Chapter 27 - Chapter 27

October 31st, 2018 at 7:00 PM

"Looks like something bad went down. Many civilians are gathered around the perimeter of the barrier, all begging for the same thing. "Bring Saturo Gojo."" Assistant Supervisor Amari Nitta informed the 4 sorcerers standing before her. Her blond, neck length hair swaying in the cold night air of Shibuya as she did so.

"There's no way non-sorcerers would know about him. They were told to say it." Naobito Zen'in, head of the Zen'in clan, suspected as he twirled his long and straight mustache.

"We can't break the curtain?" He inquired further. A sorcerer had many friends, just as many as they had enemies, and information was definitely one of them.

"It'd be difficult. After all, the curtain isn't restricting Sorcerers from either side. It's not something we can destroy with brute force. It'd be quicker to take out the curse users responsible." Nitta explained.

"So we're here to help with that?" Maki asked, Nobara to her left. She was dressed in her regular winter uniform with a bag containing her signature poll arm slung over her shoulder.

"Nope! You're all on stand by." Nitta exclaimed, drawing a questioning look from Nobara. Before she could elaborate, Maki did it for her.

"It's best to do as they say. Sending in the blind folded dumbass is the best solution. Even if they've set a trap, it wouldn't work. And if it does, we wouldn't have stood a chance to survive in his place." She explained, drawing an understanding look from Nobara and a scoff of shock from Nitta, how could she be so disrespectful of the strongest sorcerer alive so casually?

"It seems we'll be here a while then." Naobito surmised as he took a seat on a near by bench, many of which lined the walk way they were stationed at, only a few dozen meters from Shibuya's outer edge and the barrier trapping the crowd.

"In the meantime, I'd like to get to know my fellow sorcerer. So, what do you think about this situation, 1st grade sorcerer, Isamu Inumaki?"


October 31st, 2018 at 8:31 PM, Saturo Gojo arrives.

Walking on air directly above the trapped non-jujutsu sorcerers, Gojo made his away to the source of the curtain, the curse user far below. Eventually making it to a large spiral stair case, Gojo gently lowered himself down its center and onto the train tracks below. That of Shibuya station.

"I think I get what they're after." Gojo said to himself as he neared some solid footing, hands in his jacket pockets all the while. "Bring it on."

"There you are!" The volcano headed cursed spirit said opposite Gojo. He stood with a wooden cane which he used for "support" though Gojo doubted he needed it. The top of it was suspiciously skull shaped.

To his left stood the giant plated cursed spirit which attacked the goodwill event and presumably took out the vast majority of the Inumaki clan, including all of their elders.

To the Mt.Fuji headed "old" cursed spirit's right was a new figure to Gojo, but his six eyes made him aware of what exactly he was, even if he didn't know who he was. A cursed womb death painting. A cursed object stolen during the goodwill event; now feed to a human to give the cursed object a base to use as a body.

His appearance was predominantly that of a human man with long dark brown stringy hair tied into two high ponytails that jut upward and outward. Small dark brown eyes with slightly thin eyebrows and a blood mark that extended from both sides of his face across the bridge of his nose.

As far as clothing, he wore a loose, light tan robe that covered his torso, arms, and legs. It's worn underneath a purple gi-like vest that covered his torso in a "v" shape and had a bottom section that extended to his waist and groin area.

"Look at ya, all ready to go!" Gojo said, not taking the curses very seriously. At least in their attempted intimidation.

"No excuses if you lose again this time, ok?" Gojo asked in a patronizing manner, pointing a finger towards the fire spirit with a smile on his face. The many civilians on either side of the train tracks, those stuck by the barriers, looking on as they talked.

"Don't you worry about us… just make sure to have your first-ever excuse ready."

Fukutoshin Line Platform, Tokyo Metro B5F, 8:40 PM


Fukutoshin Line Platform, Tokyo Metro B5F, 8:44 PM

"Hey, weed. This is our third meeting, right? And you still don't learn! You're going down first." Gojo said shortly after taking off his blind fold. While domain amplification being in their deck of cards was a bit problematic, it didn't really matter in the long run.

"So, C'mon." Gojo taught as he lowered himself onto the train tracks once more, having hopped up onto the station guard rail to dodge a previous attack.

