Chapter 26 - Chapter 26

A black flash is very advantageous to a sorcerer. Not only do they gain an incredibly powerful attack which times your base punching power to the power of 2.5, it also puts you in "the zone". A state where maintaining techniques and pulling off more advanced jujutsu becomes much easier. Not to mention the 20% boost one gains to their physical capabilities.

But probably the best reward for landing such an unlikely move is its ability to inspire the user. To give them insight into cursed energy as a whole. As Todo once described it, "before tou were just throwing things into a pot and hoping for the best. But after landing black flash, you have tasted your ingredients. You now stand on a completely different level as a chef than you were moment before."

This inspiration was most noticeable and potent the first time you landed a black flash. So when you did, you needed to focus on your cursed energy as much as possible, truly saver its taste and commit it to memory. Unfortunately for Isamu, he hadn't had the time or energy to do such a thing at the time.

So he'd be playing a game of catch up for a while. It'd be best if he could just land another, but that was much easier said than done. But it wasn't completely worthless, Isamu still got a taste.

Isamu ducked and dodged Yuji's punches while keeping an eye of Megumi and his deadly, unwrapped blade. Isamu caught Yuji's wrist with his right hand before rolling him over his back and tossing him towards Megumi just as Megumi began to rush in.

Megumi was forced to navigate around Yuji, slowing his charge and giving Isamu plenty of time to observe what Megumi originally intended to be a sneak attack on someone already battling Yuji.

Isamu whipped out a throwing knife just as Megumi was about to enter his striking range. Megumi was barely able to deflect it away, the knife's velocity exceeded any Megumi had seen Isamu throw before.

Isamu reached forward before Megumi could retract his sword, keeping his sword away from his body with his left hand while landing a nice shot to Megumi's kidney with his right. Megumi grunted in pain but took the punch reasonably well.

Still keeping a firm grip on the pummel of his sword, Isamu kicked Megumi's left leg out from under him as he reached his right arm around Megumi's head and yanked it to the side. In the next moment, Isamu threw Megumi to the ground in an expertly performed take down while simultaneously disarming him.

Isamu confirmed his grip on the sword and lashed out just as Yuji neared him, the entire encounter with Megumi playing out in the time it took Yuji to regain his footing and close the few feet separating him from Megumi and Isamu.

Yuji was just barely able to stop his assault in time, avoiding a horizontal slash across his chest. His jacket was still ripped however. Isamu backed away from Megumi a bit, leaving his striking range with one last snap kick to the face to keep him dazed and down for a moment longer. All while keeping Yuji in his sight.

Yuji charged again, more carefully this time now that he knew Isamu was armed and focused on him. He threw a right jab which Isamu ducked under only to meet him with a straight kick. Isamu blocked it with the flat of his blade but was still pushed back. Isamu flicked a knife in his direction to lessen some of the pressure.

"Demon Dog!" Isamu heard from his right. His eyes rolled in his skull at break neck speeds to locate the werewolf like creature. He found it to his right, where his blind spot would be if he were still focused on Yuji.

It charged at him, its 5 razor sharp claws aimed for his jugular. Isamu met its mid air claws with his stolen blade while crouching low. He pushed with all his might as he capitalized on its momentum and its lack of mobility in the air.

The shikigami rocketed over Isamu as he tossed it towards Yuji who'd begun to close the distance. Megumi attempted to catch him off guard from his left flank, unluckily, he wasn't as quiet as he'd hoped.

The staff he'd retrieved from his shadow lashed out but was blocked by his own black scimitar. Isamu grabbed the staff with his other hand, his speed too great for Megumi to pull his weapon back in time.

Fortunately, Megumi was rather crafty. He slammed his left forearm into the middle of the staff, snapping it in half before he brought the part he was still wielding up to smash into Isamu's face.

Isamu was just barely able to redirect it with the black blade as his left hand snatched the other half of the staff from the air. Isamu rolled backwards away from Megumi just in time to avoid a bone smashing punch from Yuji.

Isamu almost lost his footing just as he gained it due to something pulling on his right ankle. The demon dog took full advantage as it leaped into the air and tried to slash his face off from above.

