Chereads / God-King Arising / Chapter 26 - 26

Chapter 26 - 26

Knocks sounded at the door, prompting Adaceus to awaken from his sleep. The sudden noise made him drop the tome that was placed on his lap, and he hurried to pick it up and place it in the seat behind him. As another batch of knocks resounded, he quickly went to the door to open it.

After turning the knob, what he saw outside the door made him jump in surprise, and froze him in place. It was the girl with the closed eyes, staring below at him with those long eyelashes in a calm and still manner.

Adaceus jolted in a readied pose, he frantically looked about him in instinct, only to see his blade a ways away from him, but in response the girl didn't do anything, he wasn't even sure is she could even see him through those closed eyes. But the following made him think otherwise.

"Adaceus, are you well?" She said, with stillness in her voice.

Adaceus didn't know how to respond to this, he was afraid, that pressure he felt earlier still new to his mind but still keeping calm as he still faced her, he was hesitant, but as she waited there he felt he should say something fast.

"I'm... f-fine," quivering, he said.

"Are you well rested?"

Shaking his head up and down, he said meekly, "Y-yes."

"What of the girls with you?"

"Still sleeping."

"Asking again, are you sure? Do you not need more time?"

"N-no, I'm certain I'm well rested."

"Understood, as this is our first time meeting I would like to introduce myself. I am Rinita Geshulf, a maid here in the Blaidhund estate," and she gave him a bow before rising and meeting him face to face.

"Now for why I am here; Lord Hainan ordered of me to come get you for the reason that he wants to talk, only if you've rested enough and with your conformation. Therefore I would ask that you follow me to his main office, but it is alright if you cant, Lord Hainan will understand."

"No, I'll go." Adaceus said quickly.

"Very well," replied the girl named Rinita, and she stepped aside the door.

Adaceus walked out of the door and stared at the girl. He wasn't sure if she could even see him, but as her head trailed with his movements, somehow she was able to see him under those eyelids. 

"This way," she said, and began walking the corridor.

They walked in absolute silence, their steps heard across the carpeted floor and briefly echoed. The corridor was beginning to go dark because of the setting sun, the orange color of the horizon dwindling to black, with only flickers of light, provided by the lamps on each side of the walls to light their path, and along this, Adaceus walked with careful and apprehensive steps as he looked to the one in front.

The maid Rinita, the one who exuded that mighty power that made him fear. She was taller than Adaceus, though that was to be expected in his child body, but he suspected she was still taller than most. She walked with a regal posture, each taking steps that were the same each time he walked. Her breathing was silent, and her presence was mysteriously hard to detect even when she was directly in front of him.

All of these were all marks of a seasoned warrior, and it made Adaceus feel anxious as to how lethal she actually was.

They climbed up the flight of stairs that was in the main hall, and reached another hallway, this time at the end of the corridor was a door, made completely out of white and went to it. 

Eventually reaching it, Rinita knocked a couple of times on the wood, before opening it, saying with a silent tone, "I have brought him," and after a moment she went in. Adaceus still stood outside, and he could hear muffled talking happening. After a couple of minutes of muffled sounds, the door opened, with Rinita coming out of the end.

"Lord Hainan will see you now," were the first words said, and she stood aside to let Adaceus in.

Adaceus entered the room and heard the door closing behind him. He looked around until his eyes met Hainan, who was sat on a desk in the middle of the room. He had on a different llok, with his hair let down and around him was a robe, made form shiny silk. He also had on different glasses, and he could see under the robe, a bandage that was on his shoulder.

He saw that he was looking a piece of paper in his hand, but as soon he realized Adaceus was in the room, he quickly turned his attention on him.

His face lit up, and he stood with excited energy, saying, "Adaceus! How are you! Please! Sit down, sit down," happily gesturing for him to take on one of the couches.

Choosing to take the left seat, he sat himself on it. It was oversized for his stature, with his small arms not reaching the arm rest and his feet not didn't hit the floor.

"Okay, good," he said, before finally sitting down again.

"Oh? Are you not going to take of your mask?"

Adaceus, in impulse then felt his face, realizing he still has the metal mask.

