Chereads / Advent of Cataclysm. / Chapter 25 - Falling Apart.

Chapter 25 - Falling Apart.

"If it is something of that scale..." Yui stared across the horizon, but they were so far above land that even if she could see it, the waves of destructive land fissures this mega earthquake made would still be too small to notice. "What are we supposed to do about it?" 

"Hm." Shin stared with her and then looked at the other two. "I'm gonna go find him." 

"What about your suspension?" Tami asked. 

"It doesn't matter, for all we know the fate of the world at large may rest in the hands on this kid, he's worth it." Shin chuckled, taking a few steps backwards and then running to the edge and leaping off the side of the mountain. 

"That crazy bastard!" Rai chuckled, clicking his heels and leaning forward as a pair of skis stretched from under his shoes and a small thry=uster appeared on his back propelling him off the side as well. 

"See you at the bottom?" Yui turned to Tami, and the other nodded and sighed. "I just hope he knows what he's doing, there was no indication in that kid which showed him wanting to be any kind of good with the power he was gifted." 

"Coming from you, that doesn't sound too bad," Tami leapt high into the air and whistled, holding out her hand as a giant crown eagle swept from the clouds below, catching her and throwing her onto its back and then descending again. 

"Come, Ton." She looked behing herself, and a large mound of snow arose, towering above her and revealing an albino lepoard the size of a small car, fitted with a saddle much like the eagle before was. 

The beast nuzzled against her chest, purring and then running off the mountaiside with her in tow. 

°°°Five minutes earlier; Eastern Continent°°° 

"Kai, awaken," The shadow witnin called to him. "Kai." 

"What?" Kai asked, opening his eyes and staring out into the night sky, it was a full moon that night and most of the land from their view was still visible, Him, Andrew, Ava and a few other young and able bodied young people were in the middle floor of a small three floor tall apartment building facing away from the city with a half of it torn down. 

It was open enough to prevent them from getting stalled in case of their need for a quick getaway, and it still had enough of itself intact that they were able to find shelter from the weather, but best of all was the cellar which had been filled with food and supplies, that was how they had found it, and for the month they had been there nobody had come back to claim it. 

"What do you want, shadow?" Kai stared out into the mountains and then behind himself where Ava was holding a small rabbit in her grasp, sleeping on an half matress with Andrew in the corner next to her and another pair off into anither. "It's late, I am trying to sleep-" 

"A great calamity is about to begin, the end of ths first wave." It answered him urgently, causing goosebumps to start popping up across his skin at random. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked loudly, standing from beneath the sheet he had wrapped himself with and revealing the base of a helicopter's broken blade clutched to his torso. "Where is it coming from?" He asked, turning and looking at Ava, but she was already alert and in the process of getting up, as was Andrew, adjusting his cracked glasses and staring at him. 

"I know not where this calamity will arise, nor do I know what it will be, I hear earth crying, that is how I know it comes." It responded again when the ground began slowly shaking. 

"What's going on?" Ava greeted Kai with her hand hooked to his arm. 

"I don't-" Amidst answering, the buildings in the far distance seemed to leap into the air and then crash to the ground again. 

"What the fuck was that?" Andrew squinted his eyes, leaning against the wall when the ground started shaking more violently. 

"Out, get out right now!" Kai grabbed Ava, picking her up and throwing her off the second floor into a bed of discarded matresses they had left on the ground floor just in case something unexpected happened, and then before andrew could protest, Kai grabbed him and flung him as well before leaping.

"Get out of the apartment!" Kai called behind himself, but the two were much slower to react than Andrew and Ava were, within a matter of seconds the building that had housed them safely completely separated from the ground when a sudden concussive force passing beneath them caused the ground to elastically bulge almost ten feet high in several short waves and then sink an additional ten low leaving everyone twenty feet in the ait along with the buildings. 

"Shadow...?" Kai stared at the ground as the waves disappeared and a fissure began opening beneath them.

"A geological anomaly, the ground quakes," It answered. 

"Quakes?" Kai used the weight of the makeshift sword and catapulted himself to the ground, leaving it bedded in the unstable soil and actching Ava while simultaneously kicking andrew back into the matresses, saving the two of them while the building crashed and collapsed. "This isn't an earthquake, the ground is tearing itself apart!" 

"Earthquake?" Ava stood on her own, staring at the flatttened building. "What kind of earthquake throws a building into the air?!" 

"Incoming!" Andrew squealed, pointing to the moonlit skies at a car falling thwards them. 

Without batting an eye, Kai grabbed Ava and spun rushing towards the largest most upen field he had seen when they were airborne with Andrew following suit. 

"Did something throw it?" Ava asked watching the car crash into the rubble. 

"Take a closer look," Kai stopped running and let her stand again, pointing at the city in the distance as the buildings all rocked and swayed, toppling onto each other and crashing across the horizon in every direction. "Brace yourself, Shadow said it was a Calamity event." 

"What does that mean?" Andrew asked, seeing more cars crash where they were, but before his answer was fabricated the ground groaned, creaked and then violently shifted beneath them sending all three of them rolling with the sound of an explosion. "What the hell was th-" 


The ground sgifted once more, moving several dozen feet in another direction and then creaking once more. 

"Kai!" Ava held on to him tightly after he caught and pulled her onto himself, hugging her and looking across the fields, the land was moving like pieces of a puzzle and it was causing cracks to rapidly form wherever it was stretched too thin. "Do something!" 

"I can't do anything about this you crazy woman!" He snapped at her, bracing on to Andrew who followed in his example and took t stance closer to the ground where the quake would not knock them over easily. 

That was a failure, as soon as the next wave came it dragged their feet from underneath them again, forcing Kai to drop the girl in his arms and shield his face when he toppled headfirst into the soil. And then before he could even think to move again the earth shook once more, this time worse than all the others as the sides of the field they were on exploded with rock and dirt into the air like a volcano had erupted around them. 

"Oh god..." Andrew stared at the debris falling while he was on the ground, trying to hug it to stop himself from toppling again, but even that proved useless when the increasingly strong quake flipped and bounced him with the next wave of tremors and collapses. 

"Oiii" The three heard a voice, and through the debris a young man came bolting with his arms pumpig and a bloody scar across his shoulder. "Oiii!!" The man continued screaming. "Help me!!" 

Tearing through the debris behind him was a demon, the first one any of them had seen in days after taking refuge inside of their now flattened safehouse. 

"Don't come this way!!" Kai snapped at the man, sinking his hand into the grounf down to the elbow and holding on to Ava when the quakes sent her rolling at him again. "Go somewhere else!!" 

"Please, help me!" The guy kept running in their direction, missing his footing and falling when the ground shifted from beneath his feet, sending the demon toppling in the opposite direction and rolling from missed footing as well. 

"What's going on?" The injured guy arose, losing his footing a second time and rolling onto his bad shoulder with a hiss and wince. "What's-" 

Once again he crashed to the ground, bouncing when a small wave of earth passed underneath them. 

"Kai, it will get worse." 

"Worse than this?!" Kai snapped, staring again as the city skyline was replaced with dust and smoke, while more people came running away from the city being chased by all manner of nightmarish monstrosities. "What could possibly be worse than-" 

He ate his words as soon as he began spewing them when the earth beneath the stampede of people and demons split unevenlhy and one side began sinking. 

"Brace yourself and prepare, the earth will fall apart after this."