Chereads / ALEX NO DEMON XX(VOLUME 6) / Chapter 49 - Alex no demon volume 6 chapter 49

Chapter 49 - Alex no demon volume 6 chapter 49

Kinto called out a technique "Secret Technique:Ticking Time bomb of destruction.", this was where all his cross explosives came together and started to form a giant clock. Kinto's body was bursting with a huge wave of energy, his eyes were glowing red, his hair was floating, he had a devilsh and terrifying smile on his face and at the same time laughing like a psychopath. Kinto yelled out with a huge burst of energy blasting out of his body along with the huge clock behind him rotation like a wheel at an insane speed "YES! YES! FINALLY, I CAN ACTUALLY PULL THIS OFF. OHHH THE JOY WHERE YOU FINALLY REACH A LEVEL OF POWER YOU CAN ACTUALLY TRY OUT SOMETHING NEW. ITS AMAZING!", zenon on the other hand was just in shock, he was too terrified to move a muscle, all he could do at the moment was watch in terror. Zenon said to himself "I see now. This human.... is no mere human. He's a monster, one sent from hell itself.!" Kinto at the moment was just overwhelmed with power as a huge amount of power was just blasting out of his body, he said in excitement to his opponent while pointing at him "Hey zenon. You called me weak earlier, you underestimated me and looked down on me. Now I'm about to show you how terrifying we humans really are.", zenon yelled In anger with his energy that had a rainbow colour bursting out of his body "I WONT ALLOW YOU!". Suddenly, a beam of energy flies out of the huge clock made from kinto's cross explosives and blasts through zenon's heart, zenon was utterly speechless with blood immediately gushing from his mouth, "What the.....! So fast!", he exclaimed to himself. Zenon looks forward as he see's the giant clock behind kinto forming and charging up a huge amount of energy, this amount of energy was very powerful, zenon just by looking at it already knew that he couldn't parry it at all. Kinto yells out in excitement "NOW TIME TO DIE YOU FUCKING WEAKLING!", the clock blasts out a very powerful amount of energy at zenon. As it was flying towards zenon, the wide range of the blast took out everything In its path, the mountains were eviscerated, the ground scattered, and huge rocks turned into ashes under mere seconds. Zenon already stretched out his hand in hopes to stop this attack that was heading towards him at full speed,"NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!!! I CANT DIE HERE!", this powerful blast overtook zenon and was starting to incinerate him. Zenon started to scream in pain while being turned to ash "FUCK I CANT DIE! SEITEN ENTRUSTED ME TO CARRY OUT THE DUTY OF KILLING ANYONE THAT STANDS IN THE WAY! I CANT FAIL HIM!". While doing so, two of kinto's cross explosives jumped out of the ground behind zenon and restrained him with chains made from energy. Zenon yelled in confusion "WHAT IS GOING ON?!", kinto yelled in excitement "JUST DIE ALREADY!", the explosive power of kinto's attack increased in power and totally ehnilated everything around the area, including zenon. This caused a huge explosion of energy, even a nuclear bomb wouldn't compare, the explosion clears away which left smoke all over the place. The smoke of the explosion finally clears away and everything in the area is nothing but ashes,the huge clock made from kinto's cross explosives disappeared, kinto on the other hand walks out of the smoke with part of his shirt burnt away, as well as the left leg of his jeans burnt off as wel, his left arm also suffered major burnsl. Kinto walked out of the smoke and takes a look around the place, he see's the massive amount of destructive he just caused "Oh man. I did this? Well it shouldn't be a surprise, I did use a huge amount of power just now. With the level of power i just used, i should be on A-rank. That's pretty neat", he waves his hand which caused the smoke around him to clear away. Kinto continued to look around, as he was doing so, he saw zenon's skull on the floor with part of his facial flesh on the left side its face, kinto chucked abit as he was walking to the corpse of his opponent which only remained a head, "Look at him, he was talking all that rubbish about me being weak just for him to be nothing but bones.! I sure showed him, what a bastard. I hope he's in hell!", kinto picks up zenon's skull. He looks at it for a few moments before having a devious smirk on his face, he cackles before exclaiming in excitement "I think I know what kind of explosives I'll make with this corpse. YES! I HAVE A WHOLE LOT OF IDEADS POPPING IN THE DOME!", kinto started to laugh like a maniac "I'll create so much explosions to the point that people would fear me! I'LL GO AROUND BOMBING NATIONS THAT DARE STAND IN THE WAY OF THE CITY AND PEOPLE I LOVE!", kinto laughs for moment before collapsing to the ground, he says to himself "I think I over did it this time! Fuck me. Alex, I hope you're okay, as well as the rest of you." Meanwhile mori was having the time of his life while fighting cracken. Cracken while flying in the air started to create a giant ball of spikes while screaming in anger "TAKE THIS!", he exclaimed as the ball of spikes started to shoot out huge spikes to the ground. Mori on the other hand was just standing on a mountain seeing his opponent losing his mind, he had a confident smirk on his face, mori says to himself "Oh my God, he's fucking losing it entirely.", he jumps out of the way as a huge spike falls to his direction and crushes the mountain he was standing on. As soon as mori took off into the air, he zooms of at an insane speed onto cracken, he started to dodge and cut through the giant spikes that where flying his way. Cracken got annoyed seeing this "Oh no you don't!", he exclaimed before mori grabs him by the face with a very evil smile "Says who?", he asked before slaming his opponents head to the ground.