"Yes, I'd like to keep it on."

"Are you sure? Isn't it uncomfortable?"

"No, it doesn't cause me discomfort, so if you will, I'd like to keep it on."

"Oh, okay, then," and he shook himself, almost as if trying to shake of the excitement before.

"Anyway, ahem, how are you? Adaceus, has my home and people treated you well? Miss Enid said that you didn't need additional healing, but," he stumbled on his words before rebounding on himself, "Did you rest well?"

"Yes, Mr. Hainan, I did, thank you for your hospitality, and what of your wound? If I may ask."

"Its fine, it should fully heal by tomorrow."

"That's good to hear."

Adaceus readjusted himself in the seat, before Hainan said something.

"By the way, did I interrupt something by calling you here? My intention was just to converse and I'd hate to break up something important."

"Its fine, I was just sleeping anyways."

"Well, that good, then, how is it? How has my home treated you thus far?"

"Its generous, Mr. Hainan, though I have to say you greatly underestimate the success you you have, this home is really quite something."

Hainan chuckled, "You don't have to say it like that."

"It needed to be said."

"Hm! I thank you for the compliment."

"Though I have to ask, what other reason was there for you to call me?"

"Ah," the light laughter in Hainan stopped, "Well, I was just going to tell you, that my wife will be returning tomorrow."

"Your.. wife? You are married Mr. Hainan?"

"Yes, I am, and returning alongside her is our three children, they are returning from a martial training trip and are set to come home, I think you need to know this as to not startle you if they do."

After he said this, he put his hands on the desk and adjusting his glassess.

"I told her about you, Adaceus, the whole situation, and she's interested in meeting you, and to thank you in person for the rescue," a pained smile appeared on his face, "And to also ask you a couple of questions, she was very intrigued from the sound of it."

"Is it okay?"

"Of course it is, why wouldn't it be?"

"Alright then, but, how were you able to tell her about this? You said they were still away so how is it possible that you told her."

One of Hainan's brows then raised, and looked at Adaceus up and down.

"You do not know?" And Adaceus replied by shaking his head.

"Well, uhm, I used this," he said, before extending his arm to grab something on the other side of his desk. It was a rod-like object, paced in a platform that resembled a pyramid and was made entirely of white stone. Surrounding it were floating symbols of magic, and at the top of the rod was a faint glowing stone.

"What is that?" Adaceus said, leaning closer to take a look at it.

"Its a device that allows communication to any distance as long as long there is another like it in that location."

"It can allow communication, even at a large distances?'

Hainan said, looking dubiously at it, "Yes, it can, you really haven't heard of this before? This is a commonality for people to use to communicate with, it is known by all throughout the world." 

"No," Adaceus said, looking even more entranced at it, "I haven't. Mr. Hainan, are you a practicing wizard? Surely, this would require expertise to handle."

"Oh, no, I'm not, my eldest daughter is though, but as for me I don't think I have the capabilities to handle magic."

"Then how can you use it?"

"Just a simple button on the base," and he turned it around to reveal a red gem in the center.

Hainan let Adaceus observe the device further as he saw felt his eagerness, a grin on his face as it reminded him of a cat widening his eyes to a light show.

"And, that lets you communicate? How your wife, knows about me?" Adaceus asked/

"Precisely that, you seriously don't know this, do you?" Replied Hainan.

"No," Adaceus said, before peering in again closer.

"I see," said Hainan.

This was the first time Adaceus saw of this machine, for this small thing to be capable of that was astounded him. There was spells that could allow this type of communication, but those were limited, and could only be learned and used by those who practice the arcana at a high level. To think a device could do this without the need for a practice hand, for it to be used simply, another, simply was amazing.

The device Hainan had then illuminated bright, and a bell like noise rung from it.

"Oh, a message just arrived, sorry but I have to take it alone, it's getting quite late now, so you are free to go back, Adaceus, have a good rest."

And so Adaceus left, opening the door of his office.

"Ah," Hainan suddenly sounded, which caught the attention of Hainan, "good night, Adaces."

"As to you, Hainan," and he left to go back to his room.