"Weren't you the ones who told me. Not to run away?" Gojo asked as he walked directly between the weed and the volcano headed cursed spirit.

They both jumped into action the second they processed his position and location. Reeling back his fist, the powerful special grade fire spirit threw a bone smashing punch while his more durable companion winded up a heavy kick.

Gojo parried the punch with ease while grabbing onto the curses wrist. He then ducked the kick before jumping and twisting himself around the parried arm, straddling the appendage while facing away from the curse before pulling the arm in the exact opposite direction it was intended to bend.

After breaking the limb off entirely, he twisted the forearm and hand in his grip before using it as a shield to block a blow from the taller curse who'd punched at Gojo's lowered form from above.

Gojo rolled himself across the flame heads back as he kicked out at the plants right inner knee, throwing it off balance for a second. The volcano curse darted away as Gojo discarded the arm and gave chance.

Gojo, having turned off his cursed technique in hopes of baiting one of them, had expected one of his attackers, probably the weed, to turn off domain amplification and attack with their technique. This would open them up for a good counter and make the situation a bit easier.

But this never happened. The curse, instead of hanging back and firing off its roots, had given chance in hopes of helping the current object of Gojo's pursuit. It was smarter than Gojo gave it credit for, it seemed. It probably learned baiting someone out of their domain amplification was a common practice when fighting the Inumaki clan elders.

That thought gave Gojo an idea as he neared the curse who'd began to throw civilians to try and stop Gojo's chance. While Gojo had originally declared the weed as his first victim with full intent of following through, he now considered leaving it to Isamu.

Not only would it be a great learning experience, it would also be quite the revenge tale. Yeah, that was a great idea. Good job Gojo!


Shibuya, 9:22 PM

Not much conversation was had among the members of the "Zenin Team" as honestly, it was just awkward. The relationship between Maki, a Zenin clan reject, and Naobito, the head of the Zenin clan, was just too antagonistic for much to get done small talk wise. It was beyond Isamu why they'd been paired together.

So they just sat, in silence. For a few minutes. Then a few more. Then even more. And some more. Before finally, something happened.

A new curtain engulfed shibuya in a matter of seconds as in the city, odd monsters resembling cursed spirits burst from building and began wreaking havoc on the trapped civilians.

"The humans who were transfigured and on standby in the buildings are now attacking non-sorcerers." Naobito said calm as ever as he stood from his bench seat.

"I doubt it's a coincidence that curtain appeared at the same time." Maki observed.

"Something probably happened below. Whatever it was, I doubt it's good for us." Nobara contributed.


"Our orders are to end our standby and attack. It can't be helped but we keep getting deployed much too frequently." Nanami, salary man turned jujutsu sorcerer, said to his two young charges, Megumi and Ino.

"What's most concerning though…" Nanami began as he took off his white suit jacket, exposing his blue dress shirt below which was accented by a yellow tie with a black poke-a-dot pattern.

"The simul-" Ino, the grade 2 apprentice of Nanami began before he was cut off by Megumi who stood to his left.

"The simultaneous appearance of the curtain that prohibits sorcerers from entering." Megumi said, answering Nanami's "question".

"What we can say for sure is that they wouldn't move without a plan. I'll head for the enemy response for the curtains. You two do your best to rescue civilians." Nanami said, laying his now folded up jacket on a nearby bench.

But before Nanami and the others could put into action any of their plans, a load shout sounded from the roof tops.



"Hhhmmm, looks like the jig is up." A voice echoed through the empty tunnels of Shibuya, their floors lined with tracks.

"The jujutsu sorcerers will increase in numbers and head this way." The same voice sounded as its origin stared at the box in the center of a small crater in front of him, his Heterochromatic eyes staring into the eyes of the cursed object containing the most powerful individual in the world.

"I'm staying here to protect the prison realm, what about you guys?" The monk standing to Mahito's right said as he crossed his arms and looked around the group of three cursed spirits and single cursed object made human curse hybrid.

"To avenge my brothers, I'll kill Yuji Itadori and Nobara Kugisaki. Then I'll head to jujutsu high to free my brothers." The death womb painting said, referring to the two other death womb paintings who were killed during Isamu's trip to the Inumaki clan estate.