Isamu leaned back as he brought up both the sword and the broken half of the staff to block the claws. He stopped any lethal damage but couldn't prevent the claws from cutting deeply into his wrists and breaking the staff even further.

The wolf continued on as Isamu tossed the broken handful of wood back towards his right flank. The black scimitar lashed out to cut whatever was pulling on his leg as he stood. He was just about to reengage the two sorcerers when one of them called out.

"Hold it, we stop at first blood remember?" Megumi spoke, pointing at him with a hand now holding yet another blade. This one being a simple sickle one couldn't even call a cursed tool.

Isamu visibly deflated as he was reminded of the terms of their sparring match. He looked back at where he'd felt his leg being tugged to find a small green toad with even smaller angel wings. One of its eyes was impaled by what was left of Megumi staff which Isamu had thrown in its direction moments before.

Isamu was surprised by the sight, he hadn't heard Megumi chant and Isamu had pretty good hearing. Did he summon it without a chant? It was theoretically possible but the cursed energy consummation would be so much higher it just wasn't feasible in a real fight.

Then again, it had caught Isamu off guard and had opened him up, letting Megumi fulfill his win condition. Even if he had lost, Isamu was still happy with his performance.

Before the black flash, he would have struggled way less. Honestly, he would've lost to Yuji alone, seeing as he hadn't gotten a replacement sword after his last one was destroyed. A wave a sadness stirred in his gut for a moment before Isamu pushed it to the back of his mind.

Anyway, even the demon dog would've given a technique-less, sword-less, pre black flash Isamu trouble. But after he'd awakened to the true essence of cursed energy, it was like he'd ascended to the next tier of strength.

He was so much faster, stronger, more durable. He wondered where he'd be if he'd gotten more time in the zone after landing his first black flash. He could only image what he could do with a sword in hand and a few New Shadow Style techniques.

But he didn't have a sword, not HIS sword. He could always replace it, build another back up to 1st grade. But it would be a major set back. One he couldn't afford, not with all the potential enemies hiding in the grass.

Luckily, a possible solution was right around the corner.


With the death of an entire clan, there was bond to be many wills and treasured items up for grabs. Much of the money and cursed objects or tools were given to jujutsu society as many of the wills just passed on money to people also killed in the massacre.

But there were a few to gain from the death of some many. Or rather, one. Isamu Inumaki. Despite not having any biological relatives in the clan to inherit from, he did still have "family". While Isamu himself didn't consider Kenji Inumaki, his legally adoptive father, his family, the same could not be said for the clan head it seemed.

"Upon the death of Kenji Inumaki, Tohan Inumaki is to inherit all assists with the exception of 'Saraswati'. Should Tohan Inumaki be imprisoned, exiled from the clan, or dead, all assists will carry over to Isamu Inumaki, including 'Sasaswati' which he is to inherit no matter what." The lawyer said, their voice ringing throughout the nearly empty meeting room. Only the lawyer and Isamu present.

The well dressed man looked on with the eyes of a professional as Isamu Inumaki stared at the ground, seemingly in thought. The young man's eyes then flicked to the long, flat, black wooden box outlined in purple engravings on the table between them.

'Donate any cars or homes I might inherit to those less fortunate. Any money can be deposited into the account I have given you. Any other items may be delivered to my dorm. I will keep Saraswati here. I wish to be alone.' Isamu signed to the lawyer. The man just nodded before leaving, he naturally understood sign language as the former clan heads lawyer.

Isamu's knee began to bounce subconsciously as he was overcome with excitement. This was not his first meeting with the lawyer in the last two weeks since the clan was put to death. But this was the first time he'd received anything. Everything else was simply what would be done with the clan.

Isamu, as the de facto clan head as the oldest living Inumaki and the heir of the former head, had decided to abolish the clan all together. He had no love for it in the first place and a clan of two was not a clan at all. He had no intention of marrying several wives like some Webnoval lead in an attempt to repopulate either. He might've been a teen but Isamu wasn't THAT horny.

Isamu reached forward and flicked up the clasps holding the box shut. With shaky hands, Isamu slowly opened the box, a smile creeping onto his face without him even noticing.

