Chereads / [Multiverse] Se’x System in Harry Potter / Chapter 26 - Ch 26 - Crush on Harry Potter

Chapter 26 - Ch 26 - Crush on Harry Potter

The place was packed with people, queuing up to have Gilderoy Lockhart sign their books.

The man was a completely hollow pretty face, and neither Lucius, Draco or Kaguya understood why he was so loved.

Maybe that was the only thing she and Lucius would have in common.

The two children went up to the second floor to look for some books, while Lucius searched for something that only Merlin could know.

While Kaguya searched for her books for that year, Draco watched from the railing at Potter, who had arrived with the Weasleys.

"Wow, it seems he's managed to get out of the box," Kaguya's voice turned into one of mockery.

Lockhart had taken Harry and taken a picture with him.

She rolled her eyes and looked at her cousin, who was watching the dark-haired boy's movements closely, "If you want, you can ask him to be your boyfriend."

Draco choked on his own saliva after Kaguya spoke. 'Did girl know what she was saying? There was no way I would ever have romantic feelings for Potter!'.

"That was a very bad joke cousin!"

First, they are both men and their father taught them that day he had a partner it had to be a woman.

Second, it's fucking Harry Potter.

Third, Potter was a half-blood, and he could not betray his blood.

Fourth, there was the unbearable Harry Potter.

And Fifth, Draco hated him


"What are you saying?" he asked exasperatedly, while a nice red color appeared on his cheeks.

"It was a joke, Draco. It's as stupid as saying that I like buck teeth," Kaguya explained obviously, but then her face turned to look at him suspiciously, "Unless... You're really interested in Potter."

"You must have hit yourself on something. You're usually more rational," Draco crossed his arms in embarrassment.

"fufu...." Kaguya laughed quietly at her cousin's sudden defensive attitude.

"There he goes," Draco went down to the first floor of store when Harry was getting ready to leave, "You love that, don't you Potter?"

Kaguya blinked her eyes and ran to her cousin to stand next to him. She saw the Weasleys and greeted Ron with her eyes.

"The great Harry Potter can't enter a store without causing a stir."

"Leave him alone!" ordered a red-haired girl, standing in front of Harry.

"Don't give him orders," Kaguya stood in front of her cousin. The two looked at each other, the same way you look at a piece of gum you just stepped on.

"Odette, please be nicer."

She froze when Lucius grabbed her shoulder and pushed her away with contempt.

"Lucius Malfoy," he introduced himself, shaking Harry's hand.

The man pulled him closer so he could look at the lightning bolt-shaped scar, "Your scar is legendary, like the wizard who gave it to you."

"Voldemort killed my parents," Harry walked away from him, "he's nothing more than a murderer."

"You must be very brave to mention it... Or very stupid."


"Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself," Hermione said, standing next to Harry, no hint of being pressured from adults.

Lucius looked at his son and Kaguya, who were looking at the brunette with disgust, "You must be Hermione."

She nodded a bit confused.

"Draco told me about you and your parents... Muggles."

Kaguya glanced at Draco out of the corner of her eye, he wasn't supposed to say anything about what happened with Granger and Potter.

Draco looked at her and winked, assuring her that if he talked about Hermione it was to belittle her.

"And you," Lucius looked at a dirty face Ron, "red-haired, distracted and with second-hand books."

He took out a book that Ginny had in her cauldron, "It must be the Weasleys and you."

Older Malfoy looked discriminatingly at Ron, "You are the insolent one who speaks to Odette."

"Uncle..." Kaguya took a step forward, but Lucius stopped her with his cane.

"I can't believe she talks to people like you," Black moved her uncle's cane away and stood in front of him.

"If it weren't for them I would be dead," She said without thinking going with her moment.

Lucius looked at her questioningly but Kaguya already bit the inside of her cheek hard.

"Save your life? You stooped so low that you let them save your life?" Lucius seemed more interested in knowing why Kaguya hung out with the Weasleys than in knowing in what situation he almost lost his niece.

"Don't talk to them like that, they also have our blood, they deserve the same respect."

Lucius had to resist the urge to reprimand her right there, he couldn't afford to tarnish her image.

Kaguya knew that, that's why she was defending them.

Because he couldn't do anything to her in public, although she didn't think about what awaited her at home.

"Odette, we're leaving," the man ordered, leaving the book he had taken from the redhead in cauldron.

