Tossing and turning in bed, he finally settled onto his back to stare at the ceiling. Today was as uneventful as any other, so he couldn't fathom why he was so restless. There was a confession from a junior, but it's normal for that to happen. Seniors like him gets confessions from the years below almost daily, and by that, he means someone his year would get a confession somewhere, someday and somehow.
He sighed, getting frustrated as he tousled his hair further. Maybe he should recall the conversation, see if there's anything that stood out in his mind.
Earlier today, around noon, a girl came up to him as he was gathering books from his locker. Then he felt his sleeve being timidly tugged from behind. Usually he'd get annoyed at such gestures and tell the other off, even if it's a girl, but this time he couldn't get the annoyance to surface.
Turning around, he saw a dark haired girl who seemed younger than him, and is probably shorter four or five inches. She was glancing down on the floor, hands fiddling with one another and her eyes hidden behind her bangs. She looked so meek that he couldn't bring himself to tell her off, as though there was a sudden surge of guilt that made it feels like kicking a puppy.
"Can I.. help you?" He asked, eyeing her further. There's a sense of familiarity he couldn't shake off, as if they've met somewhere.
She didn't reply, still hiding away. He was getting irritated by this time, but the feeling immediately washed away when she finally made eye contact. Such brilliant bronze eyes, they almost shined like copper in the lighting of the hall, he could've sworn he wheezed out his last breath. However, she was now stuttering, but he was too taken aback and speechless to comment on it.
"I uh... I... I like you... A lot... I know I'm way younger and that I probably don't have a chance but..." She finally spoke, her tone timid and her voice almost inaudible, especially when she turned away out of timidness. It took a short while for him to register her words, and it was stupid by how shocked he was, because it's supposed to be expected.
Finally he could gather the words and responded, "I see... But you do know that I'm eighteen, right? Even if I'm seventeen, it's pretty wrong to me... I'm not exactly attracted to younger girls, mostly because of how much people judge it..."
"Then can you wait?"
His words were taken away once more, this time at the sudden nature of the question.
As if sensing the suddenness, she urgently added, "I'm sixteen. There are still two more years left for me. So in that time... Do you think you could.. wait for me? I knows it's sudden and sounds wrong but... But this is my only request for you. I'm not going to force you and I'm not rushing for an answer. Take your time."
And that was how he got roped into this situation, stuck between the legal system and his conscience. On one hand, she had a point; It sounded wrong. An eighteen year old waiting for a minor to be legal to marry. Sounds like some kind of weird pedophilic shit. Though on the other hand, he kind of wanted to give it a try, not dating someone younger but romance in general. How is it like? Is it really all bliss and love as others described? Do they have what it takes to be high school sweethearts? Maybe not. He's nothing special, he wasted many potential with his "gifted" mind. Someone like her looked out of place with someone like him. Besides, he doesn't want to break her heart and be targeted by another group of friends.
He turned to lie on his stomach and buried his head into his pillow, resisting the urge to groan and kick his feet like a frustrated middle school girl gossiping about boys. He didn't want to sound like a creep but he also doesn't want to give something like this up so easily. She was so sincere in her confession, she captivated him in a way others didn't. So in the end, sleep overtook him before anything else.