What he saw was perhaps the most striking weapon he'd ever seen, even more so than playful cloud. It was a pure white katana with the exception of the hilt. The handle was wrapped in a deep purple while the scabbard was such a pure white Isamu was a bit concerned he would damage his vision if he stared at it too long.

This was Saraswati, the sacred sword of the Inumaki clan which was named after the Hindu goddess of speech and music. It was a unique special grade cursed tool which only allowed for the rightful clan head of the Inumaki clan to wield it, someone Isamu technically was.

Saraswati had many qualities which made it the perfect weapon for a cursed speech user and a killing machine besides. A blade sharp enough to cut through just about anything. Durability so formidable Isamu wouldn't be surprised if a carpet bombing didn't leave a scratch.

This was all amplified by the binding vow placed on it. In return for only a specific person being able to wield it at any given time, all of the sword's qualities were brought to new heights, and that's without mentioning its cursed technique.

It was imbued with cursed speech. More specifically, it was imbued with the extension of cursed speech. This fact was way some also called it the 'World Shaper' along side its actual name. As long as Isamu infused it with cursed energy and a pre-set command, any inanimate object the sword cuts would be forced to follow the command with the only price being the cursed energy infused in the sword.

It was far more than Isamu ever thought he would have the honor to wield. He had hoped that one day, he'd be able to evolve his sword into something similar. That instead of only commanding inanimate objects, he could command living things just by cutting them, cursed energy infused ears be damned. Those plans had been crushed however.

Actually, now that he thought about it. Why couldn't he still do that? Sure, it'd take a while to get back what he lost but with his new understanding of cursed energy, it wouldn't take nearly as long to get a new sword to grade 1. Worse case scenario, he would get another blade to burn on a super powerful attack in a pinch like he had with the octopus.

With that thought in mind, he grabbed the nearly mythical blade and headed to the armory. He was going to at least. Before he remembered his preparations for this day and changed course.


"You're a bit late. Did the lawyer really hold you up that much?" Maki asked as Isamu arrived on the scene. The scene being her slightly messy dormitory. It was bland, as usual, Maki preferring to go do something rather than rot on the couch or in her bed, leading the room to be sparsely decorated.

Isamu's was much the same. There were a few posters of some music artists he liked but he barely spent any time there. It wouldn't be a half bad idea just to move into Maki's dorm. Thoughts for another day perhaps.

Isamu took in Maki's form, as beautiful as ever. She was dressed in basic pajamas and a simple crop top, her hair was down and everywhere in a terrible case of bed head. Truly a beauty.

"I know. I'm a mess. Not that you'd mind. Honestly, I don't even know why you came over if you know I'm just gonna make you leave again. I don't want you seeing me before it's time." Maki said with a joking smile as she slowly stalked towards Isamu.

'I just wanted a before and after.' Isamu said with an equally joking manner. Maki just laughed, music to his ears.

"Sure. Now go. You need to get ready too." Maki said with a parting kiss as she pushed him away.


Isamu arrived at the front entrance of jujutsu high. He wasn't dressed in anything overly fancy. A black dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to just past his elbows and a pair of similarly black dress pants.

It wasn't a tux like Maki might've liked but he was still 16, he couldn't really blame himself. He looked good enough how he was. At least he hoped so. He'd never done an anniversary date before.

Isamu scanned the front of the school, finding no one. It seemed he was the first to arrive. The sun was beginning to set but Isamu figured they still had a decent hour of light before night set in. Isamu's keen ear picked up on the clacking of heels on stone as he whipped around.

What he saw was probably the most stunning and beautiful thing he'd ever seen. There she was. An elegant yet simple black dress clung to her figure in all the right ways while still being able to come off as lady like. Simple golden jewelry adorned her fingers, wrists, and neck.

She, too, wasn't dressed to the nines but Isamu was still rendered speechless, or sign-less, for a solid moment at the sight of her. Isamu just hoped she was having a similar reaction to his appearance as she, too, didn't say anything for a hot minute.

