Chereads / Urthopia; The Next Generation / Chapter 5 - The Blood Tiger

Chapter 5 - The Blood Tiger

And just like that, the two weeks went by faster than Lucas had ever anticipated. But during these two weeks, Lucas had accumulated amazing progress. He had developed his third phase which I'll be revealing later on.

But right now, we see Lucas at the gym of his school. He's nervous, yes, but he's also determined. He WILL get into Opel, of it is the last thing he does.

The students have been narrowed down, and just like before, only Amanda. Hell-Flame called out Lucas' name.

He stepped forward and let out a sigh. Normyre looked at his Fenryr and then at Lucas.

"You ready?" He asked. Lucas nodded and remembered all the efforts he went through.

"Then please begin."

Lucas nodded. He began releasing his energy in vast amounts. He opened all his energy reserves (only the ones that Lucas could open).

He stretched out his hands and focused his energy on them.

"[Quaron]" he muttered. A black and violet liquid covered his hands before he put them down.

(Quaron? This kid... he's amazing!) Hell-Flame told himself as he examined Lucas.

Lucas took a deep breath and contracted all of his energy before crying out.

"Phase 3: Blood Tiger!! " A wave of energy bust out from Lucas which pushed backeven the heroes. It stirred up a vast amount of dust.

Once the dust settled, everyone could witness Lucas' 3rd phase.

A black mask covered Lucas' mouth. Two large fists made of blood and emerged from his back and there were various black stripes all over his body.

Normyre looked at his Fenryr and signalled him to attack our protagonist.

The Fenryr looked at Lucas with fear in its eyes and then at Normyre. Although reluctant, it agreed.

The Fenryr lunged at our protagonist. Lucas, showed no reaction. As soon as the Fenryr got close, one of Lucas' blood fists stretched out and grabbed it by its face.

He began by throwing the Fenryr up into the sky before leaving and hitting it down. The Fenryr fell to the ground and opened its mouth. From it, a ray of blue light emerged and his Lucas.

Lucas fell to the ground, which caused all the heroes to panic. Wouldn't you? Lucas fell from atleast 44 feet and that happened after he took a head-on attack from a Benovian ranked beast.

The heroes rushed to Lucas but before they got close... Lucas got up, unscathed. The heroes looked at each other and then at Lucas.

"Are you alright?" Hell-Flame asked. Lucas didn't answer.

"Are you hurt-" before Normyre finished, he was sent flying into the wall by... Lucas.

The heroes looked at Lucas in shock before Hell-Flame yelled out.

"THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU KID?!!" Lucas didn't answer.

Instead he threw his hand forward. From it, a powerful shockwave released and shot towards Hell-Flame. Luckily, Hell-Flame managed to evade in the last minute.

He grunted and began charging a ball of fire in his hand. But before he threw it, he fell to the ground. He grabbed his heart and began breathing heavily. Frozena; alarmed by this, quickly knelt down and questioned the hero.

But she had recieved her answer sooner than anticipated, as she had seen the cut in Hell-Flame's suit.

Hell-Flame was born with Inzornomia; a disease which arose with Executive. It was very rare. It reduced a person's strength, agility, stamina and health if they are exposed to temperature exceeding -23⁰C. But it allowed them to withstand temperatures as low as 257⁰C. Hell-Flame's suit containes a special chemical known as Dorin. This chemical would decrease in temperature with the increase of temperature. Hell-Flame is constantly emitting flames to make sure Dorin is keeping his disease in check. Damaging his suit is one of the only ways to immobilize someone as powerful as Hell-Flame. And Lucas knew this.

Hell-Flame felt his strength leaving his body and he fell unconscious. Frozena turned to Angelica and said,

"I'll have to take care of Hell. Try and immobilize Luca- I mean.. the boy." She looked at Hell-Flame's injury "Don't damage him, you'll be charged with child abuse."

She began using her [Normal class: Frost recovery ] which allowed her to heal minor injuries using ice.

Angelica nodded and looked at Lucas who was twisting his body in strange ways. She looked at him and used her [Special class; Divine Appraisal ] which allows her to see the physical attributes of the target.

She saw the major boost that Lucas had recieved and looked at Frozena. (How am I supposed to deal with him, without hurting him?!) She asked herself. She then got an idea.

Angelica looked at the students in the distance and then at Lucas.

"[Special class: Divine Intervention]!" Energy emerged from Angelica and shot towards Lucas. It wrapped around our corrupted MC and held him in place.

From Angelica's back, two golden wings emerged and enabled her to fly over to the students. As she got closer, she said

"If any of you manage to hold back Lucas for longer than 5 minutes, I'll give you a kiss!" The boys began getting pumped up at this response. But the girls had other plans...

"These boys are weak! So I'm sure one of us girls will be able to hold back someone as powerful as Lucas!" A girl said. "Yeah! I agree! So what will we get?"

Angelica thought for a while before smirking as she got the best idea.

"I'll make sure Lucas gives you a kiss!" This response made both the girls AND the boys excited.

(Wow...) Angelica told herself as the students charged towards Lucas. (Guess Lucas' charisma makes even boys fawn over him).

But she quickly snapped out of her thoughts and began charging her energy. She rose her hand and began chanting.

"O' holy deities of our land. Bestow upon me, the blade of judgement; BAHAMUT!!" A bright light emitted and from it, a thick sword with a black blade emerged.

Angelica grabbed the sword and looked at the students to see how all of them had been completely decimated by Lucas. (Thanks for the distraction) Angelica told herself before rushing at Lucas.

Bahamut was the blade of judgement. It had the special feature of not even leaving a scratch on those who are pure-hearted and only paralysing the. But those who had evil within their hearts were the only people capable of being damaged by this sword.

Angelica striked forward with the sword. But Lucas manged to evade it. He retaliated by unleashing several attacks which Angelica evaded. The two went head-to-head with none of the two even landing an attack on each other.

Until Angelica began feeling the strain Bahamut places on the body. She jumped back and began charging up a final attack.

"Sorry Lucas, but if this went on, I'd lose." Angelica said before rushing at Lucas in an extreme speed.

"[Extra class: Divine Ripple]!" A large blast of golden energy emerged from the sword and hit Lucas directly.

After a while...

The light settled and Bahamut disappeared from Angelica's hand. This made the heroine worry, as Bahamut was known to vanish if it dealt significant damage to someone innocent.

And soon, her worry proved to be true. As Angelica saw Lucas' body on the ground. He had reverted to his base form and was severely damaged.

Angelica then looked at where Frozena was and saw Hell-Flame and Frozena rushing towards them. From the opposite direction, Normyre rode on his Fenryr.

As they reached Angelica, Frozena yelled at her.

"I told you not to hurt him!" Angelica and Frozena began squabbling.

Normyre got off from his Fenryr and examined Lucas. As soon as he began, a voice spoke.

"It is all my fault." Normyre looked at his Fenryr who owned the voice.

"How is this your fault?" The Fenryr looked at Lucas and replied.

"This boy possesses an extraordinary amount of energy. His signature is similar to a person who existed on this planet, long before your arrival..." Normyre looked at Lucas with curiosity. But he shook it off and looked at the t other three heroes.

"You three!" The heroes looked at Normyre "Stop your argument! We have to get this boy to a hospital, NOW!"