle is about to begin despite round one not being able to finish. But here we go!]

Jiang Zuoqing: "Grandmother, grandfather, hear me out. Yan Beiqing wants to continue working as a janitor at the company. But she's injured and I don't think that job suits her."

Grandpa Jiang: "Nonsense! There is nothing in this world that does not suit her Majesty! 

[Grandfather Jiang gave our president a body slam that sent him flying towards the side of the ring!]

Jiang Zuoqing: "But even so! She says that she wants to protect me! I don't think that is necessary!

[Our president bounces back with a refute of his own!]

Grandma Jiang: "What?! Her majesty wants to be your personal bodyguard?! Her willingness to accommodate you is already a blessing you must have accumulated in your last life. How dare you reject her?!

[OOF! Grandmother Jiang followed up with a dropkick while president Jiang is still in the middle of recovery!]

"Either way-"

The elderly couple gave each other a knowing glance before raining down on their grandson the final ultimatum.

"If working as a janitor is not suitable for her majesty, then give her a position as a personal secretary for you at work!"

[Bam! Grandmother and grandfather Jiang held hands to give their grandson a duo slap of love to the face!]

Jiang Zuoqing: "...Fine"

[Ding! Ding! Ding!]

[The battle has ended!]

[Congratulations to our winners! The Jiang couple and Miss Yan Beiqing!]

[Thank you ladies and gentlemen for coming here today for this show! Until next time!]

Awakening from his reverie, Secretary Zhang immediately took action to pour the three new guests a cup of water. 

While the Jiang family is still in the midst of their friendly bickering. The figure that had entered with the grandparents but stayed silent throughout the ordeal stride towards Yan Beiqing with a courteous smile. 

"A pleasure to meet you Miss Yan."

Yan Beiqing: "Who are you?"

The man who came near was a youth that seems to be in his mid- twenties. Wearing round glasses with a black rim, his smile was warm and pleasant as he introduced himself further.

Eyes flitting over the bickering trio on one side and the amused bystander on the other while lips curve even more.

"I'm similar to the doctor friend that appears in every arrogant CEO novel. The one that gets called over whenever a patient needs their expertise."

"Oh?" Yan Beiqing's irises glowed with interest as she asked with curiosity, "so you are a doctor? Do you work at this hospital?"

The man paused to answer as his sights were captured by the friendly atmosphere of the scene in front.

"No, I don't work here. I'm a veterinarian. I was called here by the Jiang couple today for some reason."

Pushing up his glasses, the man proceeds, "I don't know why I was called but it's definitely not to heal anyone here."

"My expertise lies in animals after all."


"We have found General Han."

Thirty minutes later, after everything has calmed down enough for proper conversation.

The elderly Jiangs declared wonderful news to the young woman with excitement. They have received news of their most loyal vassal, General Han.

A man of valor and unwavering loyalty who entrusted his whole being into serving their emperor. 

The man who single handedly defended the border of their kingdom with his infamous name alone among enemies!

It was a shame that he was not able to see Her Majesty on the day of her burial as he was kept at the borders due to sudden enemy reports.

He eventually died a few months later in the battlefields while fighting to the very end for the kingdom.

"We discovered his whereabouts two days ago on television. We will depart right away to bring him back."

Grandma Jiang clasped her wrinkled hands around Yan Beiqing with a tender caress. Voice soft and filled with worry but tinged with bouts of hope.

"Your Majesty, please wait for our good news. We will be back around a month later." 

Therefore, the elderly Jiangs left on the plane while Yan Beiqing was assigned to be Jiang Zuoqing's new assistant. 

Despite Secretary Zhang's confusion as to why the young woman has to get a job to stay by his boss's side despite already being married to each other. What can he do but to prepare for the position a week from now. 

"At least I'm not getting fired…"

The young assistant murmured with a light sigh.