Chereads / Dragonoid: A fantasy adventure / Chapter 33 - chapter 33: Post battle thoughts.

Chapter 33 - chapter 33: Post battle thoughts.

"I'm asking the princess, she's turning the ice back into mana and re-absorbing it back to replenish the mana she lost by casting the spell, get your mind out of such thoughts"

She chastised and gave him a light punch on his shoulder.

Eon turned to a look at the ice and saw the vapour but couldn't tell if what Reniris was saying was true.

"Are you actually doing that?"

He asked Reniella again and the Princess nodded, he wanted to ask when could Reniris see stuff like that but quickly realised that there's never been an opportunity for her to see it or notice it.

"Yes, to answer your question, yes it's hard, it requires a lots of concentration and I don't get all the mana back as half of it gets lost into the atmosphere"

She explained and Reniris found herself interested as her mind began to think.

"Interesting, does that work for earth magic too?"

"As long as the construct is made up of mana then I see no reason why it shouldn't"

"hmm interesting"

"By the way, I heard you were using silent casting in your fight against Alexander, how are you doing it?"

Reniella asked with keen curiosity but keeping a neutral face, silent casting has been something she has been unable to master, although she took solace In the fact not many mages were able to use it.

"I can't really tell you that as it just comes naturally to me"

She said and the Princess heaved a jealous sigh, a lot of Reniris' magic casting on her part came naturally, almost like it was something she could just do, similar to breathing.

"Must be nice."

"Never really thought that way, I don't feel any which way about it, but if you say so"

Reniris shrugged her shoulders as she responded, magic casting was never an inconvenience so she never thought about the idea of what it would feel like to be unable to do it.

"I feel like you aren't really appreciating how amazing being able to silent cast is."

"Isn't it standard? I mean you also casted silently, didn't you cast without saying the name of your spell"

"What? Standard?!! silent casting is literally the most difficult way to cast magic being able to do it is a hallmark of your talent as a mage"

Reniris pursed her lips nodding as Reniella explained.

"and I used a magic circle to cast, rather than speak the whole incantation."

"That makes sense but wouldn't using a magic circle also be considered silent casting since it doesn't require reciting an incantation?"

"Technically yes but actually no, The magic circle is just a substitute for the incantation, so by having a magic circle it's the same as reciting the incantation"

Reniella explained and Reniris nodded in understanding.

Eon turned and left the two to speak without him being the third wheel, he had not an interest in learning why, silent casting or whatever was great, he wanted to drink something and luckily for him the guild does sell some drinks.

"Well well well… I guess he wasn't lying"

"That still doesn't mean he somehow the strongest man, his claim is still laughable"

"Yeah but it makes it slightly more plausible, did you see him, despite signing up recently his strength is closer to an A rank"

"Oh fucking shut up, that bozo fought for like 10 seconds, that doesn't suddenly mean his claims have any weight."

As Eon was walking towards his destination, a group of adventurers conversed amongst each other as they descended down the rooftops and made their way towards the guild as well.

Of course Eon could hear them, something that brought a smile on his face, the excitement part of his goal was only just beginning, demon king, dragon queen or whatever, all would fall before him.

'although Rizzing up the Dragon queen wouldn't be so bad, hope she's a sexy muscle mommy"

He thought as he made his way towards the guild, but he quickly realised that he didn't really have any money.


Not to mention that Reniella said he has to pay property damage which meant he probably has to use his reward money to pay it.

"Fuck, again!"


The wind caressed his face as the carpet slowly and steadily carried him towards his home, he felt the dull pain on his side from the blight's attack, something that made him grit his teeth in anger.

"When I see that blight, I'll fucking kill him!!"

He said to himself, as veins bulged in his forehead, how dare an insignificant shit stain even cause him pain? In fact how dare he even be able to touch him?

He slammed his fist on his knee as he continued to think about it.

"He was lucky"

He said, convinced his statement to be true. Reniella arrived just in time to save that thing's life, it got lucky, meaning next time such luck won't be present.

Did the blight think he could actually fight him on equal footing? Did it think that the small semblance of power it got was enough to defeat him?

Siegfrued huffed, expelling breath through his nostrils barely willing to entertain the notion that a blight could so much as be close to him in strength, it was honestly laughable.

"He was lucky I was holding back!"

He uttered once again, this time the rage bubble up from the depths of his stomach, in the fight against the blight he didn't believe he needed his full power against him, after all his opponent was the blight, someone not worth mentioning, he only used more power because he saw that his initial attack was blocked so he had to adjust.

But next time he won't need to hold back, the thought of using his full power to fight something like the blight was honestly sickening, however he can never let it be known he struggled against such a failure.

"No matter. Next time, it will be a quick and swift death for him"

He affirmed, although despite his rage he still had an unanswered question nagging him. A question he wanted to ignore but could not.


How did a weak and useless blight with zero prospects in combat gain that much strength in no more than a month?

The last time Siegfrued checked the blight was stagnant, He hadn't been able to grow stronger no matter the harsh training he was put through, so how come in just a month he was able to get significantly much stronger, strong enough to be able to land a hit on him.

"What witch did he see and what did he sacrifice?"

He asked but the question would remain unanswered.

Siegfrued was not aware of a lot of ways for one to get stronger in a short period of time, however he did understand that if one wanted quick boosts in power they'd need to consult a witch and sacrifice something for that boost.

He wasn't clear on how that worked as he never really bothered to know after all what use would he have for something like that, he was strong from birth, talented in both swordplay and hand to hand combat.

He never needed a boost in strength, not only that but he doesn't need it when he can simply train to get stronger only people beneath him would require something so pathetic.

"So there is probably a witch somewhere between the Dreyer kingdom and the Hendrix kingdom, one that can offer a great boost in strength."

He concluded, it was something reasonable to assume as the last he had heard of the blight was that he was killed on the way to the Hendrix kingdom so he must have encountered the witch after surviving the assassination attempt.

"I'll have to ask that guy to help me find it"

He said, thinking about his cousin.

Although this only made him despise the blight even more, it was more proof that he was a disgrace to the family and he cannot be allowed to stain the bloodline anymore than he already has.

"I need to properly erase him"

It was imperative that the blight be removed and the Dreyer royal family is already having a good year, a blight cannot be allowed to ruin that.


A/N: that last fight was just a small glimpse I a sort of introduction to the character of Siegfrued, no doubt him and Eon aren't going to be friends at all.