Chereads / [Multiverse] Se’x System in Harry Potter / Chapter 27 - Ch 27 - Pomona Sprout's Breasts Milk ~R-18~

Chapter 27 - Ch 27 - Pomona Sprout's Breasts Milk ~R-18~

'Kaguya Black?

Nice to meet you. I'm Tom.'

Boom! Thud!

It didn't even take Kaguya a second, who stuck her back to the frame of her bed in panic and threw diary at the foot of it.

What she had written was not there, instead someone else wrote it, presenting themselves to her.

Kaguya took out from the nightstand a strange syrup that Pomfrey gave her for every time she felt dizzy, her head spun a little and she blamed it on the dream and quick movement she made.

She took some and put it back, it tasted like cinnamon and she hated cinnamon.

'This must be a dream, I didn't write that.....'

Again what she wrote was erased. But other words appeared.

'It's a magical diary, Kaguya.

I can answer you.'

'Magical? Yeah, sure, that explains why your name is Tom. This must be enchanted by someone. Is anyone reading this?'

'Yes, truly delighted by me and I can read it.

You don't have to be afraid Kaguya, I know you.'

'Do you know me?'

'We met a long time ago, but you can't remember.'

'Why should I believe you? I don't even trust my uncle so I definitely won't lower guard to an old journal!'

'It doesn't matter if you believe me or not. I'm just a diary.'

'A diary not at all like any other. I don't trust you, "Tom"

'You may be a pile of leaves with two pieces of cardboard on the side, but I know better than to trust enchanted things.'

'You're very clever, Kaguya. You shouldn't trust me. But why do you keep writing?'

'Because it's the only fun thing I've done all day.'

'Do I look funny to you?'

'You seem like a joke to me.' Kaguya closed the diary.

She was still stunned that she just had a conversation with a diary. There was a good chance that it was magic and she didn't trust a diary.

It could also be a joke from someone outside.

Black put the diary back on the nightstand, and decided to go to sleep only to be startled just a second later by a loud scream.


The Slytherin table watched Ron's face amused as he opened the Howler, which could be heard coming from his mother.

After scolding and yelling at Ron for a while, the letter turned to Ginevra to congratulate her for being in Gryffindor, in a completely different tone.

The letter turned to ash after the message was finished.

The mockery was immediate, and Draco was ready to remind Ron of that awkward moment throughout the day.

"....." Kaguya who noticed she is already in the Great Hall, wearing her school robes and toast on a plate.

'Now wait just a minute! How is this possible? I was trying to go back to sleep a moment ago!'

"Well, if you don't want to eat that!" Draco's voice reached her, when she suddenly noticed her toast was just taken away by mysterious hands.

Her cousin now had his mouth full, even breakfast was gone!


"It was mine!"

"Then you should be eating it!"

After breakfast, second-year Gryffindor and Slytherin made their way to the greenhouses.

Draco, as usual, stood next to his cousin.

Kaguya a bit dazed from trying to make sense of what just happened to her, was like a confused baby, she knew a lot and about everything.

But nothing could explain the phenomenon just occurred to her.

They sat down in front of some tables full of plants, and on some stools there were earmuffs.

Kaguya knew immediately what they were going to do, but she didn't say anything, just stayed thoughtful with her elbow on the edge of the pot in front of her.

"Good morning, boys," Professor Sprout greeted.

She was a short, chubby woman who was almost always in a good mood and was the head of Hufflepuff.

Sprout was rumoured for having explicit "studies" with her plants among the seniors, that's reason for her good mood.

At least older students thought so.

"Good morning." they all greeted.

"Today we will work with Mandrakes," The teacher informed, "Can anyone tell me the properties of a Mandrake?"

A girl with visible breasts of her age raised her hand.

This made Hermione frown greatly, she put her own down.

"Mandrakes or Mandragora, are still babies, and they should be fed a lot of your milk to become a full tree just like The Whomping Willow!"

This makes people feel speechless.


Pansy hurriedly covered Theo's mouth, while Kaguya did the same with her cousin.

But after all, there are other students around who couldn't keep it to themselves.

Even Hermione was having a hard time keeping a straight face, she also knows rumours about this teacher.

"hahahhhh!!!!" There was a lot of noise in the Greenhouse, and many giggles could be heard.