"I dunno who Kugisaki is but Itadori is off limits. We're gonna turn him into Sukuna." Jogo argued, looking up at the much taller but much weaker man.

"I don't care."

"Huh?!" Jogo exclaimed as he worked his jaw in irritation, the lava in his skull boiling as his frustration rose.

"Jogo, calm yourself." Hanami said from nearby before Mahito could say something similar.

"To be honest…" Mahito intruded from nearby, "I wanna kill Itadori too." A stream of lava shot from Jogo's head at that declaration.

"What?! Mahito!"

"After seeing Saturo Gojo in person…" Mahito began as he turned away from Jogo and began talking to the monk who lead this little operation, "now that he's sealed, I'd say sorcerers and curses are about evenly matched. So, if Sukuna is revived, we'd be the heavy favorite to win, right?"

"Yeah, I'd say so." Geto confirmed with a nod of his head.

"Well then, as it stands, that means we can still win, all things being equal and all. Let's kill itadori. It'll be fine. Even if Sukuna isn't around, we can still win." Mahito said with sadistic smile.

"Are you serious?" Jogo asked, a bit less annoyed than before Mahito's claim but still frustrated nonetheless.

"I am. For real real." Mahito responded, looking down at Jogo with a childish smile.

"It's true, Sukuna isn't necessarily our ally. If he's revived, we might suffer as well. But if that happens, the era of curses will surely come. We're different from the humans of this time. We do not fear death and walk the path to sincerely achieve our goals. That's the curses ethos that those fake humans don't have!" Jogo said, ending his speech with a shout.

"Nah, that's not true. Even if we lose our way or are inconsistent we undoubtedly live according to our desires. That is what we curses are." Mahito countered with his own ideals.

"I have no plans to fight you, Jogo. So let's make a game of it. If I encounter Yuji Itadori first, I'll kill him. If you find him first, you can offer him the fingers to restore Sukuna's power." Mahito declared has he spread his arms out to either said in a theatrical manner.

"And if I find him first, I kill him. Ok?" Choso asked from the sidelines.

"Oh, you wanna play too, Choso? Of course that's ok!" Mahito responded before turning to the monk. "Geto, you're probably more in line with Jogo, right? What are you gonna do?"

"As I said, I need to keep an eye on the prison realm so I'm gonna have to pass." Geto said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

"And you, Hanami?"

"Yuji Itadori does not concern me. I will find Isamu Inumaki and take revenge for Dagon." Hanami said in her usual telepathic manner.

"Yes, I think that's something us curses can agree on. If we run into Isamu Inumaki at any point, we should kill him. Maybe not for revenge, but at least due to the threat he poses as a powerful jujutsu sorcerer." Jogo said to the agreement of Mahito and Hanami, Choso having no feelings for the man one way or the other.

After a few more parting taunts, the curses and the cursed object ran off to exact revenge, further their goals, or just have some fun killing sorcerers. Leaving Geto alone in the silent but not inhabited train station.

The battle to take down the strongest of the modern age was not a pretty one. Over a thousand corpses, many civilians, even more transfigured humans, littered the stone floors and bathed the tiles with blood. Besides them, there were many humans standing completely still. Simply machines converting oxygen into carbon dioxide, a product of a brief display of Gojo's true power. Between the many legs of the standing victims, not far from the lone monk, were two girls dressed in school uniforms.

"I'd say the curses are smarter than you guys." Geto said in a mocking tone, his ever present smile plastered on his face.

"Give him back." Niniko demanded as she hide away behind the human vegetables. "We cooperated with you and kept killing those monkeys. Give back master Geto's body as promised." She continued.

"Don't you dare play with master Geto's body any longer!" Both girls threatened together.

"Have you lost your minds? I don't remember taking out your brains too. Next time you make a promise with a sorcerer, I'd make sure it's a binding vow." Geto insulted with a chuckle while tapping his temple with a few knuckles.

"Now go. Or would you like to be killed by this body? Don't you have some comrades to avenge?" Geto dismissed them with a cruel reminder of their comrades, two lives taken by Isamu Inumaki in the attack on Kyoto almost exactly one year ago.

"You'll regret this." The girls said as this stalked back into the still crowd.

"Regret huh? I've forgotten what that feelings like."