Chereads / REALITY MEETS FANTASY  / Chapter 4 - Ch. 4:Something's Different

Chapter 4 - Ch. 4:Something's Different

Ethan wakes up on the floor as he sees a hole in his shirt as he keeps looking for the black disk all over but can't find it.

Ethan:Where the hell is it? Wait how long was I out for

He quickly grab his phone and sees it was only 30 minutes. Still shaken up and wanting answers he goes back up and exist this place as he is now in the storage unit as he puts his hand in the bottom if the metal gate and uses his full strength and he is able to pull it up enough for him to leave and as he let's go the gates as it falls shut. H threads back to the apartment and goes to his room and get a ew shirt that looks exactly the same as the old one and luckily Kayla was in her room so she didnt see the giant hole in his clothes. He grabs the journal and goes to the page that he has to read and starting to read it.

"You complete the Trail of combat,it must be hard to kill your first creature, but dont worry those things weren't human. I assume you found the black disk that unlocks your ability and shows your skills, I should have warned you that it clamps into your hand then dissolves, but next say the word Skills. If you dont have a powerful skill then I suggest you follow strong people for you safety son"

Ethan:"that's fucking explains nothing, and this is soo confusing, I guess I just do it" Skills

A blue semitransparent screen appears.


[Active Skills:None]

[Passive Skills:|System(Lvl:Max)|Cooking(Lvl:1)|]


After speaking those words he hears some footsteps that are getting closer and louder and Kayla burst through the door.


He looks at her then the screen for a couple of times.

Ethan:"she can't see this?" I-im sorry my phone was on and a spider infront of it and acted a huge shadow if a spider

Kayla screams in fear.

Kayla:A SPIDERR????

She runs out of the room and closes the door. Ethan takes a deep breath and sit down on his bed.

Ethan:"ok I got skills? Those green dudes aren't human? There a disk on my hand? Everything I know is useless, This make sense... NO THE FUCK IT DOSNET THE HELL IS HAPPING"

Wanting a snack he exits his room and sees Kayla holding a knife.

Kayla:it the spider dead

Ethan:it is

He slowly goes sand takes the knife off of her hands and goes to the kitchen and pits the knife away and gets a cookie. He hangs out with Kayla till its 30 mins before he has to go to his job. He looks at the time on his phone seeing it's time to leave as he looks at his left shoulder and he sees Kayla resting her head there using her phone.

Ethan:I got to go to work



Kayla:All right....

As she pouts and he gets up goes to his room and gets a blue duffle bag as he about to exit when Layla speaks again.

Kayla:Be careful

Ethan:I will, this time dont wait for me to come back


He leaves and walks through the bustling city as he spots a abandoned pizza store with boarded up windows and he goes into the alleyway and gets changed and as he exits the alleyway in his new outfit as a Streep lamp illuminates him showing what he wearing. Ethan or now in his outfit with be called Crow, he is wearing shoes, pants, shirt, gloves that are all. Black with a black cloak that connects buy a silver chain on his chest and the most defining part of his outfit which is a plague doctor or sorts. However, it's a plastic mask with a beak resembling that of a crow and two red glass lenses that he sees out of as he enters he sees everything is dirt and in a sorry state with tables and chair everywhere, broken ovens and counters, he sits on the main counter. Soon Shini arrives with just black clothing and cloth mask in her hand. As Crow speaks and due to the mask it's hard for anyone to recognize his voice, and the mask makes his voice have a quiet echo.

Crow:You remember the plan

As Shini speaks in her usual calm tone hit if slight seductive tone.

Shini:yeah, Cypher our ears and everywhere is going to turn off the security alarm and camera while me and you take all the jewelry then we give it to Midas and he sells it, all the while Hercules will be close to us but far away enough to be associated with us

Crow:Good, at least you can remember things with that photographic memory of yours

Shini:of course boss~

Crow I'm not your boss

Shini:Come on you have brought us all together, your basically our Boss~

Crow was going to peak but a voice comes form their ear pieces that they have on.

Cypher:the rest of us are ready, you

just have to get in position

Crow:Thanks cypher

Crow looks at Shini as they both nod. They go to the jeeiwlery store that next door as Crow is on the back with Shini is the front. He was about to kick the door down but that's when Shini texted him two words "Strawberry Run". He knew what these words ment and then he could hear many footsteps approach him, as a window pops infront if him.


Looking around he spots a manhole cover that's goes to the sewers and he goes to it and open it and enters and closes it then he hears many footsteps above him as he walks through the sewers until he far away enough and climbs out and finds a letter going to a roof of a building and climbs up and sits down with his legs dangling off the roof and flashing red and blue lights coming from where he was just at.

Crow:"the only way for police to know is if someone betrayed me, It wouldn't be Shini, she would have brought the cops as soon as Cypher set up communication and plus she sent me that text, Hercules hates the police I highly doubt its him, Midas is crossed out since we only give him the stuff to cell and lastly is the most likely suspect, Cypher who no one knows about we only know he the best hacker and he super intelligent"

I check my phone and go to the news and reads.

News:Shini and Midas have been arrested while the other 3 members stay at large

Crow:I need to free my comrades who didnt betray me

Stand on the ledge.

Crow:I must do this in 6 hours so Kayla dosent grow suspicious