People stared at Grace Nutley, a girl who is mostly never seen talkin' among Gryffindors.

"Detention! 10 points from Gryffindor" Look, it even made Pomona Sprout become a little angry and red in face of being given this kind of harassment from her students.

"H-Hey...why? I was just telling what I read from a book and heard!" She even had the guts to complain loudly after being reprimanded, felt treated very unfairly.

"I will be talking to Minerva about this," Sprout promised to herself, and will be making sure to reduce a large amount of points from Gryffindor, "If anyone else has something more to say."

Even though Hermione feels very hesitant to raise her hand, pride in being a good student couldn't handle it anymore.

"Mandrake, or mandragora, is a very effective restorative," She said in her usual human encyclopedia tone, "It is used to return people who have been transformed or enchanted to their original state."

"Good," Professor Sprout nodded.

Hermione was not awarded points, it showed the terrible mood of Professor Sprout, who always remained in a happy-go-lucky face.

She and Kaguya exchanged glances, Black winked self-centeredly.

"Mandrake is an essential ingredient in many antidotes. However, it is also dangerous. Who can tell me why?"

Kaguya raised her hand so fast that she accidentally hit Draco.

"The mandrake's cry is fatal to whoever hears it," She said, starting again with the war of who knew more, which she had with Granger.

"Exactly. Ten points to Slytherin."

'This is injustice!' Hermione wanted to complain loudly outside of her heart, but judging from the face of Pomona Sprout, she wasn't in mood to award Gryffindor any points.

Bushy-haired girl directly glared furiously at Nutley, who almost wanted to cry.

"Well, the mandrakes we have here are still very young."

"That's what I said too. But I was given detention for it!" A girl cried loudly.

"Can someone please shut her up...." Hermione muttered under the breath, only her voice seemed to have been heard by the said girl.

"What? Do you think only you can speak Granger!"

"5 points. One more word out of you Nutley, and detention for a week." Pomona gave her a cold glare, then continued her lesson, when little girl shut her mouth instantly.

"Their cry isn't fatal, but it will stun them for a couple of hours. Each of you has earmuffs, put them on."

Everyone did as they asked, even girl called Nutley who didn't seem to accept reality and moved her body a bit slowly.

The teacher grabbed a Mandrake plant and forcefully pulled it out of the pot, causing such a horrible, high-pitched noise that Kaguya's teeth trembled.

She placed it in another pot and filled it with soil.

Neville fell to the ground thanks to the Mandrake's scream, Kaguya would have gone too but that was nothing compared to the headaches she had sometimes.

Everyone pulled out their Mandrake, filling the greenhouse with a horrible scream.

Kaguya insulted her Mandrake, but no one could hear it.

Draco wanted to play with the humanoid plant and stuck his finger in the Mandrake's small mouth, it bit him and didn't let go of his finger until a few seconds later.

Draco hoped no one had noticed, but Harry in front of him had an amused smile as he looked at him, but it wasn't mocking.

And that was the strange thing.

By end of class everyone was sweating, covered in dirt and bruised by the squeaky plants.

"I think her rumours might just be true," Theo didn't even hesitate to let his friends know what he thinks.

"....." Kaguya stepped outside and dusted herself off on the grass, so she wouldn't have to walk into the castle covered in dirt.

"Hey, Kaguya"

She finished cleaning her uniform when Ron approached her, "Can I sit with you in transformations? I could use some extra help."

"Sure" Kaguya let go of her hair, which she had tied up so it wouldn't get too dirty with dirt, besides the girl still felt like she didn't bathe, "But don't think I'll do the spells for you."

"I knew you'd say that," 2 of them started walking through the castle to go to McGonagall's class.

This made Nutley's body shudder, but if you ask a certain girl's opinion, she deserves everything she's going to get.

"By the way, thanks for defending my family the other day," Ron smiled and scratched the back of his neck a little nervously, "Fred and George said you wouldn't be their target for their jokes."

"That's very reassuring, thank you."

"And I hope you weren't punished or hit or anything like that...."

Kaguya got nervous but smiled and shook her head like he was just talking non-sense.

"Hermione had the idea that you were, and she wanted to talk to you. She's against any kind of abuse."

"Well... There's nothing to worry about," Kaguya began to bite her trembling lip, "And I don't understand why Granger is worried about me."


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