"Hey, what's with that guilty attitude?" Alice asked and he raised his head. "It's not a big deal, and it's not your fault, so don't act like I'm blaming you for anything. I just... Got curious."
The half-body in her arms, she did not know who it belonged to. It was dark, his face was ragged and burnt at one side. His lips were shafted as if he had been starved of water for weeks.
He had suffered a big loss even if he had won the battle he fought.
He was brave and at the same time, regretful that he could not prove himself to the one he wanted to prove himself to.
Who was it? Who was that guy and who did he want to prove himself to? A lover?
No, the kind of recognition he needed was not that at all. It felt like he was looking for recognition from his father or something like that.
"Well, it'll all come into play sometime soon. He looked pretty close to me so maybe I haven't seen him yet."