It was only after the two disappeared in the distance that Kang Huang appeared again from the distance and stood near Kang Huang with a smirk on his face.
"You did great." He said with a mocking tone.
Gai Luo listened to him and gritted his teeth, veins popped on his head and his face turned red in anger.
"Now, now, don't get angry; I was gonna come if your life was really in danger..."
Before Kang Huang could finish his sentence he flew backwards in the same trajectory as the two girls previously fell, his face landing flat inside the ground, leaving behind a long line.
Unexpectedly, Gai Luo slapped him, and it was so fast that Kang Huang didn't even get to react before he ate the dirt.
"Hiss..." The Death's Kiss bared its teeth at Gai Luo, threatening him. However, Gai Luo was so enraged by now that he didn't even consider the power difference between him and the beast and went to kick its butt.