Chereads / REALITY MEETS FANTASY  / Chapter 5 - Chapter 5: Rescuing Part 1

Chapter 5 - Chapter 5: Rescuing Part 1

With a plan in mind Crow gets closer and sees that Shini and Midas are in police cars going into different directions as he follows Midas car he jump from rooftop to rooftop and he is able to follow it relativity easily as he spots a two story police station which is a tan color with a blue strip that separates the two floors and the word police in white gold letters on the blue line. With this new knowledge he sneakily goes back and gets the duffle bag and switch out his clothes and then go back to that police station and sets a alarm for 5 minutes as he enters and and see chairs with a coffee table to his left with a white counter and two blue doors are gray with a light blue walls. Ethan goes up to the counter

Ethan:Excuse me I would like to file a missing person report

Lady:Of course? Come with me I'll take you to a officer who in charge of that

She leads him behind the door in the right and see the same color scheme but to the far right is stair case that goes, they lead him to the a female officer with black in in abun and dark eyes and a littlen smaller than Ethan and se examines the desk and sees a walkie talkie in fat left with stabler, paper, and a computer.

Officer:What can I he-

Before she can finish speaking his phone makes a phone ringing noise.

Ethan:Please excuse me

Officer:of course

He goes to the edge of the desk and gets his phone and he sees his alarm is up and keeps talking like his sister is on the phone and while no one looking he turns off and puts the walkie-talkie on his waist and he pretends to hang up and he goes to the officer.

Ethan:Nevermind, that was my sister she just lost her phone

Officer:Okay, have a good day

He nods and heads out of the police station and goes to a alley way and finds a fire escape and climbs to the rooftop. He take out the walkie talkie and turns it on and .makes a his voice deeper.

Ethan:we have a riot at John deli, requesting Additional units, We have about 25 assailants

He watches and 6 cars drive out to John Deli and he hears some panting coming from the alleyway to left of him and he sees a police officer running towards the police stations, an ideas pops in his head ad he quickly climbs down but as he almost down he stops and when the police officer is close to the fire escape he jumps off and lands on top of the officer as they both crash down to the floor and he keeps punching his face as his face till he punched unconscious and he drags them behind a dumpster and after a while out comes behind the dumpster us Ethan in the cop attire, he has a black hat with the police symbol and a dark blue shirt, black belt with a gun, taser, ect, black pants and shoes and a police badge with and he finds a key card in the police pockets along with some keys on my keychains. He walks behind the police stations and as he suspected there is a back door with a key card scanner and he takes the key card and he enters as he has a better vantage point and he sees the Chief policeman office and the other desk a but far from there's and he climbs the staircase and he sees many sett bars with a metal lock as he look around and he spots Midas in one of the cells sitting on a metal bench and Ethan sees Midas with dark brown short hair, light blue eyes and a black jacket with red in the inside and the collar is a little puffed out and underneath is a white shirt, and black pants with a red line from to bottom to the top with black shoes as he is twirling a quarter through his fingers, he is laying back without a care in the world. Ethan walks to the cell while his head down and the cop hat sends a little shadow across his face.

Midas:What do you want pig

Ethan speaks a deeper voice

Ethan:we are moving you to a secure location since your Boss escaped

Midas:Haha he going to get revenge on the ones who betrayed us


Midas lazily raises hid hands and Ethan cuffs him and leads him down stairs as another police officer approaches him.

Officer:Where are you taking him?

Ethan:The chief said to bring him to a safer place

Officer:Let me check with him

Ethan:You rally want to disturb them, you k ow how he gets always giving us an earful

Officer:Yeah your right..... he can be a careful with him

The officer nudges to Midas as he just look around.

Ethan:I will

As Ethan takes him outside the police station trough the back entrance. Ss he uncuffs him.

Midas:what are you playing at...

Ethan:its me Crow

Midas:like I can belive you

Ethan:One time during our exchange, Shini was wearing a s-

Midas quickly covers Ethan mouth with his hand. And speaks in a serious tone.

Midas:I believe you alright, if she heard us talking about that night she will kill us

Ethan take off the police uniform and reveals his normal outfit but he keeps the gun and tasers.

Ethan:that's better, I'm taking you somewhere safe

Midas:A safe place? Where?

Ethan:My home


Ethan:You really dont have care in the world

Ethan takes Midas to his apartment as they keep their head down and pick paths will less surveillance camera and when he reaches his apartment he knocks on the door and Kayla opens it and speaks.
