When the system sensed that he had calmed down, it resumed.
[These races occupy different parts of Arcadia.]
The blue panel then re-appeared in front of him, but in a much larger format and displaying a fairly detailed cylindrical map entitled 'Arcadia'. This led to his gaze instinctively darting to the scale, where he surprisingly found it expressed in kilometers, an adaptation that, he figured, was tied to his existing knowledge. This was when he learned that this world was an astronomical body, one that was roughly ten times larger than Earth, leaving him awestruck.
But just as he thought that nothing could top this, he was immediately proven wrong when his attention returned to the map itself, as Arcadia bore a striking resemblance to Pangaea, the primordial supercontinent that coalesced on Earth approximately 335 million years ago. There were stark differences, however, with the main one being a sprawling chain of mountains cleaving the continent in half, thence creating a formidable natural barrier between the Eastern and Western territories. Encircling this supercontinent were also a couple of evenly scattered archipelagos, and while dwarfed by the main titanic landmass, he reckoned that they were of decent size given that everything was multiplied by a factor of ten. Finally, and surrounding it all, was an ocean so big its dimensions honestly frightened him.
If sailors ever had the misfortune of losing their way, they would at least serve as excellent nutrients…
Just as he finished observing the topography, different colors and shades started superimposing themselves over it, which was soon followed by tags. However, all of it was an incomprehensible mess, a deficiency the system instantly corrected.
[Granting the multilingual extension to User
What had just been a jumble of unintelligible symbols slowly transmuted into words, and after a few seconds, he soon realized that they were labels describing the various empires dotting Arcadia's landscape. Once everything was properly displayed, the system then continued.
[Arcadia currently harbors, as of the last update, 348 domains.]
That was a staggering number considering how vast some of their territories were. He also felt a dawning headache just thinking about the diplomacy needed to maintain the status quo which, based on this map, probably never lasted too long.
[The dominant race is, as of the last update, the
This revelation reassured him. As much as he wanted to stay open-minded, the idea of having a world ruled by anything other than humans posed considerable challenges. The cultural practices, societal norms, political influence – everything would simply be too different.
[Here are more details about the three largest domains currently standing in Arcadia.]
[Grading Table] (X = Legendary; S = Elite; A = Great; B = Good; C = Decent; D = Sub-par; E = Mediocre; F = Negligible. Grades containing the same letter, e.g. AA, mean progression towards the next echelon).
[Rank 1]
Empire: Fjerlor | Ruler: Fjerlor XVII | Race: Human | Faith: God of Greed | Size of the territory: 51 million km² | Number of subjects: 2 872 231 587 | Development status: SS | Economy: SS | Diplomacy: C | Military might: X | Footnote: An empire friendly to humans, but hostile to anyone else. Very battle-oriented.
[Rank 2]
Empire: Bamur | Ruler: Dunan | Race: Dwarf | Faith: God of Crafts | Size of the territory: 38 million km² | Number of subjects: 1 213 781 389 | Development status: X | Economy: SS | Diplomacy: A | Military might: SS | Footnote: An empire that is highly developed and neutral. However, it will heavily defend itself if attacked, with strong retaliation expected afterward.
[Rank 3]
Empire: Uram | Ruler: Grukug | Race: Orc | Faith: God of War | Size of the territory: 27 million km² | Number of subjects: 1 187 437 398 | Development status: C | Economy: CC | Diplomacy: EE | Military might: X | Footnote: An empire with nothing exceptional other than its military, which is considered the strongest in Arcadia. Their ruthlessness and cruelty know no bound.
The windows that had materialized above each respective territory provided him with a basic yet informative overview of their strengths and weaknesses, despite their rudimentary nature. They also made it apparent that their ranks weren't just for show, as each of them was a formidable force to be reckoned with. Furthermore, the geographical arrangement of these territories also shed light on why a catastrophic war hadn't yet broken out. Fjerlor reigned over the far north-west quadrant, while Bamur dominated the south-west and Uram, the north-east. The central mountain range that divided Fjerlor and Uram served as a fortuitous barrier, and he shuddered at the thought of the carnage that would have inevitably followed had the layout been any different.
