[Sword of Truth Main Storyline Quest
Sub Quest - Take Your First Steps
Truth Points Required: 50
Truth Points Earned: 100
Log: In the year 258 AJA (After Jane the Avenger), in the face of certain death, Gordon Alfmunsen heroically choose to the weakest evolution for his first pet because of a weak commitment to make Portensa, his first pet, obtain the true measure of her creation. May he survive to see the culmination of Portensa's power.
Sub Quest - The Grind
Truth Points Required: 500
Truth Points Earned: 10
Log: In the year 258 AJA, faced with an opportunity to choose a profession Gordon Alfmunsen choose a profession that he wasn't excited about because he had already committed to choose the first available profession. He did this to maximize his ability to make money over the long term. May he remember that succeeding in life is about more than making a quick buck. Careful that you don't become a Machiavellian.