'Shall we?' Isamu managed out. Even after a full year of bearing the privilege to call her his girlfriend, Maki still managed to turn him into a blushing maiden at a moments notice.

"We shall." She said with a knowing smirk.


Ran was having a perfect night. It wasn't too busy, it seldom was. Not many could afford such a high end, luxurious restaurant such as this. Those who could saved the expense for a special night once a year so they weren't seen much.

So Ran was, of course, thankful for every table seated in his section. He was especially thankful for this table in particular. All because the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen was seated at it.

As Ran walked up, dressed in his fancy waiter get up, tie and all, he puffed out his chest and held his head high, giving the man with the weird face tattoo seated across from her little attention.

"Good evening, madam, sir." Ran said sir with much less enthusiasm than madam.

"What might I get started for you tonight?" Ran continued, placing 90% of his attention on the beauty. Only half of which was actually concentrated on her words, the other half focused on committing every detail of her goddess like face to memory.

What followed was a rather expensive order. Ran had seen them pull up in a somewhat expensive car with its own personal driver but still. Ran smirked a bit when she ordered for her date. What kind of man needed his woman to order for him?

Ran felt a bit bad when he looked back after placing their orders in for the kitchen. He was mute? Well that explained it. What was such a beautiful woman doing with a guy like that? She deserved a better, more high value man than that. One like Ran.

That's when he decided on a mission for the night. To bag that beauty, steal her away from that loser, and show her what a real man feels like.


Isamu smiled as he let out a humor filled exhale at one of Maki's joking insults of some dude she'd run into earlier that day. Isamu didn't mind listening to her ramble on about her day, her week, or even her whole month.

Isamu was always interested in whatever Maki was talking about as she seemed to only talk about things she thought he'd be interested in. Even if he didn't care in the slightest, the sound of her voice alone made it worth the listen. The food was taking a bit longer than Isamu expected but then again, Isamu didn't frequent high end restaurants much so maybe this was just how the rich ate.

He didn't mind, just more time to talk, and flirt, and talk some more. After a few more minutes of waiting, the shorter than average waiter practically skipped over to their table, tray in hand. He must be really excited to do his job. Good for him.

"Here you are my fine lady." He said as he placed Maki's food in front of her with much care, trying his best to hold eye contact with the uninterested Maki all the while.

"Sir." He said shortly as he placed Isamu food in front of him with decidedly less care and tenderness.

"Give me a call if you need any else." The man said, completely facing Maki with his hands clasped in front of him. It sorta felt like he was talking to Maki specifically with that one but maybe Isamu was just misunderstanding it, he was never great with reading people he didn't know after all.

Maki seemed to stare at her napkin for a bit longer than necessary before balling it up and dropping it on the ground, seemingly by accident. Back to flirting they were.


Maki was annoyed as hell but she tried not to show it. This was meant to be their special night together. Just her and Isamu. But no, they just had to be seated at the table waited on by the creepiest loser in all of Japan.

She could tolerate him undressing her with his eyes as honestly, she was kinda used to it whenever she traversed the city. But the obvious purposeful touching of her hand when he placed the plate down, the wink after telling her to call him, and the phone number on the napkin was too many steps over the line for Maki to bear.

With that, she told Isamu she needed to use the bathroom before stepping off. She snuck off into the back of the restaurant, watching for the waiter as she slowly made her way towards the back door. Eventually, she found him and was able to catch his attention.

Maki winked at him suggestively before curing her finger at him in a "come here" gesture before opening the back door and leaving.

He soon followed her out. What a weirdo too. Instead of maybe flirting or at least talking like anyone else might do in this situation, he went straight to groping. Or tried to at least. The second his hand got a bit too close to her breast, she grabbed his hand and judo flipped him over her shoulder, staining his white dress shirt in the filthy back alley mud and gunk.

"You're a creepy, weirdo loser who I wouldn't so much as touch even if we were the last two people on earth. You disgust me and I hope your bloodline ends with you so the girls of the next generation aren't harassed you filthy, inbred, rapy, nasty, small dicked pig." Maki degraded. With that, she turned and left.