[Now that you have a decent understanding of the geopolitical situation, let's delve deeper. As you've just seen, there are various faiths and beliefs governing each of them.]
Lloyd had barely given this any thought, largely because the presence of religion seemed like a universal constant wherever intelligent life existed. As far as he was concerned, its sole purpose was to dictate one's beliefs and values.
[In this case, your assumption is incorrect. In Arcadia, these faiths actually bear physical, magical and spiritual 'buffs'.]
The scientist, full of disbelief, asked the system to repeat itself.
[It is as you've heard. Magic and Gods exist in Arcadia.]
"Don't just say it twice!!! Give me details! How the hell can Gods exist!? And magic!? You can't expect me to believe that magic's real, right!?"
He was frantic, but to his credit, who wouldn't be… Wasn't this the stuff of fairy tales!?
[In Arcadia, the existence of Gods diverges from your idea of them being the progenitors of the world. Rather, they are but mere vessels, birthed and nurtured by the faith of their followers. For example, the God that is currently providing the most benefits is the God of Greed, as it is the most 'popular' deity amongst Human domains. Given humanity's predisposition towards greed, it is a natural God to venerate. The growth of these benefits is also linear, meaning the bigger the following, the bigger the 'buffs'. That is also why it is more beneficial for nascent domains to adopt a pre-existing deity. However, if an empire requires a specific benefit, altering their faith to manifest a new God can prove advantageous. Yet, there are stringent criteria to fulfill during such a transition, making the path arduous and fraught with hurdles.]
He just couldn't believe it. Gods. Here?! HOW?!!
But while exasperated, he still begrudgingly adhered to the explanation, consoling himself with the fact that their existence at least stemmed from somewhere.
[As for magic, it is indeed present in this world, with its power based on the individual's potential. Would you like to see your information, User
Of course, his answer was immediate.
[Choice confirmed.]
[Christopher Lloyd (24) — Human]
[The System has failed to assess the
He diligently pored over each new line of text as it grew longer, and although lacking any comparative context for the numerals displayed, he hadn't yet been surprised… Until of course the system's inability to measure his intelligence and abilities, and that despite multiple attempts.
[How peculiar…]
He was once again surprised by how seemingly confused the system was, since conveying such nuanced emotions as a non-living entity was extraordinary. However, he also noted that whenever it executed tasks, it did so in a way that was very similar to computing back on Earth, losing the 'humanity' it had when they conversed.
[Despite my failure to evaluate certain aspects of your being, I will still explain what this all means. As you may have noticed, each trait is evaluated and quantified, offering an insight into your current and potential capabilities. For reference, the average Arcadian entity scores 10 in each category, implying that your strength and spirit are woefully subpar.]
This made Christopher cringe, although not because of the system's assertion, but because his physical condition was indeed lacking. As a scientist, his beliefs were also inherently at odds with the existence of higher powers.
[However, this also means that your dexterity and magic are far above the masses. Improving them is recommended. All of these traits are also bound to soar if you refine and master them, with knowledge playing a pivotal role in their development. As for your
Well, there wasn't much he could do in these circumstances. Plus, there was no need for worry anyway since they were of a passive, or always active, nature. This meant that he was bound to find out their use eventually.
[The remaining information concern your status, authority, and affiliation. The status describes the User's current occupation, meaning that if, for example, said User is a citizen of an empire, their status will read as 'Citizen'. It is also possible to hold multiple statuses. As for the authority, it represents the level of control bestowed by your status, ranked from 0 to 100, with 100 indicating
As he absorbed the final details, he concluded that it was very similar to video game concepts, and though his demanding schedule had rarely afforded him the luxury of immersing himself in their universes, the fleeting moments he had done so still left an indelible impression on his mind. The developers' ability to reinvent core concepts over and over again was simply a testament to their unbound creativity and wit. In the end, Arcadia's framework was rather straightforward: each of its building blocks adhered to a discernable logic, with each of its elements being quantifiable.
[Now that User
Suddenly, a new window materialized before him, and its content made him gasp.