Chereads / ALEX NO DEMON XX(VOLUME 6) / Chapter 44 - Alex no demon volume 6 chapter 44

Chapter 44 - Alex no demon volume 6 chapter 44

Alex yelled out "WE ARE THE ELITE SQUAD, LIKE HELL WE'LL GIVE UP JUST LIKE THAT!", a huge amount of purple and red energy blasted out of his body with one side of his hair purple and the other side red, alex takes a look at his arms and wonders too himself "This power, It's like its comforting me. It feels like a warm sensation, like as if two important people are embracing me.", he then see's an image in his head with both his mom and dad hugging him. Alex just smirked and said to himself "And Offcourse, I have your support. Mom and dad, thank you.", seiten had a grin on his face and said to alex "You really think because you where able to somehow take the upper hand, you would win?", he proceeds to yell in excitement "BULLSHIT! MY ALLIES ARE FAR STRONGER THAN YOUR USELESS HUMAN FRIENDS. WE'VE BEEN WORKING AND HONING OUR POWERS FOR A VERY LONG TIME! YOU THINK YOU CAN WIN? THE TABLES WILL JUST TURN AGAIN AND IT WOULD BE IN OUR FAVOUR! YOU HEAR ME?! WE DRAGON KINS WOULD NEVER LOSE!, seiten yelled this out with huge yellow spikes of energy slowly coming out of portals behind him. Alex had a smirk on his face "Oh? So you too seem to be hyped up as well. Okay then, since we're both going to be mad men....", alex sword of destruction started to glow and his left hand turned into that of a demon, he completed his sentence by yelling "I GUESS THERE'S NO REASON NOT TO RETURN THE SAME ENERGY! LETS FUCKING GO!!" Meanwhile baraka and his opponent were having an insane battle, they were clashing blows at insane levels of speed, they're blows were so powerful that it's wave was sending mountains and the rest of the landscape flying. As the fight went on like this cenadaraphio punches him so hard that baraka was just crashing across the ground, this huge white monster then proceeded to shoot out an intense wave of lava from it's mouth, this huge wave was able to decimate and melt everything around it. Baraka while sent flying due to the punch he received from his opponent earlier, was able to land on his feet, summons his huge sword made from rocks and then slice through the intense wave of lava with one strike. The lava hadn't even reached him yet and was a hundred feet away from him, his opponent was in shock seeing how his attacks was just sliced through, it let's out a huge yell which caused huge waves of lava to just start bursting out of the ground, the entire battle field was covered with a sea of lava. As this huge waves of lava were rushing towards baraka, baraka just zooms of with his speed extremely increased, the impact and power behind him zooming off was able to clear a large part of the sea of lava which was melting down mountains in mere seconds. Baraka while running at a speed far faster than he has ever ran before then says to his opponent "Is this the best you got?", before he used a wave of his hand to create huge spikes of rocks ripping out of the ground and tearing through the lava at once. His opponent then comes flying in as he breaks through all the huge spikes of rocks with his hands covered with powerful energy that resembles lava and tries punching baraka. Baraka easily dodges this blow and send his opponent flying with a kick, he runs after his opponent while flicking his sword around which caused massive spikes of rocks the size of sky scrapers to rush after his opponent who was sent flying and crashing down accross mountains, cenadaraphio on the other hand was in shock and exclaimed "I'm.... getting overpowered. By a mere human?! Not just any other race. A mere human!", he let's out a loud scream "I REFUSE TO BE LOOKED AT AS FODDER!", but as he exclaimed in anger, baraka comes flying in and kicking him on his stomach "Shut it!", he exclaimed as he kicked his opponents straight too the ground. As this huge monster landed, he saw huge spikes rushing towards him, he used its arms to block but was still sent crashing through giant rocks and mountains, he couldn't hold off the attack for long. It Screamed in anger which caused lava to burst out of the ground and burn through the spikes that was pushing him back, baraka comes flying in straight out of the lava. As he was about to land a punch on his opponent, this huge dragon like monster that was white in colour and had two horns was able to clash it's fists with that of baraka, baraka used his other hand to bring out his sword and was about to slice off the head of his opponent, but this monster was able to catch baraka's sword strike. Baraka's sword strike was so strong that it's impact alone cut through a large part of the ground in the dimensional layer, if they were fighting on earth, then the impact would have wiped out a whole country in an instant, that wad baraka's strongest blow ever. Baraka was shocked that his attack was caught "What the...? Call me crazy, but my current power is that of an A-rank, and yet this fucking 9 feet tall behemoth of a monster just caught it?!", cenadaraphio just smirks as he sends baraka flying with one punch "I GOT YOU NOW!", it exclaimed. The part of baraka's armour that was covering his chest was shattered immediately "SHIT!",baraka exclaimed in his mind. Cenadaraphio chased after him, jumped up into the air, grabbed baraka's face and was just slaming his head on the ground multiple times while laughing like the monster it is. Baraka had enough of this beating "GET OFF FROM ME!", he yelled in anger as he pointed his sword to his opponents face which made giant spikes of rock jump out of the ground and stab through cenedaraphio's head, stomach, arms and skull. These spikes sent him crashing to the ground, cenadaraphio just yelled in excitement "I AM GOING TO RIP YOU TO SHREDS AND EAT YOU, YOU FUCKING HUMAN!", baraka on the other hand was just enraged with white energy sparking out of him, "YOU WANNA EAT SOMETHING SO BADLY?!", he stumps his leg to the ground which made a huge spear jump out of the ground. Baraka grabs it and tosses it to his opponent "EAT THIS!", he yelled in anger. This spear travelled to cenadaraphio with its speed so strong that it was destroying the ground, and tore through his chest. Baraka proceeded to yell out with giant rocks jumping out of the ground "THIS ENDS NOW! YOU BLEACHED SON OF A BITCH!"