Kaguya swallowed nervously, looked at the Weasleys who were looking at her gratefully and surprised, smiled at them with trembling lips and followed Lucius to exit of the shop.

"No..." Draco muttered while glaring furiously at the Weasely's for how this situation changed into.

Hermione looked at him confused when he turned paler than usual, running off muttering things after his father.

She had done it again.

Another mistake, another punishment.

Kaguya didn't even know why she defended Weasleys, but now had a very noticeable mark on her arm because of it.

She looked at the new broom that was in corner of her room.

She grabbed it tightly and almost broke it against the closet, if it hadn't been for the fact that she stopped a short distance away.

She threw it away and stayed in her bed biting her lip to keep from crying.

Days passed, and finally she could go to Hogwarts.

Black finished putting the books away in her trunk, grabbed her robes that now had Slytherin crest on them, and fed Miyuki.

As she changed into a long-sleeved shirt that would cover her entire arm, Kaguya saw a book she had never seen before in a corner of her closet.

It looked like a diary, and the pages were blank.

She was sure it hadn't been there before, always cleaned and organized her closet three times a week and there had never been a book in it.

"Cousin! Are you ready?"

"Give me a second, Draco!" Kaguya opened her trunk again and carefully placed the diary on top of other books.

'I had a strange feeling. I couldn't fully explain it, but it could be compared to when you feel like someone is following you.....'


Draco had gone to put on his uniform with Theo, Pansy was playing with Miyuki and she was sitting by the window.

'How was it possible that someone was following me if I wasn't moving? It was very strange, but I let it pass....'

As they got off the train, second-year students were fascinated by the carriages, which seemed to move by themselves.

That was only really exciting thing that happened that day.

The banquet was very similar to last year.

She discovered that redhead who was with Ron in Diagon Alley was his sister and her name was Ginevra.

And then what Kaguya would probably do this year, one of the most boring.

Lockhart was to be her Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

'What could this man possibly know about the Dark Arts and how to combat them?' Kaguya knew Snape wanted that job, and she was sure he would know more than Lockhart.

But Snape wasn't even at first part of the banquet.

'It was the first day, and excitement I had so much slowly faded away.'

She arrived at her old room to start unpacking, and when she was leaving her books on the desk, saw that diary that appeared out of nowhere.

"Don't you think it's great that Lockhart gives us lessons?" Pansy asked in a love-struck voice, letting out a sigh, "Just imagine, those lessons must be perfect."

"With Lockhart? I doubt it" Kaguya answered with venom in her voice.

She blinked after answering in such a cold way, "I mean, I don't feel like he can bring us anything that important."

"I know you like dueling and all that, but you should give him a chance," Pansy settled into her bed with a book from the new teacher in her hands, "Maybe it will surprise you."

Kaguya didn't answer, she just sat at other end of the room with her book on the desk.

She took a pen and dipped it in ink, leaving it on the pages for a moment, not knowing what to write.

She had no writing skills, it wasn't something she cared about, but wanted to vent something about her first day, which was very boring compared to the previous year.

Dear Diary.

I found you in my closet, so now I'm your new owner.

Kaguya Black, it's a pleasure writing inside you.

'I always feel these words are a bit wrong....' Black laughed at the things she wrote. As if someone was going to answer her.

She closed it and decided to go to sleep, shouldn't waste time writing about her life.

Instead had to keep working hard in her classes.

Pansy had already gone to sleep, but she was still reading about Herbology, which would be her first class this year.

It didn't seem relevant, or interesting, but Kaguya couldn't get rid of it for now.

At about one in the morning, Kaguya was still awake.

She was tired from reading, and couldn't play with Miyuki because he was in the owlery.

Her bird and Potter's seemed to get along well.

She looked around the room bored and out of the corner of her eye saw something move a little on the desk.

They must have been hallucinations from the lack of sleep, but she was curious anyway.

"Wingardium Leviosa," She said.

When the journal reached her, she used same spell to attract both ink and the quill.

With the light spell she illuminated the journal, while made herself more comfortable in her bed to write.

'Kaguya Black?

Nice to meet you. I'm Tom.'

Boom! Thud!

It didn't even take Kaguya a second, who stuck her back to the frame of her bed in panic and threw diary at the foot of it.


I have tried everything, but response is not that good from what I hoped. 😓