After entering the building once more, she went to the hostess stand to report the man's creepiness while asking for a different waiter before returning to Isamu. Luckily, her loving boyfriend didn't seem to mind her taking awhile in the bathroom. He was too busy obliviously enjoying his shrimp.


Isamu sat up in bed, completely naked as he stretched out his sore muscles. He rubbed at the scratch marks on his back with a smile, only a few of them having drawn blood. Isamu looked to his side to find no one there. He frowned a bit as he hopped out of bed before quickly throwing in some boxers, shorts, and a plain black shirt.

The smell of bacon hit his nose as he entered the kitchen. Shortly after, the sent of burnt bacon replaced the pleasant smell.

"Shit." Isamu heard Maki mumble under her breath as she scrabbled to turn off the heat and take the bacon off the stove. It was a good thing Isamu wasn't the biggest fan of bacon. He didn't hate it but he could do without.

Isamu, after making sure Maki wasn't holding anything she might burn herself with, wrapped his arms around her. She was only dressed in one of his white shirts and some short shorts. He wasn't way bigger than her so the shirt was only a bit oversized.

"Sorry about the bacon." Maki said, half way joking, half way apologetic. Isamu just nuzzled his cheek into her hair as a sign he wasn't annoyed in the slightest.

Isamu's eyes scanned the counter to find only bacon. He peaked his head over her shoulder before giving her some side eye.

"I just wanted something small so I only made bacon." Maki clarified. Isamu just smiled in humor before using his hold on her to walk her away from the kitchen and towards the couch.

Once there Maki hopped onto the couch as Isamu stuck up a finger in a "wait" gesture before running off to her room which he'd stashed he present in right before their date, knowing they'd be spending the night there. Now that they'd had their happy little night together, it was probably about time for gifts.

Maki waited patiently, legs crossed on the couch, hands resting on her lap as her excitement swelled. Honestly, she didn't really need the present to be good or useful, she just wanted something thoughtful. Something she could look at to remember all the good times.

When Isamu returned, he was holding and short wooden box about 8 inches long with the kanji of "protect" written on it. Isamu handed it to Maki and when she opened it, she was met with a silver dagger.

It was basic looking, nothing special about it except for it being entirely made of some white metal. Maki figured silver. That was only regarding its shape however. There was a significant detail on the blade itself. The flat and edge of the blade was covered in carvings.

'The marks are infused with cursed energy and my technique. Anything you stab with it, living or not, will be blasted away. After that, the marks will lose power, never to be infused again. It took forever to make but it'll be helpful in a pinch. Once you use it. You'll just have a dull, useless knife to remember me by. There's actually a binding vow involved in the creation stopping the user from using it so don't try giving it back on some "you need it more than me" bull shit.' Isamu signed, explaining his gift.

Maki couldn't believe her gift. To be honest, she was expecting a bracelet or necklace, not something that could actually save her life. Maki leaned forward suddenly and kissed Isamu full on the lips, not bothering to restrain herself in the slightest. After a long, passionate, suffocating kiss, they broke apart.

"I love it. It's way more high effort than I expected." Maki teased with a smile, drawing one out of Isamu as well.

"Now for your gift." She said as she reached behind the couch, grabbing it from under the sofa. Once she revealed it, Isamu pretty much knew what it was from just its shape. It almost made him pounce on her and hug her to death.

There, wrapped in a black silk cloth, was a sword. Taking hold of it and ridding it of its covering, Isamu narrowed it down to a wakizashi. While katanas were usually 30 inches long in the blade, wakizashi's were usually around 18-24 inches. Isamu eyeballed this one to be about 20. It's scabbard was black as pitch with its hilt wrapped in white.

"It's grade 3. I know you like making your own so I didn't get anything too high. Low enough for you to still ingrain your cursed energy into it but I didn't want to get you a basic one so you have you a bit of a head start." Maki explained. Isamu just leaned in and kissed her with as much thankfulness she had moments before.

"So, what are we doing for Halloween?" Maki asked, shifting gears a bit as she put her present back in its box. Isamu just tilted his head to the side in a questioning manner.

"It IS the 31st. I always forget you're bad with dates. I'm surprised you remember our anniversary."