Without wasting any more precious time, they ran to the runway from which the plane was about to take off.
Ignoring the people and security, Anton, breathing heavily from anger rather than fatigue, stood in front of the jet.
Sophie arrived a moment later but noticed how her brother wasn't going to explain anything to anyone.
When someone got out of the plane to chase him off the runway, the man grabbed him by the shirt and threw him behind him.
Sophie didn't know what to do. If this continues, security will call the police and it will only cause problems for them.
Looking around stressed, she didn't know whether to follow her brother or wait on the side.
Suddenly Anton leaned out of the jet and waved his hand at her.
"What are you waiting for? We don't have time, get in"
"Oh, right" Sophie, not knowing what happened, quickly got in and looked around the interior.
The two stewardesses smiled at her and pointed to a place where she could sit.
Anton was sitting more at the front and talking to someone.
The plane doors were closed again, they were told to fasten their seat belts and they took off.
Once they were at the right height, they could unfasten the seat belts.
Sophie walked over to her brother and glanced at the man sitting next to him.
Seeing her, surprise and approval appeared on his face.
"She really looks like you. The female version of you is much better" The man smiled stupidly before getting hit on the head.
"Behave yourself. She's my sister." Anton growled menacingly, looking at the surprised Sophie.
"He's a friend of mine. He'll drop us off at our destination. Sit back and eat something. You need to rest,"
Anton stood up from his seat and led Sophie back to where she was sitting.
"Stay back. This friend isn't a good one. It's best you don't engage in conversation with him," Anton warned her quietly and asked for something to eat for her, then returned to his seat.
From time to time, Sophie watched the two men joke and whisper something.
Taking advantage of the moment to herself, she pulled out her phone and texted Darell.
She knew he wouldn't be able to sleep without her and he was definitely buried in paperwork.
She wasn't wrong. Literally a minute after she wrote to him, she received a reply from him.
Sophie decided to call him as soon as she had a moment. The third day without seeing each other was about to begin.
Her heart ached at the thought, knowing she wouldn't last much longer.
She decided that she would do everything to get her younger brother back as soon as possible and return to Darell.
After everything, she won't leave his side for another month.
During the flight, she managed to take a short nap, although it did not help her rest in any way.
She wasn't able to relax being away from her two loved ones.
Fortunately, the flight was slowly coming to an end.
Anton sat down next to his sister and contacted Zick, who was already observing the view from the cameras at the airport they were approaching.
They had to act quickly. They tried to reduce the distance between their jet and the plane so as not to waste precious minutes during which her llittle brother could disappear again.
When landing, they didn't wait for anything. As soon as the doors opened, they both quickly went to the gate where the people from the flight ahead of them went.
"They're going to the west exit. You need to go down the stairs and turn left... They're getting a taxi now," Zick reported persistently over the phone, checking the location of both pairs.
Sophie was already close. As she ran out the main exit, she and Anton saw a taxi with men inside driving away.
They quickly got into another taxi that pulled up and told the driver to follow them at an appropriate distance.
They couldn't scare them now, not knowing what Antonio would do.
They decided to wait until they found a place to rest. Then they will have no way to escape.
Luckily for them, Antonio had no idea that Sophie was so close.
All he knew was that he had to escape from his brother.
Stopping at one of the smaller hotels, he took Luke with him and they went inside.
They asked for a spare room for the day and quickly locked themselves in it.
Breathing a sigh of relief, Antonio sat on the bed and pulled out his phone.
Since yesterday, some persistent, unknown number has been calling him all the time.
He knew it wasn't his brother's number and he had no idea who was calling him like that.
Ignoring his son standing to the side, he finally decided to answer the phone.
"Who are you and what do you want?!" The man practically shouted, trying to sound menacing.
At the same time, Sophie and Anton got out of the taxi and slowly looked around as they entered the hotel.
Antonio must have gone to his room. And that's good. He won't have time to escape when they appear at his door.
With slight smiles on their handsome faces, the twins walked up to the reception desk and greeted the receptionist 'lavishly'.
He listened to their request with a big smile and, looking around to make sure no one saw him, he handed them a spare key to Antonio's room.
What they didn't expect was that the man, after answering the earlier call, would no longer run away from anyone.
Antonio, hearing the silence on the phone, frowned menacingly, thinking that someone was making fun of him.
"I'm asking what do you want?! If you don't answer, I'll hang up." He threatened, giving the caller a few seconds to answer.
However, he did not expect what he heard next.
"Daddy, I have a big request to ask you. You will help me, right?" A woman's voice came on the phone and Antonio widened his eyes in surprise.